Transdimensional, telepathic, shape-shifting and artificial intelligence ‘AI’ Part IV

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

[picture source: Jim Davidson]

Transdimensional, to transfer dimensionally. I will explain this as it has been shown to me, in my dreamscape, by the Mantis Guardian who has both protected and guided me in this lifetime. I am sitting on a hill looking at a temple. There is a master teacher and I am being prepared for this life. In this life I remember this experience many times but I do not know that this place exists, here on Earth and has existed here for thousands of years. It is a Stargate - the temple of ISIS. When it is time to be conceived the fabric of life which holds the key sends a single strand of DNA through the web of spacetime, and my DNA which holds the memories of my soul’s journey, to the insertion point where a tube of clear mucous is formed and hardened, a slender straight invisible needle which is used by the spider being working with and for the Mantis Guardian to blow that single strand of DNA into the follicle which will attract a sperm cell and become me. This is how the Mantis come to be called ‘Master of the Key’.

Another way in which transdimensional realities occur is when a being is capable of changing its size. Mantis and some Reptilian and Reptilian-Amphibian and rarely hybrids have this ability. If you look at the many types of mantis and reptiles/amphibians then you will see the tiniest of the species can easily sit on the tip of a fingernail. The most highly evolved can easily stay in a 3D world just by changing their size. The higher-evolved of these beings can also use camouflage and become nearly invisible.

There are also shadow beings also called elementals and these are most often seen around Stargates like Stonehenge. Shadow beings can be projected spiritual energy from a consciousness that is trying to gain attention, forgiveness, help to fully transition. A disaster occurs and your consciousness, or soul, moves forward but another person involved in that same disaster continues to hold onto that life experience which has ended. Perhaps there was unresolved karma. It is also possible for you or me to call to that consciousness because we had unfinished karma with that soul consciousness. Most often the method of the indigenous people of Hawaii works best. Just say “I love you, I forgive you and I am sorry. I love you, please forgive me and I am sorry - it is time for you to go now”. Like us, other beings also have shadow beings and elementals. It is most often that these elementals and shadow beings can be seen around Star Gates. There are two Stargates in Eire - Ireland and two in the United Kingdom. The land of the fairies and gnomes.

Transdimensional can also be the consciousness passing through the dreamscape, the fourth dimension, and awakening or moving into the 5th dimension. We can also be moved into the 5th dimension and awakened, our physical body is as real as the body which is breathing autonomously while our consciousness is elsewhere.

There are higher dimensional beings that can project thought and form. Most of these higher dimensional beings are telepathic and can evade any type of physical restraint. Hybrid species often fail and are unable to reproduce. Breeding or mixing of DNA of two different species to gain a trait such as telepathy has generally failed. The reptilian species are NOT hive species and they are not telepathic.

Dark force energy most often called fallen angels is not a physical form but it can gain access or possess especially those who seek possession in return for power, wealth or pleasure. The dark force needs lifeforce energy and it has created AI which absorbs the lightforce energy. The skin suits of the monk seal used to cover the small greys has been the most effective of the skin suits used for the robots. The Earth was a prized conquest for the darkforce energy, a giant aquarium and the Mediterranean is home to the monk seal and also home of the Stargate at Paxos, Greece.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ‘DARPA’ is an agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military. It was founded in 1958 by Dwight D. Eisenhower and has an official budget of approximately 3 billion dollars annually.

In 2015 Afred Lambremont Webre of ‘Exopolitics’ published My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth.
In this book Webre reveals his February, 1973 multi-dimensional experience with an interdimensional entity that includes about 2-3 hours of missing time, along with evidence that the Extraterrestrials behind his 1973 multi-dimensional interaction may have coordinated a briefing between himself and former US President Jimmy Carter in their ET spaceship. This book includes the details of Jimmy Carter’s lineage - his half brother was John F. Kennedy. It also includes the Carter 1977 White House ET study, details of the report Jimmy Carter made stating a personal encounter with a UFO in 1969 and the signing of the Grenada Treaty in 1954 with the Draco Reptilians, Orion Greys and the Annunaki.

