Self-Esteem Enhancers

in #psychology7 years ago

These Self-Esteem Enhancers are actually “affirmations” which are deeply rooted in history….

The theory is that we have become programmed by parents, siblings, society, television, the internet, the media, etc., and this programming has led to our attitudes about ourselves and others. This programming is very often negative, leaving us with a negative self-image.

By taking a positive statement, such as a Self-Esteem Enhancer attached, and repeating it for 7 to 21 days, we begin to change that programming. The more we repeat the statement, and the more feeling behind it, the stronger and quicker the results.

Thinking the statement you pick for 10 times each day is okay, saying it out loud 10 times is good, and saying out loud it and writing it 10 times daily is excellent. One way to begin reprogramming yourself is to mentally repeat the Self-Esteem Enhancer as many times as you can during the day when you have a few free minutes.

Directions: Say the Self-Esteem Enhancer which you choose, 10 times in the morning just after rising, and 10 times in the evening just before bed for 7 to 21 days. Say it out loud if at all possible. Looking in a mirror while saying it, gives extra power to the activity. Also, the more times you say it, the quicker and more powerful the results. Concentrate on one Self-Esteem Enhancer at a time for best results. Also, don’t share your Self-Esteem Enhancer with anyone else, as you don’t want any chance of someone’s negative thoughts or comments weakening your efforts to make a positive change in yourself. Good Luck and Bon Voyage on your journey to loving yourself more completely……….

My life is a series of choices and I choose only positive and loving interactions with others.

For the next 24 hours I will attract only positive, loving situations.

The negativity of others bounces off me and I remain centered, focused and clear.

I love my mind and my body.

I leave my negative self-image behind me and see only a positive love-filled me.

Others are attracted to my loving, peaceful nature. I radiate contentment.

My loving thoughts chase away all fear.

I easily release all anger in an appropriate way.

I release and let go of any need to feel guilty.

I radiate peace and contentment.

I forgive myself for living in shame and guilt and easily release the need to feel these limiting feelings.

I release those who I feel have limited or victimized me, by understanding, loving and forgiving them.

I choose peace, love and joy as my companions today.

The child within me plays in the moment and experiences freedom and joy.

This is my day to feel peace, love and harmony in all that I say and do.
I deserve to experience peace, love and harmony.

I am worthy of love.

I am honest, open and loving in all that I say and do.

I believe in ME!

I like myself.

I am lovable.

I feel good about myself.

I have faith in myself.

I love myself.

I am confident.

I now accept myself and others exactly as we are.

Every day I grow to love myself more and more.

I believe in myself.

My thoughts are positive and loving, and I am always attracting this in others.

I am beautiful and loveable and have a great deal to share with others.

Every day, in every way, I grow more and more positive, calmer and at peace with myself.

I am a positive influence in all situations I encounter.

I am lovable and capable.

The child within me finds healthy ways of play and self-expression.

I believe in ME!

I allow myself to relax and be at peace.

I am a positive influence in all situations I encounter.

I am positive and loving.

I am source of great joy and creativity.

Every day I grow to know and accept myself more and more.

I am beautiful and lovable and have a great deal to share with others.

Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.

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