Psychology In Time Debt Check It Out

in #psychology6 years ago

Hi, folks!

Today I brought to you the mind about time as an asset. it occurs to me that there is some important factor about time we need to understand. During my study, I have gone through the life history of Steve Jobs in which it was recorded that he drove without a license plate and from the story, there are many theories people formulated about why he decided to drove without the tags.

PicsArt: Time Debt by samest

In the mind of some individual, they said Jobs don't want to be tracked, others say he's like trying to make a game of avoiding parking tickets, all this are the reasoning of people around him but it wasn't the real picture of Jobs action.

Here the real picture of the story:

There is loophole discovered in the California vehicle registration law which Jobs guide against. He noticed a new car only had up to 6 months to get a proper license plate for their new vehicle. So, driving the vehicle without a license plate is possible within the first 6months.

This understanding made Jobs arranged a special leasing agreement with his Mercedes dealer which was to drop his current car and receive a new Mercedes to replace it. This exercise means Jobs has never driven a car older than six months and he has never visited the motor vehicle department for a license plate in his lifetime. What do we need to derive from this story?

This story still made many declarations to say, Jobs has money and that is what you do when you have a lot of money. Let me open your eyes to what I discovered here:

It is very valid that when you have money you do some funny thing, but again Jobs was actually building a Time Asset.

What is Time Asset, You are asking?

When you look for productivity in most aspect, the strategies are a focus on short-term efficiency. Looking at some reasonable ideas like how to manage your todo list, how to get more thing done each morning, you will agree with me sometimes we do fail to realize that there are certain strategic choices that impact our time on a larger scale. These choices are the one categorized as Time Assets.

Time Assets can be defined as actions or choices you make now (today) that will save you time in your tomorrow (future).

Look at this illustration:

The computer software is a classic and simple example of a time asset in the sense that, we use software to write a program today and developer and many of us that understand software programming believes that the program will run processes for you over and over again every day afterward. E.g. Your device you are using to read this piece.
The only thing you do is to pay upfront investment of time and you get a payoff each day afterward.

When you relate this illustration to what Jobs did, its an understanding toward his process which rewarded him with additional time and less hassle every 6 months.

I repeat this again:

Your time assets are choices you make now that will cost you additional time in your tomorrow.

Will you take your time to study some loophole in what you and fix the debt now in other to have additional time in your morrow. As a developer, if you write sloppy code now you will definitely have to debug it later. Those of us in the production industry, if you release poor product, and you serve your customer with it, prepare to face a process of a refund later. When you produce a low-quality piece of work it's just a time debt that you will definitely payback.

Note:If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over? John Wooden

Create a system for your time. Thanks for reading.

You can read one of my minds about Goal

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