in #psychology6 years ago (edited)



We are in the midst of a great transition from one age to another, from one state of being to another. Powerfully transformative and disruptive events will occur. Empires will fall. Systems of governance and domination will end. There will be an end to war. Incredible new technologies are unleashing human creativity. We are on the threshold of a New Age. I hope to address the individual aspects of this leap forward in future posts, but for today I will write about you and I, about consciousness. We must begin here, for all else that is to occur must come from a shift in consciousness, and an understanding of our inner realms is essential to that shift.

Consciousness is a river, it flows and moves, rushes and stills, grows in it's power, melds with lakes and oceans and comes from streams and springs. Consciousness is not a singular state of awareness but can be an expanding, growing, evolving revelation of understanding and comprehension. It's kind of like a light on a dimmer switch. With a dimmer switch one can gradually increase the lumens. One can increase the light. So it is with consciousness, one can move toward enlightenment, toward more light and understanding. This growth of consciousness, this enlightening process can be calibrated, and measured. We can observe the development of consciousness in specific levels.


The "levels" I have listed below are very broad and can be broken into numerous sub sections. However from these levels we gain a basic understanding of the progression of consciousness.

Level 1: Survival Instinct

Humans have been living on this level from our very earliest beginnings. We are motivated by a need to be safe and secure. We are driven by instincts that tell us to reproduce, to gain dominion over others, to fit into our clans, tribes and cultures. We are motivated by money and acquiring more and more possessions. We learn countless behaviors all focused on one thing: survival.

In this lower level of consciousness we submit to Kings and Queens, bosses and Generals and look to paternal governments to take care of us. We relinquish responsibility. We march off to war in exchange for a medal and a flag draped coffin and the condolences of our Masters.

Lower frequency energies like fear, pride, anger, lust, divisiveness, separateness, being a victim, bitterness, shame and many more are common in this stage. This is where we find toxic patriarchal domination, militant feminism, theologies based on the fear of hell, war, corrupt capitalism, political "isms", addictions, and racism.

Here in Steemitland you'll see evidence of this first level of consciousness displayed by those who corrupt the system as they wallow in their desperate need to survive even if it means abusing others.

Level 2: Reasoning and Understanding

In this stage we begin to understand our individual and collective woundings and are able to purge ourselves through a healing, loving release of generational wounds. We reason things out. For instance, we might come to the conclusion that it is far better to practice Cooperative Abundance here on Steemit instead of raping the system. In this stage we come to understand our motivations, our fears, our families of origin. We come to know that a fundamental key to a better life is self love, compassion for others, and treating others as we would like to be treated.

We might find the "Christ consciousness" here, or the encouraging practices of Buddhism. We begin to realize we are "One". We see the insanity of war and governments that rule by force. We see how blockchain technology combined with cryptocurrencies may be able to liberate humanity. On this level we see beyond 'he", "she", "gay", or "straight" and instead we see "humans".


On this level we learn to forgive our parents and ourselves. We begin to love ourselves and accept ourselves unconditionally. We have hope here for a better world. We know we are come from the earth and that it is our home and must be honored, loved and respected.

On this level we accept responsibility for our own lives and are able to help those in need. We turn away from government force...well, from all force.

You see, in this realm of higher consciousness we begin to be free, but it is just a taste of what is possible. There is another level.

Level 3: Avatar

This is where it starts to get really juicy. We accept we are creators of our own realities. We see ourselves as spirit, as expressions of Source. We are mindful, and find great spiritual food in meditation and deep connections to the earth. Here in this realm we experience a flow of synchronicity, and instead of "making things happen" by force of will, we find ourselves in the "flow" where our spiritual gifts are freely expressed and given, and where we follow intuition.

We learn to create joy, and love and peace individually and collectively. We turn away from governments or institutions that thrive on force.

We see our individual journeys as a gift. We experience life as a school, as a mechanism for soul development. We have begun to tap into a divine Source that moves and sustains us. On this level we recognize we are much more than the "story" of our lives. Gratitude becomes our default attitude and energy. We laugh more and dance and sing more. We have no desire to impress others with our spirituality or our impressive yoga moves and clothing. We are spiritual, we are living yoga.

We've moved beyond fear in our relationships. We begin to experience a profound unity with life... with everything. In this state of consciousness we have a presence about us. And it's not pretend or made up. It's quite real. A presence of love, of joy, of peace, of knowing and confidence. We move beyond beyond the practices of prosperity consciousness into a new knowing: I am abundant.

