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Phew... well, the one thing, that makes your post challenging is to have enough provisions close.. too long to survive without a brotzeit, but too interesting to leave for a break 😉

Quite a few things reminding me of situations I experienced. That whole subject with teachers can actually be quite annoying. Of course I had my fair share of trouble as a pupil, particularly with who I think were teachers of weak character. Never had problems with the "tough" ones though. Always prefered "hart aber gerecht" 😉

On the other hand, I wouldn't want to be a teacher for anything today.. okay, with my art workshop with a small group of devoted kids, but not at a school with no means to keep the crowd under control.

Haha.. role modeling. Can be frustrating, when you keep trying to be a good example and nobody gives a shi... I mean .. thing :-b Been thinking a lot about this lately. Well, at least I try not to inspire someone to behaviors and things I find despicable 😐


Maybe I should make an audio recording of my article. So you can have a Brotzeit while listening :-)

Thanks for stopping by, my friend.

I totally can imagine that you were in favor of the tougher ones. I loved all my teachers who loved to teach. There was our history teacher who used to sit on the edge of the desk - in a relaxed posture and talked to us like she was telling an adventurous tale. She was so pleased to do that and so were we. My German teacher, wo was the school principal, was very interested to befriend us with the fine books and he as well was authentic in his behavior towards us students.

I think you can teach everywhere with almost nothing on hand. It's not so much the money, it's the freedom a teacher is having - a certain control over how much he is following the curriculum and how much of his own personality and devotion he uses in class. Even now you can be a brilliant teacher. There is too much gossip and negative stuff out there. If you are a person of authority you'll be able to control the crowd.

As I am repeating myself: I am more than convinced that all the students you teach will give more than a shit. When they will talk in ten, twenty and thirty years about their art teacher they will have smiles on their faces and praise you and how much they learned from you. I would make a one million Dollar bet.

Actually, I would love to teach. And in a way, I had my fosterlings and still have them.

Recording would be perfect, particularly since you have a very beautiful voice and way of speaking, as I know from listening to recordings you made in the past.... well, could be a lot of extra work, because I know you type faster than anyone can speak 😵

Of course I don't have any first hand knowledge about what goes on in schools today, particularly in bigger cities. From the times, when I had my museum, there was a direct relationship between size of town and behavior of kids... when they came from small village schools, the children were relaxed (as far as one could say that about a child), respectful, but not scared, curious and interested to see something new and a real pleasure to have. When they came from a bigger town, even as small as Deggendorf nearby with some 25000 inhabitants, there was nothing but aggravation. The folks were uninterested, bored, thought they knew everything worth knowing already and there were always a few, you just wanted to shake! Don't even want to imagine, how it is in some of these schools in certain areas of Munich and the likes..

The very best ever was a group, also from a very small (grammar) school nearby. I usually handed out worksheets, so the kids could explore the museum by answering the questions. With this group, the teacher said, she would not need any. She was well prepared and it was almost funny, how she slowly made her way through the exhibition surrounded by the children. It was almost like a mother hen with her little chicken. She told them about the artifacts and they were following her curiously, asking questions and pointing out things to each other. A lovely dialog, just so endearing to watch.

I guess, trying to keep a crowd of teenagers interested would be a different story. It may look funny in a movie, but doing it day in day out. Not sure I'd want to do it 😡

Thanks for the compliment. Maybe I am going to soothe you for another time with my voice. :-) I thought of doing it with my novel I already postet 4 parts here. Let's see...

What a wonderful story about the teacher with her chicken! I like it a lot. You must have observed them in detail ;-) But then you are a painter and how I see you is that you have a good eye on details and also the overall picture of the things you paint.

I think no one actually likes to do a certain task day in and day out. That's not how we humans "function". It's wrong to have a work without changing tasks and challenges, objects and subjects. I wouldn't want to be a teacher for exactly that reason. I like to see life as where I switch between disciplines.

That's why I am probably having three different educations.

Otherwise, we are all at risk to become "Fachidioten". Curse of modernity.

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