---- Facebook Autotaging People - Facial Recognition Is Creepy AF ----steemCreated with Sketch.

in #psychology6 years ago


Im not much of a facebook person in general but i do use it to host images direct from my phone then pull them off to my pc, it makes some of what i do a simpler process than hooking up my phone to my pc then going through all the bull crap needed to sync the two together just so i can grab a hand full of images for my articles.

Most of my images are of things, objects, animals, landscapes, etc. (probably tells you more about who i am than i can say with words, lol), I recently uploaded a bunch of images from an event I went to and happily uploaded the images to a new FB image folder I created specifically for these images.

i sifted through my images making sure i selected the best ones form the day and trashed the crappy blurry ones and "pocket shots", lolz. after making sure all was in order i was ready to get those images up for usage at my own discretion in articles and what not. You can imagine my surprise when i clicked the upload button and my album "went live" so to speak, that there were a bunch of people auto tagged in the album from the get go.

Now this is the first time it has happened to me, but as i said i dont often post pics of people, but after some research it seems this has been an issue for quite some time (about 3-4 years). Continuing to dig for the body only raises my anxiety as i see a lots of data indicating that not only facebook but a number of other apps for image filters, stickers, etc. on your own photos are also based on facial recognition software collecting data on what we all look like....

Now the conspiracy theories can run rampant as we try to establish what this data is being collected for, im sure there is a reasonable explanation for all this right ? but then we travel further down the rabbit hole as we consider what it COULD be used for if it was in the "wrong hands".

The bottom line is that i found it quite disturbing when this happened to me with my images and i most certainly consider it an invasion of privacy, not only for me, but anyone who happened to be in the images i captured on the day. but what can we do ? we can stop using the service.... but for many the "want" outweighs the "need". That is , I "want" to be able to interact on the platform, but i "need" my privacy respected....

So we are left with a conundrum, do we continue our path based on the wants or do we shift our path for the needs we have? As we continue to give away our rights and freedoms in the small print of the "terms of use" we fail to realize we are the frog in the pot, the heat slowly being turned up until we cook to death.

Frog In The Pot Theory


We are all tracked animals at this point. I feel bad for future generations, they will just accept their fate without questioning it. I live in Orlando, FL and the city has been testing Amazon Rekognition for some time now. City of Orlando launches second test of Amazon's facial recognition software Mmmmmm now I'm hungry for frog legs, kinda tastes like chicken!

When you realize that big brother is watching you and it aint to help you or keep you safe, its to manipulate and control you....

what can we do mang ?

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