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RE: Schizophrenia is NOT a Real Illness; More Psychiatric Survivors will Surface

in #psychology8 years ago

I see you mentioning that schizophrenia can be 'problematic' but it is not a 'disease'. I m just wondering, what is your definition of 'disease'? I have met dozens of people with schizophrenia. I say that I was in a privileged position since I didn't at the time have to take the decision to whether treat these patients or not. I did notice a pattern, which will make me partly agree with you...Any sort of Hallucination, immediately meant pills. That was an awful thing. I remember a patient in his late 20s, he had mostly auditory hallucinations. He believed the sun was the physical presentation of God and he could communicate with it. His quality of life was still pretty decent. He didn't really believe he had a problem, but his parents made him come to the hospital....and the hospital took care of him. A couple of months later our pills took care of his hallucinations but also removed his quality of life. And then he became just another file in the hospital records. In cases like this I WILL agree with you. But please, don't tell me that patients who are brought to the hospital after they cracked holes on their skulls trying to get rid of the voices, patients full of scar marks on their arms because the 'voices told them to do it' are NOT SICK. There is plenty of on-going research but just because no one has discovered the ''magic biomarker' yet, it doesn't mean there isn't a biochemical or structural abnormality underlying. With most other 'psychiatric diseases', I will agree with you...mostly bullshit.

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