We are no longer afraid of death. Death is just part of life, and as simple as brushing through a silken veil.

Level 4: The Observer. Oneness

This is a sacred realm. This is the home of spiritual masters who have moved deeply into the refined energies of Pure Love and Pure Light. This level deserves it's own post, don't you think? One day then.



I've lived a thousand dreams,
Ten thousand....
And now, at last,
I'm waking to myself,
The Dreamer,
Come from the Great I AM...Pure Love.




Thank you, Christopher, for sharing such beautiful truth. I always love your posts. This is definitely one of the best. Clearly level 3 and 4 are to aim for... Thank you for reminding me to reflect on the 4th observer oneness with all... It's such a beautiful one to reflect on a SUNday.

This reminds me also of something I saw in the last day or two on Minds that really went deep too, breaking down to 3 levels with a different sort of twist. It resonated with me in light of my own steeming on steemit... :) Maybe you'll like it too.

source: StormFeather

Yeah, I'm arriving I suppose. Grateful to be able to see that most of the time. Blessings. Thanks for the encouraging words.

Thank you, Christopher. Yeah, the more we focus in the right direction we are drawn in that direction. This morning I was thinking of this:

source: PositiveSynergy

I am glad you are saving the 4th for another post. I think that it surpasses the rest and I myself find that you would have to elaborate a bit more on it for me to understand. As I read the 3rd part I find myself needing a bit more aid with it. I find myself in the 2nd level transitioning to the 3rd. Sometimes I would like to think that I am in the 3rd level but some things keep me in the 2nd. I think that I am ready to move on but then something holds me back, like reminders maybe or feelings that are harder to let go. Something that I am working on that is taking time but I know I will eventually let go when I give myself that time to open up the gates and close them as I walk through it.
Your post has given me great insight to me, and where I am spiritually. I wasn't sure at all where I was at. For now I accept this state and I am happy that I am where I am knowing one day I will be more ^_^ Thank you for an amazing read, it is very cherished. xx

We are always in the 1st level. That is the level of flesh and blood and meeting daily needs. Many of us, however, spend a good deal of emotional and mental time in the 2nd. The 3rd draws us out of war and into more light and actually transforms us. The 4th is for Masters. However, many of us experience the wonders of the 4th but do not reside in that energy...very, very few ever do. So, we walk the middle path, knowing we are human, but seeing the beckoning light of Source calling us.

Yes, we are all in the 1rst but I like to feel that I do not dwell in those. In war and money. I do not like money and yet it is like we are forced to have it. I wish to be more in light than in the uglies of war, may it be at war with family, friends and within. How beautiful a human can be when they are released from all anchors.

What I'm saying is that because we are human we are in the 1st. However, we can modify, or deal with the demands of the 1st in ways that come from the 2nd and 3rd levels.

May I be so bold as to make an observation? For nearly all of my life I've felt about money just like you. And so I was telling the Universe "I don't like money". The universe said"Cool, then you wont have any." And that's what happened. Actually, we are meant to be abundant in all things, not just money. This is a 3rd level reality but we start working toward that on the 2nd level. Blessings my friend. to prove it I'm giving you my massive upvote of .12 cents!! Or at least I think I'm up to that now. Wow!! .13!

I understand what you are saying now. And what you are saying about money, a good friend told me to be careful when asking for certain things, like to a medicine man for example. If you seek strength, you will go through many hard and rough obstacles. It seems it plays the same way in some sense. And it makes sense.
I don't like the greed that comes with money and the 'have to have'. But it is what it is, right? But I see what you are saying. You are very wise and I welcome any and all your observations.
Thank you for your upvote. To be honest I am not sure what to say. I could say that is great of you, which it is. I could say many things but I am speechless at the moment. Strange lol.
After writing that I am just staring at my words, not even sure if that's what I should send out. You have me thinking but not thinking LOL im out of words ...

Our thoughts and words are energy and impact the interactive cosmos we live in. So we must be good guardians of what we think and say. Perhaps Jesus was right when He said all these things are recorded in heaven. For they are you know. But "heaven" is a not a correct translation. As far as your house goes, you must be a Cancer or something because you certainly attracted that. Blessings. Here, go buy a cigar... wrapper.

Nope, not a cancer. I am a scorpio. May I ask what makes you feel I am a cancer?

We must always be careful of what we say, words are powerful, and sometimes it has to do with how the receiver of those words perceives it. :) Makes us have to think harder.
Man, I am so glad I am talking to you and especially through internet. It is taking me time to think! You surpass me.