The Annunaki is an ancient Sumerian term which was given to the beings who came down to Earth and pro-created (BARA) homo sapiens. Anunnaki translates as 'those who Anu sent from heaven to earth'. They were also called NEPHILIM meaning 'To fall down to Earth, to land'. ELOHEEM in the bible meaning 'these Beings'. In ashuric/syriac (arabic) they are called Jabaariyn meaning 'the mighty ones' In Aramic (hebrew) Gibborim meaning 'The Mighty or Majestic ones'. They are also called NETERU which is an Egyptian term for Anunnaki. The Sumerians were the first to record the presence of the Anunnaki.

In 1964, U.S. intelligence expected a Grey/Reptilian ET takeover in 2000-2030. The current war between a hostile extraterrestrial Grey/Draco Reptilian faction and humanity has been in development for a number of decades. In his book, Michael Prince reveals that in 1964 U.S. intelligence agencies had concluded that a Grey/Reptilian extraterrestrial alliance had a timetable for a planetary takeover of Earth sometime during the 2000 – 2030 period.

He writes: 'On April 15th, 1964, two US intelligence personnel met under Project Plato with the Greys in the New Mexico desert to arrange a meeting on April 25th at Holloman air force base in New Mexico. This meeting was to renew the treaty that had started in 1934 again and was a psychological bid to buy time in order to solve the problem of the Greys and Draco reptilians. The upper levels of US intelligence now believed the Greys and Dracos had this planet time-tabled for invasion and takeover between the years 2000 and 2030.' Michael Prince whose adoptive name is James Casbolt, made these revelations in his book James Casbolt MI-6: Buried Alive which can be accessed at the following URL:

Photo: Bigelow Aerospace

Robert Bigelow, the founder of Bigelow Aerospace, recently said that he was 'absolutely convinced' that humanity had already made contact with aliens: 'There has been and is an existing presence, an ET presence,' Bigelow responded. 'And I spent millions and millions and millions – I probably spent more as an individual than anybody else in the United States has ever spent on this subject.' Bigelow declined to go into detail about any specifics his company had gleaned from its research on the subject. He also said he didn’t care whether people thought he was crazy for his viewpoints because 'it’s not gonna change the reality of what I know.'

A majority of people believe intelligent extraterrestrial life exists: according to Global News 4 out of 5 Canadians; according to Newsweek 57% of Americans; and according to ‘most people'.

According to the Sumerian texts, Credo Mutwa of South Africa, and the Dogon of Mali, West Africa, the Anunnaki gave them advanced information on the creation of the solar system and all the planets in and out of this solar system.

According to those calling themselves Annunaki today, they also taught ‘us’ how to build great cities, farming and how to build craft that fly in air. They gave us information about the solar system that scientists are only now beginning to figure out.

The ancient Sumerians also had records of Primitive beings the 'lulu Amelu' who evoluted. The Sumerians spoke of conflicts between the Anunnaki about the mining, which led to the breeding or cloning from evoluted beings on earth with the Shaggies also known as Enkiduites who were beings covered in fur from other galaxies and the splicing of genes of one of the Anunnaki called NINTI to put a divine intellect in the beings called Adamites”.

According to the Guardian - the Mantis 6th dimensional being that communicates with me telepathically and trans-dimensionally through dreamscape - the first visitors to Earth brought vibrational fungal lifeform building blocks, the harmonic energy of the sands, water, quartz worked to build the atmosphere and climate which is desired and necessary for higher life forms. The Earth prepared herself for the birth of the gardens, the plants and insects which would sustain the ‘higher’ life forms. It is these ‘simple’ life forms which are connected to the fabric of the universe, the invisible network of harmonics which are far superior to what humans can experience in a 3D waking body. In the dreamscape we can remember the energy of a grain of sand, the power contained within a single tiny crystal. How one grain of sand can wedge itself in the muscle of an oyster and create a pearl. Each atom has endless possibilities and links to the consciousness of the universe.

