RE: Why We All Have Multiple Selves
The truth to the matter is , we really don't know ourselves. We may have an identity we portray to the world, but in truth we're just a compilation of our society's norms and values and the members of that society that we come in contact with. Think about it, when we are a baby , we are empty. Our data base is empty. No thoughts and no feelings. Data and information only come in due to outside influences. It starts with the parents giving the baby's name. From here all data ensues , forming the person's identity and belief mechanisms which the person thinks is his true being. When in all actuality, the person is merely a compilation, a collage of all the inputs/ influences and contacts one has been exposed to. Influences from parents, teachers, friends, and workers. These inputs form the person's identity. The baby coming in the world with no "data" as to one's identity is now filled with the compilation of data from all his/her contacts /interactions with the outside world. Base on the society he is raised in , that person will reflect that certain society's norms and values. This is where the person seems to have multiple selves. When actually one is just a compilation of all one's known contacts which form one's perceived identity. Conclusion is that we are really impostors as to are true nature and being . The real identity and core of the person is really the baby who comes to the world empty and with no data , uncontaminated by society and its members. The million dollar question is who is that baby? For that is our true nature and identity and only one identity exist at this pure level. This is different from the "contaminated" multiple selves label we have in our present society.
That was so beautifully said. I think you should make this into a post. I would definitely upvote it!! :)