3 Things to do when feeling downsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #psychology7 years ago

Hey guys it's the VISIONARYE,

Many of us feel down, when we get rejected by a smoking hot lady, or we reject the lady because we are smoking hot and then we regret it later. So we get depressed or sad when these things happen and we beat ourselves about things we cannot control, like the movment of our own body or the words that come out of our mouth. But don't worry here are 3 GENIUNE tips on what to do when to feel down.

## The 3 tips

  • Write it or Text it - Many people forget the power of writing things down or putting their thoughts on paper or phones. I mean even diabolical evil geniuses need to jot down their evil master plan. Whatever silly or perverted things you are feeling at the moment. do yourself a favor and write it down. Letting out things help's releasing all the pent-up frustration and things that are clouding your mind, which then allows positive things to come into your mind. If problems come in your mind, then write them down to allow solutions to those problems come into your mind later.

  • Screaming - Go inside a quiet room, make sure no one is around and scream to the top of your lungs. Just scream and let out everything. An additional tip is to take your clothes off and then scream, this way you are free and no physical things are blocking you (Plus it'll be funny if someone comes running into your room and sees you naked).

  • Talk to your mother/father - Unless you have really strict and abusive parents I don't suggest this method, however, if you have parents who care about and what you are feeling. I think it is best just to tell them what you are feeling. They know you well, even if they don't. I believe in god, so I don't know what kind of special bond of relationship he must've put between parents and children, that whenever children are upset parents are alerted (God's too advanced for the human race).


Sometimes, you feel like your world isn't moving on and your stuck in one place at the moment and that moment is a feeling and that feeling isn't positive, then you need to do something about it. One thing I found out being alive on this planet for 2 decades is that, 2 decades have flew past! I didn't i'll be an adult so quick. Life is way too short (unless your immortal or God), to be feeling depressed and down, pick yourself up and continue forward when you don't want to, that is the best bitter medicine out there.


There's a beautiful channel I just found on our TV of every-changing coloured kaleidoscopes to gentle music. That would calm anyone down I reckon.

SIgn me up for that channel!.

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