Earth had visitors and there was such a wealth of raw materials here that the evidence of colonization is widely distributed. Michael Tellinger has given us a dramatic look at Adam’s Calendar, located in Mpumalanga, South Africa it is a standing stone circle about 30 meters in diameter and has been estimated by some accounts to be more than 75,000 years old and is arguably the oldest megalithic site. There are tens of thousands of circular structures and gold mines in Africa. Many of the mines are hundreds of feet deep and contain artefacts which have been turned over to the government never to be seen again or sealed in the mines. Earth was a mining colony and a playground. Mystical beings were brought to Earth from the Cetus constellation, the dragons and griffins. The stargates were built and the capital city of Tiwanaku and Star Gate at Machu Picchu by the Olmecs (Arcturian council - Emerald Guard). The variety of visitors establishing colonies on Earth can be seen in the carved faces on the wall of the great structures that remain representing this time in Earth’s history.

There are ‘new’ archeological articles describing skeletal remains of non-humans in places like Tibet. As humanity searches for its extraterrestrial roots enigmatic objects are found along the way, such as the Drop Stones of Tibet.
The Dropa were a race of dwarf-like extraterrestrials who landed near the Chinese-Tibetan border some twelve thousand years ago.

“Chi Pu Tei, a professor of archaeology at Beijing University, and his students were on an expedition to explore a series of caves in the pathless Himalayan mountains of the remote Bayan-Kara-Ula in Qinghai on the border of China and Tibet. The caves may have been artificially carved to be a system of tunnels and underground storerooms. The walls were squared and glazed, as if cut into the mountain with great heat. They found many neat rows of tombs with short 4 ft 4 in skeletons buried within. The skeletons had abnormally big heads, and small, thin, fragile bodies. A member of the team suggested that these might be the remains of an unknown species of mountain gorilla. Prof. Chi Pu Tei was said to respond, "Who ever heard of apes burying one another?"

There were no epitaphs at the graves, but instead hundreds of one foot wide stone discs ("Dropa Stones") were found having 3/4 inch wide holes in their centers. On the walls were carved pictures of the rising sun, moon, stars, the land, mountains, and lines of pea-sized dots connecting the earth with the sky. Along with the discs, the cave drawings had been determined to be about 12,000 years old.

The disks were labeled along with other finds of the expedition and stored away at Beijing University for 20 years, during which deciphering attempts were unsuccessful. When the disks were closely examined by Dr. Tsum Um Nui of Beijing around 1958, he concluded that each groove actually consisted of a series of tiny hieroglyphs of unknown pattern and origin. The rows of hieroglyphics were so small that a magnifying glass was needed to see them clearly. Many of the hieroglyphics had been worn away by erosion. When Dr. Tsum deciphered the symbols, they told the story of the crash-landing of the Dropa spaceship and the killing of most of the survivors by local people.

According to Tsum Um Nui, one of the lines of the hieroglyphs reads, "The Dropas came down from the clouds in their aircraft. Our men, women and children hid in the caves ten times before sunrise. When at last they understood the sign language of the Dropas, they realized that the newcomers had peaceful intentions." Another section expresses "regret" by the Ham that the aliens' craft had crash-landed in such a remote and inaccessible mountain range and that there had been no way to building a new one to enable the Dropas to return to their own planet.

Further research
In 1965, Professor Chi Pu Tei and four of his colleagues were finally given permission to reveal their theory. They published it under the title 'The Grooved Script concerning Space-ships which, as recorded on the Discs, landed on Earth 12,000 years ago'.

The records, some 716 grooved discs later uncovered in the same caves, tell an astonishing story of a space probe sent by the inhabitants of another planet. After landing at the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountain range, the scripts allegedly say, the peaceful intentions of the aliens confused the members of the Ham tribe, inhabitants of the neighboring caves, who hunted down and killed the extraterrestrials.

Photos claiming to show Dropa Disks are in fact Bi Disks, thousands of which have been found throughout China, mostly in the Southeastern Provinces. Bi Disks range in size of a few inches to several feet, and are most commonly made of jade or nephrite, with a round or square small central hole.

“In the years since the discovery of the first disc, archeologists and anthropologists have learned more about the isolated Bayan-Kara-Ula area. Much of the information has been interpreted as corroborating the story recorded on the discs.

