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RE: 9 Ways I Personally Deal With Anxiety, Challenges & Down Days

in #psychology7 years ago

Reading what you wrote, you definitely gave ur problems many deep thoughts. I build a regime of usual things i do when things turns bad...

I cut my hair
I wash my aquarium (no longer exist)
I talk to my mom or take her out
I take a drive and drive alone the entire night

Then i feel like i can move on for another day. Taking a step a day is more realistic than thinking ahead how to solve the entire crisis...sometimes people speak not coz they need a solution but coz they just need a compassionate heart and a pair of willing ears.

Here is a picture that shows you there is always someone or something that is grateful for small things in an apple



Yes, a step a day. Thank you for pointing that out. This is what I'd like to write on now actually. Thank you so much for being you, for being kind to me, and for reaching out. I think it's beautiful what you did, and I want you to know I really appreciate you. @perennial

Most welcomed...the pits of anxiety and panic is quite a deep one. Like the lyrics of a song...take one step at a time🎶🎶🎶

I appreciate you too.

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