Psychological Effects of Retirement: How Prepared are You?

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

There are different challenges that come along with aging. Part of such challenges are associated with the physical and mental capability or impairment in adults over the age of seventy or within the typical retirement age brackets. The psychological effect of retirement is rarely given much consideration, as much of the memory loss and mental impairment suffered by the elderly are usually associated with the aging process itself. Although, not every retiree, retires at an old age. But it is important that the new phase of life is experienced in every good way possible. Regardless, the retirement experience of any retiree depends on the individual and a couple of other influential factors. (Fisher et al., 2014), discussed psychological effects of aging in the elderly with respect to the declination of cognitive fluid abilities. Cognitive fluid abilities are comprised of activities such as the information processing speed of an individual, episodic memory capacity, and proper reasoning at different aging stages among others. The relevance of this topic and the study of cognitive behaviors, functionality, and psychological status of the elderly and retirees is of great value to Health Psychologists and humanity as a whole. Everyone is meant to retire and grow old sometime in their lifetime.
The Psychological Implications of Retirement:
A psychologist discussed psychological effects of aging in the elderly with respect to the declination of cognitive fluid abilities. Cognitive fluid abilities are comprised of activities such as the information processing speed of an individual, episodic memory capacity, and proper reasoning at different aging stages among others. The relevance of this topic and the study of cognitive behaviors, functionality, and psychological status of the elderly and retirees is of great value to Health Psychologists and humanity as a whole. Everyone is meant to retire and grow old sometime in their lifetime. In order to better understand the psychological state of an elderly and retired individual, proposed the examination of the previous job and mental demands of such job positions previously held by a specific individual. According to psychologists, the characteristics of the tasks performed by an individual before retirement is likely to have moderation effects on the individual's cognitive functionality after retirement.

Mental Health:
To better understand the connection between previous mental activities and later cognitive mental activities during old age, some scholars believe that a number of mental activities previously engaged in before old age; is reciprocal to the amount of mental activity and cognitive functioning exhibited by an individual during aging processes. Other theories suggested that the amount of mental activity is determined by previous and current mental abilities. On the other hand, the patterns of an individual's cognitive functionality may also depend on the cognitive functioning preservation. Insinuating that individuals who engaged in more mental activities are likely the groups of people who will exhibit a highly functional state of cognitive functioning. Some other theories believe that the context of an environment in which an individual's life may provide a mechanism that influences the intellectual capability of the individual throughout his/her lifetime.

Coping with Retirement Transitions:
According to Psychologists most retirees admit continuing working or seeking jobs due to financial constraints and considerations majority of retirees expressed their interest in working as a way of staying mentally active. Regardless of the reasons given by various retirees, the aim to earn a living or have a regular source of income after retirement is prominent among retirees. Retirement process itself seems more like a wake-up call for most adults. It reminds them that they are no longer fit for rigorous tasks and duties, and as such, they might not be able to fend for themselves like they used to. Meaning they would have to adjust to a different kind of lifestyle, which would require them to live on a different budget. Accumulated health problems if there be any, would need financial aid for healthcare services commodities. Some retirees don't know how to adapt during retirement, but a few of them have devised plans on how they intend to spend the rest of their lives. Needless to say, the desire to live a non-boring life, and a little bit of awareness makes retired persons worry about the issues surrounding retirement; such as loneliness, boredom, financial constraints, mental and physical health deterioration among others.
Researchers believe that retirement is a new phase of life that has to be lived with its own new set of goals. It is not just one of the events of life, but another major aspect of life. Although, perceived as a norm in almost every civilized society. The environment of a culture and society also affects the way an individual accepts and experiences retirement. The way opinion of an individual about retirement makes a difference in how it is being experienced. An individual who has not made any retirement plans might perceive it as a threat or an uneasy situation. Whereas someone who has prepared for it might see it as an opportunity to finally do what they like with their time without necessarily working for money.

Retirement: Choice, Satisfaction, and Dissatisfaction:
Research and studies show that retirement satisfaction can be obtained in so many ways. How it is obtained and from what, solely depends on the retiree. Some people find satisfaction in keeping themselves busy by getting a new job, and others who do not have financial worries may get involved with voluntary groups. Such activities enable them to feel needed by and connect to the society. A sense of contribution and livelihood often accompany this sort of decision. Some retirees are very financially stable and would prefer to travel the world or go to see places. Some retire and resolve into looking after their grandchildren. These, among several other activities, are the basis of retirement satisfaction for some retirees.
Retirement dissatisfaction might result from an untimely or unplanned retirement or the environment in which the retirement is being experienced. In this case, an individual is not satisfied with either the factors that influenced his retirement he/she is either not ready for the process, or is too immersed in an active life at work. Usually, if the individual's job was a source of happiness and meaningful living, retirement might be a devastating psychological trauma for someone who doesn't accept change at all or doesn't accept change easily. The choice to retire might be imposed or self-willed. Sometimes people are asked to retire in order to exempt them from being fired. Sometimes it is health related, and in some cases, it could be as a result of a disability. An individual might decide to retire after self-evaluation and goal redefinition. Such people willing walk away from their jobs to do something else in life. Such retirement choices are not always associated with old age.

Retired Couples:
Retired couples who stay together experience a more happy retirement than single retirees. The companionship enhances the retirement experience because at the stage in life they both have enough time to be together, care for each other, and live for each other, There is always someone to share pleasant and difficult times with, and marital bonds could become stronger than ever. Couples spend such times to catch up on event and activities they have long wished to engage in together. On the other hand, single retirees are very less happy, due to the lack of companionship, they might end up spending this time to seek companionship with friends, family members or a new spouse if they have previously been solely devoted to their careers.
In conclusion, a retirement may not necessarily become the end of an individuals' life, but it can be considered as the next phase of a person's life. The change will have its diverse effects on concerned individuals, both social and psychological. Yet, how retirement adaptation is being perceived by a person, and the environment in which they experience the retirement phase, will determine the level of happiness or sadness experienced in a retirement stage of life.

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