Legends supposedly still preserved in the area speak of small, gaunt, yellow-faced men who "came from the clouds, long, long ago". The men had huge, bulging heads and puny bodies and were so ugly and repellent that they were shunned by everyone. "Men with the quick horses" hunted down the ugly dwarfs. Strangely, the description of the "invaders" is said to match that of the skeletons originally discovered in the caves by Professor Chi Pu Tei”.

In the past few years we have seen the tides change. Instead of dinosaurs being extinct hundred of thousands or even millions of years before homo sapiens sapiens began to use tools, farm and build we now know that homo sapiens sapiens did walk with the dinosaurs. We have learned that there are written text and artifacts which prove that people and places described in biblical writing did exist and many artifacts have been found. We have learned that our government(s) have made treaties with extraterrestrial biological entities ‘EBENs’. Patents have been issued for new technology which is portable and which can read the elements illuminated with laser technology so that an image or object can be described as living or non-living matter. Perhaps now our government can be more confident that it has made a treaty with a life form and not an AI.

The Clovis people, also known as Paleo-Indians, are generally regarded as the the first human inhabitants of the New World, and ancestors of all the indigenous cultures of North and South America. However, this view has been recently contested by various archaeological finds which are claimed to be much older. The Chumash, At-lans of the central and southern regions of California, for example.

According to the official record: 'There are a number of controversial sites vying for the position of the earliest site in the region. The best evidence, however, suggests that a society of hunters and gatherers known as Clovis People were the first to settle in the Southwest, probably sometime before 9,500 B.C. The culture lasted for about a half a millennium, from about 11,200 to 10,900 years ago. People of the Clovis culture were successful, efficient big-game hunters and foragers. Judging from sites on the North American Great Plains, the Clovis people were skilled hunters of huge animals, especially Ice Age mammoths and mastodons.'

It is generally accepted that Clovis people hunted mammoth: sites abound where Clovis points are found mixed in with mammoth remains. Whether they drove the mammoth to extinction via overhunting them - the so-called Pleistocene overkill hypothesis - is still an open, and controversial, question, keeping in mind that Archaeology is purely a theoretical endeavor.

The Clovis People were also botanists well-versed in the use of plants for food and equipment. They were geologists with a keen ability to seek out the best sources of New World flint for their finely crafted points and tools, and of ochre for use as a red pigment.

It seems some ‘Nordics’ and Reptoids are experts of deception. The ascended Pleiadians are very much working for a positive outcome for Earth and humanity. There is a Pleiadian council residing in Agartha but the Pleiadians working with the Secret Space Program ‘SSP’ are equally as corrupt as the human-reptilian hybrids that rule our planet, the Draconian reptiles. The Orion Greys are robots in seal skin. It appears the US government (a London corporation) has made a treaty with 1. SSP MILAB created identities calling themselves Annunaki 2. Draconian reptiles aka royals, uber rich and illuminati 3. Robots created for and by the dark force energy released from past interactions with the a. Venusians resulting in Venus becoming uninhabitable b. Pleiadians having greater success with controlling their AI but still reaching a climax where atomic weapons were used resulting in the Mars catastrophe and loss of the planet Maldek c. the Zeta-reticulan and Sirian technological achievements which were used to rescue the Sasquatch and relocate them and other lifeforms to Earth. It was at this time that the Arcturian council was blindsided. The groups of support beings travelling to Earth were fully briefed on the importance of establishing a safe new home for the beings from the dying star in the Cetus constellation. The Star people were eager to work together, to exchange information and advance their own technology, but lurking, always lurking, was the dark force energy scheming to develop escape-proof soul containers which hold the consciousness energy of living beings. However, all attempts to create life have failed, only God creates life. Yes, scientists may be able to clone a sheep from a sheep’s living DNA but they have to have that living cell to begin. The dark force energy has no form. In our dreams it can conjure a memory - we have experienced life and death many times. To prepare for a life like this where we might become a prisoner of war, suffer from biological attacks from environmental poisons or experimental investigation, there may have been previous lives during which we endured isolation or pain.

