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RE: Debunk-Tuesday – The 10%-Brain

in #psychology6 years ago

Reading, asking questions, working out, enough sleep, a healthy diet – all of those things can already be done by you without the help of mysterious hopes and imaginary powers.

Are you trying to say that all responsibility for being dumb, uneducated, unhealthy and miserable is on me??? LIAR! I'll stick to the comforting myth instead...


Are you trying to say that all responsibility for being dumb, uneducated, unhealthy and miserable is on me???

No, of course not. There will be an exclusive online training session available soon, in which I will show you how to unlock your true potentials. But the offer is limited - so better subscribe now! :)

That is a very important point made in this article. I used to think that way (not my fault but my circumstance) and I feel that this "blocked" 90% of my brain. Only when I started thinking that I am in charge here was I able to really get closer to fulfilling my potential and we all have huge potential.
Since I am @egotheist´s designated hater (lol), I have to say that I hate how many great he produces all the time. No seriously though, great job.

Just wait until I start blogging about food or my last broken fingernail.

Fingernails are very important! Cheers

That locus of control is too heavy to carry, I'll just hand it over to my boss/government/religion/(insert scapegoat here)...
Wow, so much extra room to carry those people's agendas and spread them without skepticism! I'm helping! /s

I'm reminded of the phrase, "it won't be easy, but it will be worth it". Keep kicking ass with your full potential by embracing your strengths and aligning then with the goals that matter to you and theres no potential to miss out on!

same here lol

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