Just Do The Work

in #psychology5 years ago

Hello! Friends,

Today one of my colleagues was discussing a lifter that joined a team and did not have a pair of weightlifting shoes. The lifter has to borrowed a beat up pair that was riddled with cracked leather. From the discussion, it seems like the shoes are over 10years old. Despite the cracked leather, the lifter working on his butt off in those crappy, old shoes every day.

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I am heading somewhere, follow me closely....

With his commitment, he was qualified to compete in one of the National Championships with the shoes that were barely holding themselves together.
Are you thinking about what happened? If you assume you need success, is it by the right gear? or the right certificate? or the right experience/degree? Think about how much of all these mentioned needed to be a success.

Now Listen To This.

Over times I came to an understanding that many of us waste time on the last 10% and pay no attention to the 90% of what will bring success to our daily living.

Look At This Illustration

A man needs to attend an interview for a job and the major thing he thought about is how to get a better pair of shoes or belt for the interview. Many of us waste time on all these things and forget the most important thing. It is very easy to waste time debating the last 10% of improvement rather than to just do the thing that makes 90% of the difference.

As it is very easy for you to claim that you need a better diet plan or workout template rather than to admit you need not to miss a workout for the next 6 months.

This small illustration can be used on business and entrepreneurship approach and even other endeavors we attempt. As a business minded individual, are you thinking about tactics that are optimized or the strategies that scaled? You need to know that the biggest difference between success and failure comes from mastering the basic/fundamentals.

We say, Stephen King, can become a better writer if he has a faster computer. But I will say, he will become better since he already has mastered the fundamentals of writing everyday.

Also, we say an Olympic swimmer can become a better athlete if she optimal meal timing. But I will say, she will become better since she already has mastered the fundamentals of eating healthy and training hard.

With this two point above, many of us don't know that our 10% of optimization will rarely lead to the difference we're looking to achieve just become we are careful with the 90% fundamentals that will bring success to the business idea we have in mind.

See The Greatest Skill In Doing The Work

Are you thinking about the type of work you should do? oh, you think you can do the work that can make you look good? or you are looking for work that is easy for you to do? I am here to declare to you Just Do The Work.

What do you mean? I should just do the work?

Friends, it is very possible you can't be a brilliant writer, but again writing something each week will make you better than most people just because you are doing the work.

You might not make a huge profit in business just because you are just building up a foundation for that business, but again you will grow and be better than most people just because you are doing the work.

Some of you that are an entrepreneur may not be a savvy business person but again if you continue to serve your customers every single day, you will be better than a most business person just because you are doing the work.

The little experience I have in business makes me believe that people love to soak in the details, looking for new tactics and seeking for things that make a tiny difference. Most times they go into debating on things which will at the end resulted in tiny difference, doing the work is the greatest skill that can help you in your endeavor. Action speaks better than voice. To differentiate between professionals and amateurs is by doing the work.

In conclusion, from my illustration above it shows that you don't really need a better computer in order to become a good writer or let me say you don't need a better camera to become a good photographer, are you looking at more credentials to build a business? I am here to declare to you that the only thing you need is to make a decision, plan your schedule and get started. Do the work is the only way to success not by speaking or debating, take action.

Thanks for reading



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