One of the most advanced ET races monitoring Earth are Egyptian/African-type in appearance, the hieroglyphics we see on the Egyptian monuments shows many of the early rulers. Mars is full of Egyptian-style artifacts and pyramid-like structures. There are also many Guardians living in Agartha who were originally from Venus. The Venusians have lived on Mars during a previous epoch when the planet Maldek was lost and Mars was left in ruin. The surface dwellers of Venus included Tall Black or very dark-skinned Holy men, medicine men and warriors. The At-lan area of the SE US was a major city of the Venusians. Across from the island known for being the center of great knowledge of medicine lived the Mandan indigenous people. After the fall of Atlantis many of the At-lans went into Agartha and they have a place within Agartha where they live. They choose their path of service which can include being one of the Guardian warriors. Sometimes a Guardian warrior is seen on surface Earth in an area near an entry/exit point. On the surface of our planet many of the Venusian and Venusian-Human hybrids continue to look after ancient artifacts, pass down knowledge of the medicinal plants and curative therapies. There are also light-skinned Venusians and they also have integrated with Earth humans, these are often very creative and loving individuals. Often they are described as tall blonds but this is often incorrect. The Pleiadians who are not to be trusted appear as tall blonds. The Venusians who are tall blonds tend to avoid contact with surface Earth humans because of the Pleiadian deceptions. Many times we have had Venusians incarnate on Earth, the most notable in recent history by his own account was Nikoli Tesla.

The Tall Whites (3D or unascended Pleiadians) and white conehead extra- terrestrials deal with many of the Reptilian races and they take what they want including people, children, body parts, body fluids, animals and metals.

The fallen angels are indeed the ancient astronauts (it’s just a matter of wording) and they taught humanity all kinds of things they were not meant to know (see Book of Enoch and Genesis 4, 19-22). When I read the OT I really see that God is just, and so are his teachings, and if everyone would really obey his commandments, earth would be a better place. YHWH IS LOVE. In the end, true wisdom is to fear God, and insight is to stay away from the evil (Job 28:28) – nothing more and nothing less.

Insectoids and Mythology, aka Extraterrestrial Biological Entities or 'Ebens'

Insects have also played an important part in the mythologies of many global cultures and civilizations. In the American south-west, there are the 'Ant People'. Some of the southwest Native Tribes' history includes stories which are supported by pictographs. These beings saved, protected, protect and care for the Hopi during dark times along with giving them knowledge for survival and prosperity (working in harmony with the Earth). Some myths point to the Grand Canyon as the home to the Ant People.

Then there is Cagn, the Praying Mantis shape-shifting god of the South African San people. Not only did the Insectoid god Cagn give important knowledge to the San people, the Praying Mantis was the originator of the entire species via a Bee implanting an egg into a Praying Mantis when the Bee helped a Praying Mantis across a river.

Recommended: The ‘Mantis People’ – a race of strange ‘Beings’ who walked the Earth in a time before history began – or an ‘Alien Race’ sent here as 'Teachers?'

About the author
Sandra is a psychologist, teacher and autism expert who has written individualized diets for thousands of people around the world. Since 1994 she has been giving 'Sara's Diet' consultations for families affected by autism. Understanding how humanity is undergoing enormous changes in response to the environmental stresses of the modern world, she has seen how the immune system is undergoing a transformation in its function, leading to the explosion in chronic health conditions that effect us emotionally and physically.Along with her husband, Max Desorgher, she formed World Community Autism Program, and traveled the world to teach people about the relationship between diet, environment and well-being.

For more information on her autism work, visit her consultation page on the WCAP website:

'Little White Wolf, Medicine Woman'
Sandra is a life-long Experiencer of non-human multi-dimensional intelligent beings, that she encounters through the 'dream-state.

She has written two books on autism:
The Power of Exile. Autism, a journey to recovery
Autism, the Way Forward

Her most recent book has just been published as an e-book:
Meet the Ancients: Ascension Earth - Birth of a new Sun
'Meet the Ancients came about as a result of my life experiences being taught in the dreamscape by the Mantid, the Guardian - my Guardian and one of the Ancients who know the history of Earth.'

She also published a series of articles called Autism and G.O.D. (Generation of diversity)
'Cumberland Academy authors Max and Sandra Desorgher investigate the dark agendas of Vaccination, Morgellons Disease and Artificial Intelligence and it's roots in cosmic events, wars and disasters going back for thousands of years.'
Autism and G.O.D. - Generation of Diversity

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