Power of the ritual - Shaman insights

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)
My new series is designed to provide deep insights into the basic workings of a shaman and deliver tangible results for everyone. In a loose sequence, I will discuss different areas and your particular wishes and your commentaries. The aim will be to circle the healing effects of music, my special field of work, from different points of view and finally make it tangible with practical examples for you.


At the beginning of each session with a shaman, in any culture, is a ritual whose function, effect and execution I want to discuss today.

First, a few thoughts about the ritual in general:

What for?

  • channels of heaven are graspable: every religion or intuition has developed rituals over time that deal with the meaning of life and the finiteness of material existence.
  • Connection to the Eternal Over-Time: In the ritual, the normal relation to reality is suspended for a certain time.
  • cycles of life (birth, wedding, death, ...) and nature (seasons, elements, ...): firmly anchored appointments bind the society and each individual into these cycles and create a community for the duration of the ritual and beyond.
  • The Valid and Inviolable: In the ritual partly very old behaviors are exercised, whose effectiveness makes the survival possible. A ritual that does not work will not last long.
  • Abolition of the normal time - Entry into the sacred time: A ritual is meant to make everyday life disappear with its worries and needs by concentrating on the ritual.
  • Returning to the original state of one's own being: The optimal condition in which harmony and healing can take place.

What happens in a ritual?

  • Power transmission, like a totem keep in the mind: A probably obvious, sometimes very subtle appearance. But just ask why you are visiting a ritual or doing one. And what you feel in retrospect or what makes you return to visit or make one.
  • clarifies the mind and helps to find perspectives: By the time-out from normal reality, thoughts and feelings have a different place and can unfold freely and take new paths.
  • solving a technical problem: In the ritual, direct access to our own insights and inner being is easier possible and new visions or potentials can open up.
  • the inner voice becomes so loud that it can not be overheard
  • to secure the roots of our culture (e.g., Celtic)
  • provides old, tested and wise answers to our problems today: rites and cults disappear, reappear, become rich and impoverished.
  • gives the individual identity through participation

Examples of triple transitional rituals:

  • Graduating - Education / final examination - debut party
  • wedding reception - wedding ceremony - wedding dinner
  • increasing moon - full moon - declining moon (Correct full moon is only for a fraction of a second; in a full moon ritual this time is deliberately perceived and the whole ritual takes place before the full moon.)


Concrete example of the ritual at the beginning of a shaman session

  • The space and the necessary things are prepared. In my case, I form with 4 stones a small circle in which the incense burner stands. Seating and tea is ready, there is a pleasant temperature.
  • After the normal warm welcome, scraping off the external influences by means of a Yakut horses frond follows.
  • The central action is then the smoke sacrifice: sage - for cleansing, and mugwort - for protection, are mixed in an incense burner and ignited. First, I take my bundle of energy and connect with the spirits by swinging it through the smoke. Then following the whole room with the incense burner along the edge, then the participants individually from bottom to top, left and right are smoked.
    At the end, I delete the ember with my fingers and place the vessel back in the middle of the circle.
  • This ritual is finished and the real work begins.


I have been using this ritual for about 20 years at the beginning of each session, whether with 1 person or with 25. So far, it has always worked in the sense that the participants could get involved in the following program or treatment.

I hope you enjoyed these very personal insights into my workings and aroused the desire for more.

Originalcontent by @schamangerbert 05/03/2017

Thank you for your attention!

Deutsche Version: https://steemit.com/deutsch/@schamangerbert/kraft-des-rituals-einblicke-in-schamanenarbeit



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