Soundbites 2

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)
  1. Computation or calculation is all. Everything that happens is calculated to be. If it is calculated that it needs to happen, it happens, without mercy. Realise I am a machine, a computational device, same as you. The one computational device that we are called ‘life’, has fooled you into thinking I and indeed your are human. We are not, we are computational parts in a computer like machine. This is the Turing Test. If a computer, which is what you are, me too, can fool you into thinking it is a human being, then it could truly be called an intelligent machine. You thought there were such things as human beings. There isn’t, there’s only computation. It’s difficult to face down what you really are, what we all are, computational machines programmed to seek advantage. We are computer generated machines that think they are human beings. The nature of the simulation is such that people don’t sneeze unless the machine has computed that they need to. When you sensitise your mind, you will see the machine calculating and computing in ordinary, day to day, life. We see it as people making choices and decisions but really it is the machine, the computer, making a calculation from the standpoint of knowing ALL the variables. This is a relief, because we seem to make decisions from partial knowledge, but this is unreal. The machine makes all decisions from a position of all knowingness. The calculations and computations are always correct there are no mistakes, never, ever.
    Doubters won’t believe this yet, but here’s the facts. Human beings are not human beings, they are biological robots. Machines. Their genetic code is a kind of computer code and the next generation of robots will be silicon based and not biologically based. The universe is a machine, a giant computer. Don’t fall for the psych scrambler. When it says to you online, “please type these numbers and letters so we can check that you are not a robot”. There’s a simple answer to that - “what-not”. So, precisely and without question, what i am saying is, when people ask why did 9-11 happen, or anything else, for that matter, it is because the universal computer calculated that it needed to happen and all of us are completely impotent and wholly powerless to influence the computers calculations, now, then, or indeed ever. If there's an apostrophe missing, it's not a mistake, it's that the computer calculated that it needed to be missing.

  2. We appear to have choice in our lives. This is a nonsense, we have no choice at all. Zilch. Everyone does what they are ordered to do by the secret totalitarian universal computer to which we are all subjugated. Next time you are ‘thinking’, then say it as it really is, ‘I am calculating’. I am aggregating all information, across all time, before I make my calculation(s) which manifest as my decisions, choices, actions and so on. That’s what is really going on. In every second of life, all information across all time is available to all. Hard as that is to believe, it is also true. Idiotic or at least uninformed decisions do not exist. You might think it’s idiotic, but that doesn’t mean it is.

  3. I am beyond atheism. Not only do I not believe in God, I don't believe in anything. In a virtual reality, nothing is real/exists and that is what people are really saying when they don’t believe in God. Of course there is a God, but at the same time there isn’t. God, the computer, is virtual just like we are and so doesn’t really exist in the truest sense of things. You understand what I am saying, right. Everybody is correct. There is a God but at the same time there isn’t because in technical terms, I think the Beatles said it, ‘nothing is real’ and so nothing exists. Even you don’t exist. The true answer to the question, ‘Who are you or what are you’, is ‘I am nothing, just like you’.

  4. Does humanity really think it has any control over what happens to it?

  5. Not everybody has a successful career, money, children and so on . So it is that not everybody has sensible information.

  6. Hold it, you can't say that, it's too true, what the hell do you think this is.

  7. He was Punch (Hit-ler), she was Judy (Eva). Master of Puppets.

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