Scorpio. Intense emotions. Frequently gifts of what I call "earth magic": reiki, tarot, astrology, energy healer, medium...these are some of the gifts of Scorpio. I was guessing Cancer just because I knew you were dedicated to your family and home. Blessings.

Oh, come on. Surely it's OK to get a cigar wrapper!

If I may jump in. @wwf and I went through a time of not wanting money and thinking that we could live without it. @mistermercury you are so right, the universe kindly gave us the experience and taugh us so much. It was a huge learning. I agree we are meant to be abundant in all things.

Beautiful, just beautiful. Thank you so much for being here and writing this kind of material. Reading this post has reminded me of my own hope and faith in humanity. I had been in a strange place today, observing human selfishness had obscured my own version of this vision. And then I stumble upon this shining transmission, how refreshing.

I look forward to reading all of your posts
Thank you! :)

Thanks! Have to put you on my marketing team with comments like that! I'm going to check out your blog. I'm looking for newbies to promote within a great and active community. Yes, and keep your eyes open. Will have another post tonight on either Level 4 or negative Level 1. Blessings.

Very interesting post. Humans must live at all 4 levels. There seems to be so much disdain for level 1 but there is nothing wrong with looking out for yourself and your body. Without taking care of level one, the other 3 levels are not possible.

Indeed. In this life time we are solidly in Level 1. The challenge is to rise in consciousness and yet be able to take care of the business of life. The Buddhists call this middle way, The Path. Blessings. Thanks for the comment and for stopping by.

I have not been on Steemit because of moving and other nightmares. I love your posts - always thought provoking. Brilliant read and certainly ideas which will be discussed around our table this evening!

Oh my! Whats for dinner! Hope I can make it!

Grateful that you enjoyed it. More on the way tonight or tomorrow.

Thank you for this post. I have come to realize most of what you have presented here. Its walking the walk now that I find most difficult, but I know it is the way to go since all other directions have led me nowhere in a spiritual sense. I cherish having a conversation with someone that "gets it" yet most people it seems are wrapped up in their own reality and dismiss an enlightening conversation. Maybe its that they are afraid or too comfortable with they way things are. I cant imagine living a lifetime not ever knowing there was a better way. I wont just accept that this is all we as humans can ever be. Because I know there is way more to this life and consciousness we could ever imagine. I just want to share it with everyone, if only they would listen!

The pull from survival consciousness is extremely strong. It is a deeply engrained part of our psyche. I seem to bathe in my own crap quite frequently. On the other hand I'm getting the hang of some of the higher frequency levels, and have even tasted, if only for moments, some of the Level 4's and more. That gives me hope. Many blessings.

They are waking up @michealevans

Slowly... but surely. I always feel frustrated but I need to be optimistic about this or it will eat me up.

Nice post. I feel like I am only at level 2 and if humanity only reaches that level in my lifetime I will be a happy man. Sometimes it seems we are so far away and it will take forever, other times it seems just a stones throw away. How long do you think this evolution would take?

Indeed. Some days my spirit withers when I consider probably 90% of humanity is on level 1 or lower. I did not mention the levels below L1. We(humans) may have to go through some , dare I say apocalyptic event before we can move on. But perhaps I am wrong. Hope so.

Great post! I think there are a few of us who move between the levels. Today, where I live, I see and experience level one at it's crudest form.

Lower frequency energies like fear, pride, anger, lust, divisiveness, separateness, being a victim, bitterness, shame and many more are common in this stage. This is where we find toxic patriarchal domination, militant feminism, theologies based on the fear of hell, war, corrupt capitalism, political "isms", addictions, and racism.

When a country is on the brink of revolution all these energies rise to the forefront.

indeed. THe powers that thrive in the 1st house are rising, while at the same time the 2nd and 3rd fare too. There seems to be a clash in store.

I believe so. I just don't want to be anywhere near when it happens...

Well painted @mistermercury...us being kinda mid-air in our leap from being driven by primal evolutionary forces toward a spiritually enlighted compassionate synergy, enhancing quality of life to where we ultimately find perfect peace...

Wonderful how our perceptions become more similar the closer we get to a realistic awareness of the truth!

Right on @clicketyclick! I think blockchain tech and ventures/platforms like Steemit will aide in bringing the world to a better place. And whats cool is that you and I are, in a sense, Steemit. Blessings.

Nice post my guy, permit me to resteem

Permission granted my friend. Many blessings on your head today. May you be at peace.

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