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in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Schizophrenia is just another word that describes psychic ability. Truth.

Are all schizophrenics, psychic?

I am not sure, but I do think that all psychics are technically schizophrenic. And I don't mean that in any negative or disrespectful way. Consider it a red flag... for people labelled with this diagnosis in our current medical system. That for those who've received it, whether it's a casual judgment or an official diagnosis, there is a lot more to the picture than judgment implies. A need to look deeper.

From Google:


a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.

(in general use) a mentality or approach characterized by inconsistent or contradictory elements.

early 20th century: modern Latin, from Greek skhizein ‘to split’ + phrēn ‘mind.’

Lets go back to that clincher - "split mind."

Yes! This is exactly descriptive. The split comes because there is far more to 'reality' than just what 'non schizophrenics' or 'normal people' perceive! (And yet, there are times that 'normal' perceptions are to be greeted with relief and ease). The split comes because if you are one, then you are a bridge between this world and the world unseen. Your mind is split, in a sense, by the perception of TWO worlds. Or two realities or two connected and overlapping dimensions of time space. Or maybe a better word for it might be, "dual mind." The powers that be, a great deal of what hides behind the label of science, have gone to great lengths to demonize this valid aspect of "being" within the human population. Those at the top know perfectly well that a great deal of what has been called mental illness, is in fact, NOT that. Or, it wouldn't be if the judgment and stress against these gifted people were to end.

The most stressful aspect of psychic ability or schizophrenia, is a greater awareness of what is truly going on around you. While 'the masses' insist on their denial being the valid point of view. I am talking about everything from what the human status quo (at least in America) has been doing to exploit the very planet we rely on, insisting that their behavior is not only sane but righteous and necessary for survival, utterly missing the irony. It makes no sense. As well as, simply being aware of our individual counterparts and relationships with people who are fundamentally self sabotaging, while insisting that the way they live is right. It is hard to carry on healthy human relationships when you are aware of such undermining of self in those you try so hard to love and even protect.

I remember an important book I read from my late teenage years regarding dysfunctional family relationships and counseling, 'Codependent No More' by Melody Beattie. Why we try to save people, or why we find ourselves so caught up in drama that doesn't belong to us. Classic Codependency definition.

The idea is, to be able to separate yourself somehow, to realize that we are not at the mercy of consequences other people bring upon themselves. I always thought this was an oversimplification. Maybe also in my mind, it comes because I am female and there are blind spots in patriarchal thinking toward women's attitudes and needs for connection, that are in the end basic and fundamental to both genders. If you are in a relationship with a destructive person, it is nearly impossible to separate yourself from the other person and abandon them to their own consequences, because you are affected. Humans are basically social beings. There is no mental or emotional health in isolation and total independence from others. Healthy relationships are interdependent. Which implies responsibility and consequences for both parties as well as personal freedoms. It is a balance.

I don't know. I think that people with the ability to perceive MORE, in general, have a lot to offer this world. Even in answer to the question of 'are we alone?' in this universe... our search for God. I think they shed light on the undiscovered possibilities of things that exist beyond basic manifest perception of our world. They are sources of new pathways of knowledge and wisdom within old reality structures. Even teachers and guides for us all.

From The Cambridge English Dictionary:

PSYCHIC adjective us ​ /ˈsɑɪ·kɪk/

having to do with the mind and the emotions rather than with the body:
Regular exercise has psychic as well as physical benefits.

If a person, experience, or event is said to be psychic, the person’s abilities or the nature of the experience or event cannot be explained by modern science:
psychic phenomena

psychic noun [ C ] us ​ /ˈsɑɪ·kɪk/

a person believed to have abilities, esp. involving a knowledge of the future, that cannot be explained by modern science

(Why don't some publications not use periods at the end of dictionary definitions? Or capitalize their descriptions?)

Here's another one, a related term, just for fun.

From The Collins English Dictionary:

variable noun

Your intuition or your intuitions are unexplained feelings that something is true even when you have no evidence or proof of it.

"Her intuition was telling her that something was wrong."

Could that be the irony of the English language? Luck, in terms of how definitions of people are framed up, even though they mean the literally, the same thing? Schizophrenia perhaps, just describes the damaging side effects that these people experience as they go through life.

My disclaimer, of sorts. It occurs to me that my writing on this subject may be polarizing thought here, creating division. In truth it is my purpose to enlighten and bring ideas considered taboo - the ones that really DO polarize and separate us all - into a more realistic and safe venue for consideration. I write to expose our blind spots for what they are - human programming and its effects - the negative aspects of our social system. (Yeah, I know I am fixated on this subject. My own thoughts have kept me company while I've been stuck in this place). I write to get people thinking. And the realization that all psychic people are fundamentally schizophrenic by definition, felt like revelation to me this morning.



Rethinking Mental Illness: Are We Drugging Our Prophets and Healers?

Taken from Facebook, just now - it fits so well here.


The split they refer to is between affect and thought, what you seem to be describing is closer to dissociation, which can be a part of PTSD but also can come in hand when winning gold medals or coping with abuse

Interesting. I'm not sure I agree with your thought that it is dissociation I am describing here. In fact, I think it has more to do with being MORE connected than your average person, not less. I would say though, that part of coping with the overload that comes with that can be dissociation. I think it is also a by product of damage that occurs in people who are psychic or are diagnosed with schizophrenia and most of that IS abuse related, I think. (Autistics are often diagnosed with an inability to feel empathy, when the truth is probably that these people are so connected it is damaging so they have to find ways to dissociate or put up serious boundaries just to function normaly). Whether the abuse is experienced as prejudice or something more connected and personal, like violence against one's person ... (is prejudice a form of dissociation by society at large? I feel that is a yes). Thanks so much for commenting!


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