How to get rid of feelings of guilt

in #psychology7 years ago


Each of us at least once in my life felt guilty - for deeds, inappropriate words spoken words, etc. But do not think that internal torment makes us better. To accumulate a sense of guilt is dangerous: it can affect your health, your attitude to yourself and others. How can you get rid of it?

  • Try to understand: with what sense of guilt are you dealing? So you will work on your mistakes. So, a "healthy" type indicates that you were wrong, and your actions insulted another person, so you need to change your attitude and behavior. "Unhealthy" type of feelings of guilt is unfounded and it is not worth worrying about (when, for example, you stepped on someone's foot and you made a remark).
  • Understand and do not defend yourself. Do not let the feeling of guilt take over you. It is necessary to understand, because of what this feeling has arisen, and to solve the already developed situation, and not to be tormented by the reasons that caused it, or to leave the problem altogether. Try to settle the conflict, ask for forgiveness, if appropriate - offer compensation. In short, do something that will give you the feeling that you have redeemed the guilt.

  • Do not postpone for later. Solving the problem "hot on the trail" will quickly return to normal life and move on.

  • Be resolute. When you analyze what makes you feel guilty, think about how to get rid of this feeling, and do not back off from the plan. For example, if a slightly higher dose of alcohol makes you feel guilty, clearly limit your dose and never exceed it, or better, do not take alcohol at all.
  • Learn from your experience. It is not necessary to hope that the feeling of guilt will pass or will be forgotten by itself. Accumulating inside, it becomes more and more destructive. Understanding and realization of what is done comes with experience. Do not blame yourself for the mistakes, but analyze them and try not to commit further.

  • Remember that no one is perfect. People tend to be wrong. Realizing and accepting this, you quickly realize that the sense of guilt is useless and destructive. It teaches as much, and quickly destroys, if you do not fight it.

  • Farewell to yourself and the offenders. Forgiving, you release yourself from resentment and anger. In addition, getting rid of emotional captivity, you have the opportunity to understand why you or others showed themselves in a certain way in this or that situation.

  • Only move forward. Having done the inner work on the analysis of the reasons for your feelings of guilt, having understood the situation and letting go of it, move on. Do not look back at the past, do not compare yourself or other people with the "past version" of their own. If this is not done, you risk drowning in your agonies in an empty.


Let's boil it down to simple ideas and plain English:

Good behavior leads to good feelings & bad behavior leads to bad feelings.

It's not "rocket science." You can talk all day long, until you're blue in the face, about good vs. evil, and whether or not "moral laws" exist. The simple truth is that the vast majority of people with healthy brains and intact personalities feel much better when they treat others with respect, be honest, and do what is right.

I respect to your
Thank you ,

That is so great. I am very grateful for that! Love it.

You made some good points. Feelings of guilty are senseless. If something goes wrong, it's already past. You cannot change what happened, you're responsible for sure or maybe not but the only thing you can change now is the future and so i say every time i come into such situation.. someone blames me for something..

move on! Never mind how others could think about you.. just move on to improve the future!

.. and with that positive feeling you become unstoppable and the blamers, haters and gripers will stop because they have no target to shoot at.

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