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RE: Let’s talk about panic attacks

Awesome post. Had severe generalized anxiety for 20 years. Then an episode triggered panic atracks and severe hyperventilation, that again made anxiety worse. In all sorts of situstions or spaces i could not escape, like a meeting, train or in a car i would start panicing. My legs and arms locked up due to hypoxia. First tingling sensation..then i knew it was on. Then i had to get out of the situation before i was unable to move. First time it happened i thought i was having a stroke or somethinh.

Ive learned to control my adrenaline and desensitivize my amygdala. I had to learn my brain to not react with fight or flight to every little situation. Its like you say..years and years you go around not really understandung whats wrong. And many feel pretty bad their entire life using drugs etc. But if you have a complete breakdown..or breakthrough as i like to call it. You can start remaking your brain. It takes time though. Im 4 years in. From a child to 32 i was at a 30/100 when it comes to quality of life..anxiety level etc. Post breakthrough i was at 5/100. Now im at 70. Exercise, changing thought patterns, basically recoding your mindset.

The cure is in you deciding to change. There is no other way. Its a choice. It takes dedication and time and knowledge.


Mate I didn't know you suffered from these issues, from what you describe in your first paragraph it was surely very intense.

But just as you said, if the person really focus his energy in figuring out how to overcome it, with time, it will be done.

Thanks for sharing your experience I am happy to see you here!

Thanks man! anxiety inhibited me alot. I did not understand what it was or why i did what i did. Had no concept of emotions or feelings. All just a mess. Could not explain or put things into word or any meaning. At a certain age it accumulates (for many) and you end up at a crossroad. Go down or start over.

Thanks for writing about it.

You pretty much have to hit rock bottom before you can start the long road to recovery. I think that the process teaches you what's truly valuable in life and what your real priorities should be.

Time, dedication and knowledge is right. Pills can help a bit, but they are a temporary solution at best and come with a host of their own side-effects and other problems.

Agree. One really have to hit bottom. Unfortunately many stay there. It is very hard to recover. You get no help and you have to find out everything yourself. Empower yourself and take control. Stop being afraid.

The help can be a big issue. It's amazing how "friends" suddenly vanish into thin air when you need them. I lost most of mine, and I'm not sorry. The ones who stayed are the good ones!

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