Bad attitude? Proudly YES!

Today I wanted to talk to you about my personal experience. I often hear myself say that I have a bad attitude, growing even more.
As a child I was shy, I almost did not speak a single word, I never raised my voice and I always felt uncomfortable and out of place.
Often I did not say my opinion because I myself thought it stupid, I had a very strong fear of the judgment of others.
I did not feel pretty, adequate and sure of myself.
I was not comfortable with myself and I was always trying to hide who am i .

Then I grew up, I made theater, I met people, I gradually pulled out of me that part that I kept hidden.

For some time you will feel uncomfortable in your new world. One always feels bewildered when one is thrown out of his reassuring corner ... There is hunger in you, Clark. There is audacity. You just buried her, like most people do. Live well. Simply, live.
After you, Jojo moyes.

It took courage, time and tears. I had so much fear of showing myself, of exposing myself ..
Then came the "Who cares, I'm like that and I want to feel good".
First it was an idea then became a modus vivendi.
Now I say what I think and I feel comfortable with my flaws, the bruised nail polish, the hair is not perfect, I always laugh and talk to everyone.
I'm not afraid to talk anymore and I can not put my feet on my head anymore. I'm not.
And dance barefoot if the heels hurt me, I always dress like a vintage doll because it's a look that I love and it does not matter if it's out of context at the park, I like it that way.
"I have a nice character" true.
And from today I take it as a compliment, I do not want to hide my weird attitude anymore.
And I hate those who try to make me feel guilty for my self-confidence, it took me years to no longer be afraid of anyone and I love being able to talk to everyone.
I'm no longer afraid of anyone and it's beautiful.

I no longer tolerate those who tell me that I should be more reserved, less strange, dress more casual.
That I should not sing if I want to do it, drink like a man, have sex without love, write all day, read too much, think too little about money and stability.
It took me years to get rid of pain and fears, I will not put it on me, I gladly keep my wild temper.



Yay for you celebrating yourself! Others don't see how hard it was to get to this point of self confidence, they are probably just jealous of so much freedom and would like it too! No body know you the way you do. Give yourself that understanding and confidence boost when somebody tries to drag you down with them in their struggle to try and fit in. I'm on the same track:

I must read your post.And it's true we ust celebrate what and who we are =)

You go girl! Yeah we should just live our lives by being ourselves and be happy.

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