Ever Wondered What The Difference Between Intelligence And Wisdom Is?

in #psychology8 years ago

The biggest difference between intelligence and wisdom is that intelligence means taking action on the knowledge that we've learned, and wisdom is the ability to think in more depth below the surface.


The ability to create an idea from a seed or solve a problem in the mind is linked to intelligence. Just like DNA, no two brains are the same in their mental abilites.

The brain's mental ability to solve complex problems and difficult conundrums differ between individuals.

When the brain goes into the depths and solves a complex problem with a solution, this is the seat of intelligence.

An intelligent mind can always learn from its own mistakes as well as the mistakes of others.


Wisdom means taking all the information and knowledge we have acquired and applying it wisely.

Philosophy may argue that is likes to know the distinction between right and wrong, and the good and the bad; but our decisions and actions will in the end decide how wise we eventually become.

Wisdom is not something that can be read in books or studied at university.

In wisdom we need to leave the surface in question and penetrate deeper in to the issue.

Some say that past the right and wrong of wisdom lies two choices:

To be able to choose the best in two good choices, and to choose the path of least resistance in the two bad choices.

So stay wise my fellow Steemians.



Good points.

But actually, there are two levels to wisdom. The first is learning deeper, and the second is applying what you learn as a way of living. That's what wisdom is for, philosophy is the love of wisdom, and it's about how to live.

Intelligence is the first type of wisdom, and true full wisdom is the second where you actually live what you learned through intelligence to figure things out. Peace.

A movement of wisdom starts dissolving the negativity of the ego because it is inherently an intelligent and creative force, it’s the same intelligence that has created worlds.

Its intelligence is silent but it’s capable of solving any conflict that is brought to its light. Anything that is brought to the light of awareness gets transmuted to its natural vibration of love, joy and peace.

So, peace also to the @krnel ;)

Interesting post my friend @mindhunter congratulations on another wonderful material

I try to shake things up! ... I try not to be too predictable!

As very wise post @mindhunter; terrible pun!

A very bad pun @lynchiandream - behave yourself my fellow minnow!

I wanted to do an #nuggetized study of the differences.

What do you mean by nuggetized?

#nuggetized - like a small bite sized article - just like a chicken nugget. I started this tag a few months ago and it's really taking off :))

Nice idea, I could also "nuggetize" some of my favourite themes...and other random stuff, to not scare people!! haha :)

I've made more CONSISTENT $'s with #nuggetized posts, as opposed to the $30 blurb posts that are followed soon after by the $0.01 post! That is tough to take!!

an intelligent person learns from their mistakes.
a wise person does that too but also learns from the mistakes of others.

... because they have a greater self awareness and are not as self-absorbed ;)

Ever Wondered What The Difference Between Intelligence And Wisdom

Most people have very little intelligence, but no wisdom.? Or the other way around?

Neither much of each = EPIC LIFE FAIL!!

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I also hope your having a good day today @better. Best wishes @mindhunter

Huge fan of neuroscience. Loved this article.

Me too. I should do more of these articles looking at the # up-votes here!

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