Psychology Chronicles Series #4: Conquering An Enemy Called "Jealousy"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

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_"Jealousy hides behind uncertainties and lack of trust. It lives on believing that it is love.It lurks on the pretense that it could save you and the relationships you've always fight for."

When I was kid,I can still remember that I used to ask my mom to buy me a butterfly hair clip. It was very popular at that time since almost all the kids on my grade were flashing theirs. I begged mom to buy me this accessory since I was very envious and jealous that I couldn't get one. Days passed and mom didnt listen to my pleas. She completely ignored me and it frustrated me a lot. I knew mom would disappoint me so I did the unimaginable.

Since my mom couldn't give me what I want I stole a pink butterfly hair clip from my classmate's bag and worn it as if its mine. It felt satisfying wearing what I always wanted and I was happy. But good things just never last because everyone knew that I stole it. I spent the whole day at the guidance office.


I thought that jealousy was my friend. I thought that if I would fulfill it's selfish desires it could make me happy and everything would be alright. But I was wrong,it betrayed me big time.

As I began to mature, cute hair clips wont trigger my envious side anymore. I later found out that I,just like anybody else would feel jealousy despite of maturity. I struggle to fight against it but the more I resist,the more it comes out.

I am not easily pleased and when I do I pour all my love and dedication to things and people that I believed deserved my trust and affection. I treasure friendships and romantic relationships. As I give importance to both I also expect them to do the same since companionship and authentic relationship for me is a give and take process.


As I continue to live with my life I found out that I am truly a very jealous person towards sudden threat with my emotional bond with my kinship,friends and lover. I do not like other people snatching away their attention to me nor do I want to share the attachment that we have build together.

I know I have a lot of insecurities wrapped unto me and maybe this inhibition contributes to a huge negative drive into my personal circle. If I wont stop feeding this jealous monster inside,sooner or later it would gobble me up alive and I will see my self stranded in failing relationships...

These realizations were conceptualized because of my personal experiences towards my significant others. I have heard countless problems about this menace and I am sick of hearing the same cause of relationship issues- Jealousy.

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Jealousy is one of the numerous emotions that destroy.

It is the feeling of bitterness and rage felt when a person thinks that someone would try to take over the people or the possessions that they love away from them. These negative reaction towards these stimulus are alarming and should be given great attention.

Jealousy is a relationship shaker

I have seen a lot of relationships that failed because of jealousy. It's always been a major relationship problem in relationships ever since. I dont think that having fear and doubts on your partner and friends could help the relationship workout.

Jealousy will never be love.

Thinking that jealousy and love is associated is completely wrong in all angles. Love shouldn't hate nor inflict pain. It creates an environment of emotional assurance between people and it promotes faith rather than suspicions. I cant believe that people actually mistake it as love since both do not share the same values.

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Jealousy is our enemy. We are in a constant struggle of fighting this formidable foe. The feeling of being jealous elicits mixed and unexplainable emotions that we fail to overcome.

The fear of thinking that our significant others would leave us or wont love us enough is undeniably painful. No one wants to be rejected. No one wants to be left behind.So in order to avoid this from happening people tend to be possessive of what they think are theirs.

Is it possible to defeat this strong opponent?

Everything is possible if you put your mind into it. Jealousy can be conquered by anyone given if these elements are given importance:

Talk it out

To avoid trust issues and misinterpretations always remember that in a relationship there should be constant communication. Be calm in expressing your feelings towards your partner. The more you settle things out by talking would make the issue lesser to deal with.

Be confident

In manifesting trust to others. One should embed trust to theirselves first by being confident in their partner and to their relationship.

Establish assurance

The best way to eliminate doubts in the relationship is to initiate assurance that there are no danger to the bond between your significant others. In doing so, it could result in emotional stability and positive responses in the relationship.

Jealousy is everybody's conscious and unconscious archenemy but trying to win over it is easy. Convert your negative thoughts to thoughts of positivity and never ever let your partner feel that they are insecure and inadequate for you.

Just like any other emotions that could obliterate relationship,jealousy is definitely not easy to deal with.



Your post was selected to be included in my "Diamond in the Rough" series. It's goal is to promote high-quality posts made by new steemians (red fish and minnow) thereby helping them get the exposure they need to grow and thrive within the Steemitverse. You may check the related post Diamonds in the Rough @sandalphon.

Yes @sandalphon I've read the whole series. Im completely overwhelmed and thankful that you have noticed my post sir. I will continue doing my best in creating quality post. Thanks for inspiring newbies like us in the platform. Much love from the Philippines. 😀

You really have the skills pol, quality content indeed, that's your forte. So proud here your bully friend. hahaha

hala oy. layu pa kaau nas tinood dar. buyong daw ta ro ana megsy

I know I know I know

Hahahaha. giahak jd ang horror ride.


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