How Making Peace With My Thoughts Helped Me Change My Life
How Making Peace With My Thoughts Helped Me Change My Life
You are unique in your mental life.
I welcomed all of my ideas, including the hurtful ones, and found peace with them. My mind soon relaxed and my life transformed since I was no longer ruled by my thoughts. As a result, I gained inner tranquility and freedom. Things that had hurt me before slowly drifted away, and I wasn't battling my thoughts anymore.
The most crucial lesson I've learned on this journey—and this may sound hard to believe—is that I've given up believing what I think. Why do we accept the false narrative that our minds spread? Why do we think that what we think is true even though we know that people lie all the time and are unreliable? I'm not talking about how we apply logic to problems, just to be clear. I'm speaking of the incessant barrage of ideas that fill our minds. These are thoughts that can convince us of anything and come out of nowhere.
Is Anything false Can you relate to this?
Here is something to consider: Thoughts about the experience are personal. Our upbringing, health, values, and environment are just a few of the many factors that affect how we think. In other words, our thoughts are exclusive to us and comprise a synthesis of our past and present experiences. Even people who were raised in the same home have distinct viewpoints. There is no such thing as "the truth" in our mental existence because we are all different. There is only "your truth."
In my case, I had been aware of the mental chatter for a very long time. No matter what, the voice in my head was constantly responding to me. Do you recognize anything about this? How do you handle it if that is the case? I went to meditation to help me calm down when the voice got to be too much for me to handle. My ability to sleep through the night without being bothered by my mind's incessant chatter improved after months of effort. Things changed, even more, when I began to pay attention to my feelings rather than my thoughts. My life's trajectory changed at this point. I stopped believing in my thoughts because they may have been true or false depending on how I was feeling. For instance, if I had a bad morning, that would have been reflected in my thoughts throughout the day. I was OK if I felt good when I woke up. I was judging the worth of my life solely on my ideas, which was not a healthy approach to take.
I've had enough of letting my thoughts control my attitude, and I wanted to take back control of them. I was able to keep an emotional distance from my thoughts by concentrating on my feelings rather than on them.
I simply turned down the volume of my thoughts and concentrated on how I was feeling. Even the most painful emotions are the soul's way of communicating. It's common for people to ignore unpleasant emotions to avoid having to deal with them. I've met a lot of people who have gone through similar things over the years. They live their entire lives concentrating on their thoughts, which leads them astray. If we can tune in to our feelings without distorting them, we can understand them.
Accept any negative feelings you may have.
Are you satisfied with your current situation? Is it beginning to sink in that you judge your truth using your emotions rather than your intellect? The metamorphosis came when I was freed from my ideas. I previously mentioned that if I woke up with a bad attitude, it would affect how my day went. Do you recognize how this is a prescription for leading a fruitless life? We have no control over our thoughts and are unsure of their reliability. You can assume that because you have had certain thoughts, they must be true. But on what basis do you base your claim? Is mere observation sufficient?
I would assert that it is challenging to understand our thoughts because we are mired in them and become blinded by them. Going back to my metamorphosis, I still check to see if my feelings are in line with my thoughts even though I am still aware of them. For instance, if I have a bad mood when I wake up, I concentrate on my body and pay attention to the feelings there. I connect with them. I don't fight with them. I say to myself, "I accept" or "I consent." I acknowledge my thoughts without passing judgment on them or letting them run my day. I simply observe things as they go through my mind without being drawn to them.
More importantly, I accept all viewpoints without bias, even those that are upsetting. For the majority of my life, I tried to change the negative emotions I experienced, such as rage, despair, or a depressive mood. I immersed myself in hobbies so that I wouldn't have to cope with the horrible emotions. But the emotions came back stronger when I wasn't preoccupied. Has anything similar ever occurred to you? I experienced the sensation of being unable to exit a spinning merry-go-round. When I stopped fighting difficult thoughts and emotions, my mind became stable, and I experienced an inner serenity and limitless freedom unlike anything else. I send you the same sentiment because I think it is attainable.
Think about it and see if you can spend the next 24 hours practicing welcoming difficult concepts and feelings. Don't rush into anything; instead, start small. When you become aware of them, turn your focus to the area of your body where the sensation is present. Inhale deeply and declare aloud, "I accept," to yourself. Feel your feelings, but don't try to control them; just let them go. You might notice that they get stronger as you pay attention to them.
Your instinct will be to run from the emotion, but give it a little more time. After a brief period of discomfort, you will feel calm inside and surrounded by a vast expanse of space. Your normal resting consciousness is in your emotional space at this time. After all, we must accept all of our thoughts while remaining detached from them because they are impermanent states.