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RE: Self-Ownership: What Role Do Our Emotions Play?

in #psychology8 years ago

Honestly I consider myself lucky and even 'fated' in regards to my emotions and self-ownership. I grew up with O.D.D.(one of the few times I think the diagnosis was right) and never grew out. If you know enough about the 'disorder' you know that not growing out of it exacerbates it and it develops into an ASPD. Having been surveryed many times, I have strong inclinations for sociopathy and so I say I am a 'borderline' sociopath.
The reason I am actually glad for this is that it makes it extraordinarily easy to control my emotions when I wish and to resist any form of authority that doesn't present a valid case for its jurisdiction in my life.
Though I will admit it can make it very difficult to make it in this world of sheep and slaves, I would rather be seen as a failure and not having given in to thugs and warmongers than to be a success and never having had made my own decisions and lived my life the way I believed was best.

Great piece, I love the idea that in order to self-own we must be able to own ourselves(our emotions).


KDude im ADHD bipolar, clinically depressed suffer anxiesty and countless other mental health disorders. You not a psychopath. I was worried i was one but a simple reason niether of us are is this... A psychpath would never ask nor wonder if he were a psychpath. They dont look at their behaviour and wonder if its right or acceptable. There is a certain amount of ego there.

A. I never said I was a psychopath.
B. I don't wonder.

I appreciate the sentiment but I am aware of who and what I am and I am fine with it. My point above is that I feel blessed to be wired such that I immediately dismiss any claims to authority over me without having to question it. There are definite drawbacks to my 'ASPD', narcissism and associated psychological 'quirks' but I have come to learn how to live with them and how to live with others despite them.

I wish I could explain this in a way that you would be able to fully understand but the problem with ASPD categories such as sociopathy and even psychopathy is that there is no true 'definition' of either. It's why they aren't diagnosed. They can survey you and give you a probability, but there is currently no such thing as a 'certifiable' sociopath or psyhcopath because the pathos can be so varied and the persons with such pathos are so fluid that they can avoid such diagnosis.

While I may not be a 'full blown sociopath' it is more than obvious to myself and those I've went to and talked with that I am, as I said, borderline with how it seems I can detach and my tendency to be narcissistic and manipulative. But the very fact that I can and am willing to try to work on those things, at least the negatives of them, is evidence of my not being a slave to my ASPD.

But again, I appreciate the sentiment.

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