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RE: Move forward by moving yourself forward...

in #psychology6 years ago

G'day mate. I went through the same experience with a pub/restaurant I opened years back and also taking a partner that was nothing he advertised to be which cost me everything.

It was also at this time that I realized that cutting loose from wanting more from what I can't control sets me free to gain from what I can control and the less I want what is out of reach practically gains me more of what I need and so has created me a freedom from where I can obtain what I need with less stress and worry.

All that set me free and helped me see more clearly what I needed to do to get through life with less despair. I have gone back to my father's way of thinking, get more from what costs less, love family, memories, the simple things with real value.

Allow life and others to teach, be open minded and find the positive motivation in the negative experiences.

Now I see more happiness in a debt free life that can be acquired by wanting simpler things that I can afford while holding enough money to do the simpler things I have taught myself to enjoy.

Have a gooden


Similar experiences for sure. I went through all the emotions: Anger, disbelief, embarrassment etc. It was a really bad time but like the Phoenix from the ashes I rose again to stand tall once more. To do anything less is nothing but a capitulation and that's not in my nature. Isn't it interesting that like-minded people seem to gravitate together?

Thanks for your comments mate.

Indeed. A great pleasure mate and thank you for a friendship in the making.

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