On a very slow 'engagement' Monday on Steem. There is something called Strategy & Adaptation.

in #psychology5 years ago


Adaptation, is a word often used in conjunction to many, multiple & very diverse changes through different scenarios as a natural response to them. But it is indeed something that society has always done before over many centuries ago. Yeah, nothing new here so far.

So, adapting to (any) change means adapting the way we do things, in all areas of our lives, to respond to the changing circumstances. It means not only protecting us against negative impacts, but also making us better able to take advantage of any benefits.

Adaptation planning will consistently be way more effective, if it is indeed systematic and strategic. Specially when these features are introduced with such an approach that will need to engage its stakeholders, identify and set its priorities for action, assign responsibility for each action and obviously supervise and monitor its implementation. In summary: "Keep adaptation strategies under regular review."

This evidently means, that more attention needs to be paid to address the linked concepts of community vulnerability and resilience within a given ecosystem. Therefore, adaptation will probably require a special focus and dedicated resources to fulfill the previous envisioned goals.

But more than anything, because these goals must be already ingrained inside the approach to build these into existing practices and strategies. One usual outcome of adaptation planning, may well be those to modify existing practices and ongoing policies that lead nowhere. Hence, the AAA approach: "Adapt, Adjust or Avoid Situations"

Adapting to the Situation.

Can you change yourself to make the most of the situation you are in?

Adapting to the situation, means changing yourself or your mindset for the situation. While flexibility is good, you need to be careful. You can trade your less effective behaviors, but don’t adapt to the situation in a way that takes away your strengths. You’d be better off finding a situation where you can play to all your strengths.

Adjusting the Situation.

Can you change the situation to play to all your strengths?

Adjusting the situation, means changing the situation to suit you. Sometimes this is the best option. Particularly if you can set it up to play to your strength. For example, when you take on a project, can you get the right people on board that compliment your abilities?

Avoiding the Situation.

Can you avoid the situation altogether?

Sometimes avoiding the situation is the best path. Learn to spot the situations where you don’t do well. This is my caution about spend (or waste) time, energy, brain and efforts down the drain. Because I always procure turn any situation into a learning opportunity or challenge that I need to know when it’s low ROI. We all have limited resources and it’s essential that we channel them in the right places. Life’s too short to spend energy in low ROI situations.

Experimental Psychology and its Bearing upon Culture.

"Adapting to a vision seen topsy-turvy & backwards"

This automatic, almost-effortless adaptation to visual weirdness is one of many bizarre things that some humans do that most scientists simply do not understand. While we are not even talking here about the brain, it would be appropriate to say that these behaviours, these abilities, 'these adaptations' are so weird that they are basically and singularly "unthinkable".

Then, there are also 'these' others.

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


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Cranky Gandalf



Adaptation and flexibility over rigidity, stagnancy and resistance to change makes for a happier life in my book!

What is the animal on the feed image?

Esa es una chicharra paisano. Bueno, la caparazón que dejan pegada de los árboles después de su mutación final para vivir toda una corta vida cantando sin cesar 'en la superficie' durante apenas unos días. Pero sin embargo, siendo uno de los insectos más longevos de los que se conocen. Ya que su vida útil y actividad regular se inició bajo tierra 17 años antes de emerger a la superficie para que los humanos supiesemos de su presencia en este mundo. };)

No es juego, no había visto una caparazón de chicharra así jamás. Siempre eran partes ya separadas y muy maltratadas🙂

Jaja, no me digas que nunca fuiste uno de esos que en los tiempos del liceo entró a clases con la camisa kaki toda forrada con las caparazones vacías de las ninfas de las chicharras enteritas y en buen estado pa echá vaina?

Curiosamente, no encontré ninguna foto en google con esto que te describo. Quizás deberíamos intentarlo, subir las fotos a internet y volvernos de inmediato una celebridad exclusiva en Instagram, Facebook, Steemit o cualquier otra red social.

A lo mejor y hasta a algún excéntrico filántropo coleccionista de rarezas o entomólogo ricachón les da por comprarnos las fotos y resolvernos la vida. Jajajajaja

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