--- Angry German Shepherd Just Needed Love ---steemCreated with Sketch.

in #psychology6 years ago

German Shepherd

When I was growing up I spent some time in a rural/ semi rural area. Beautiful Bush land within miles in almost every direction, beaches , scenic views, Australian wildlife, fresh air and much more. For a Young teenager this is like living an adventure with much to explore, see and do.

Unfortunately getting around in these areas is not as easy as in the city. Public services, such as transport, is far less frequent and areas of interest are far more spread apart. Not having a means of Transport can be detrimental to what it is that you can and can't do, from going to school to hang out with your friends, being able to get there is the make or break of the situation.

When your travels can include, being on suburban roads, un surfaced Roads, dirt roads, mountainous dirt trails, crossing paddocks and fields, etc. The cheapest and easiest means of transportation is a mountain bike. What this meant was that there was a high rate of us kids using mountain bikes to get about. There were a number of biker gangs that were around due to this, not in the sense that these groups doing anything wrong just that they existed.

These groups would Hangout and do recreational activities together, riding trails, hitting the creek or the beach, etc. They would also meet up at various locations around town before heading to school.

Every day on the way in to school every one of these groups would pass a particular property, every kid passing this place need to be cautious regardless if on push bike or not. Many would cross the street just to avoid walking along the front fence of this property, for it was known that there was a very mean old German shepherd he lived there and would jump the fence and chase people.

German Shepherd Running

Many of the kids would kick the fence and taunt the German shepherd as they rode passed in the morning on the way to school and again on the way back home. When talking to the kids about their interaction with the animal stories would emerge of great bravery as these kids evaded and escaped an animal that was known to tear people limb from limb and ravage the flesh of all those that this German Shepherd could catch.

Never being chased by the dog myself all I had to go on was the word of my piers, but it was enough for me to be fearful of this animal. I would always take a wide girth when passing the property if possible.

This plan worked well for me, for a while at least, but one day the traffic conditions did not allow for me to take my usual precautions. And when i passed the property this monstrous German Shepherd jumped the fence and began chasing me down. Within seconds the animal was at my feet barking and snarling up at me as I changed gears on my trusty mountain bike and got away from the beast attempting to end my life.

Reaching the safety of my destination I felt as though I had cheated death. I recalled the situation, the thoughts, the memories, all I could from the experience. But I couldn't recall one instance from when the dog had tried to bite me. And this is what got me thinking... Reluctantly a plan was formed to run a series of experiments to assess how dangerous this German Shepherd was.

Experiment Time

Experiment 1: Ride slow enough to be the animals top speed see if it snaps and bites, be ready to ride faster.

Result: Dog paced at speed and barked estimated 2 blocks before abandoning Chase.

So given the opportunity, over approximately 2 blocks, the German Shepherd had not even attempted to bite me once, It just got close enough to bark at me menacingly. After testing the thesis a number of times it was time for the next stage in the experiment.

Experiment 2: Slow down while being chased, be prepared to flee.

Result: Dog paced at speed and barked estimated 2 blocks before abandoning chase.

After being given an even greater opportunity to attack, the German Shepherd still did not attempt to snap or bite. This be would be estimated at traveling at power walking speed. Time for the next experiment design.

Experiment 3: Come to a complete stop.

Results: Dog stands barking awkwardly for a few minutes then backs up and walks off.

Mr. German shepherd clearly had no intention of doing any harm to me at all, just to chase and scare me for some reason. Well it was time to go hard or go home, in the next stage of the experiment and decided that I would stop in front of the fence of the property and see what the dog would do

As I walk my push bike up to the fence I got to see in taking a lot more than what I normally do when I speed past on my Mountain bike. The front yard of the house was considerably un kept with overgrown grass and debris all over the yard. Off to one side, a large metal stake driven deep into the ground with a chain coming from it, this was attached to a chewed and broken leather colour that was designed to keep the dog in place, but had clearly failed.

Angry German Shepherd

Bursting fourth from the Ruins of a dog kennel came charging the German shepherd, but I did not move, and I did not run, I just waited. He did not jump the fence and soon the barks of aggression turns to barks awkwardness, this is when we first started to communicate.

With Mr German Shepherd at a firm growling state of communication and pacing the fence line, I was able to speak to him in a calm soothing voice, it didn't really matter so much what I said, but how I said it. I told him that I understood why he was upset a lot of the time, from the taunting to his living conditions etc. and that I would try and make things better.

Over the next couple of months I stopped in more frequently and talked to the German shepherd, soon the barks of aggression had shifted to barks of interaction. His tail would wag when he saw me, I would whistle in a particular way (5 bursts at the same pitch) to let him know I was here and call him over. I gave him some tennis balls for toys and would always pack a piece of ham for a treat when i would stop by to visit.

Happy German Shepherd

The final stage of the experiment was upon us, the moment of truth had arrived, the next time we met up for a chat, i reached over the fence and gave him a pat, he put his giant paws up on the fence and gave me some kisses as well... quite the turn around form the savage beast he appeared to be and was also made out to be by the people around in the community.

From this point on the German Shepherd had a shift in how he chose to interact with the world, the chasings became far less frequent and only when really provoked, he would bring his ball to the fence and ask those passing by to throw it around the yard, loved his pats and the interaction with people.

The lesson learned though this interaction with this incredibly intelligent sentient being is that empathy compassion and understanding can go a long way in this world, regardless of the species, breed, race or anything that appears to divide us. However, the greatest revelation achieved through this experience is that; Many times those in most need of love, are ones who seem to deserve it the least.


This was a very good education article. From the German shepherd behavior, it also reflect human behaviors, sometime people need an attention or love, but they have expressed it wrongly. As a result, he chased people away. I cannot agreed with you more on

Many times those in most need of love, are ones who seem to deserve it the least.

The very good example would be orphans. They need loves from others but these was least they get.

Did anyone get hurt by the shepherd that time before your experiment. Your experiment was very dangerous. You didn't know the behaviour of this German Shepherd. He might harmed you during your first 2 experiments. Does he has an owner? I curious why the owner let him chase whoever passed by. It very dangerous from the view of it although he has no intention to harm.

@oliviackl thank you for reading and commenting on my article :) yes as advanced as we may be , we still suffer form a lack of ability to express ourselves effectively. to be honest we have been conditioned to do so , but that is another story all together :) Hopefully we can gravitate to a greater sense of self congruence and autonomy , i believe this will help us be more open and honest with one another when we communicate, which would reduce the discrepancies in what we feel and how we choose to express it.

No the German Shepherd never cause any harm to anyone, it was only stories of the children who said so, but there was never any evidence, no marks , scars , or anything. the owner neglected the animals living conditions, he had tried to contain the animal by driving a large metal stake in the ground and attaching the the German Shepherd to a collar and chain, but he had broken free. the owner didnt care.... i never saw them once in all my interactions with the doggie.

What a wonderful story to tell your children and grand children...
It’s moments like this that makes wonderful childhood memories.💜💜💜

it definitely shaped some the way i see the interaction between beings when it comes to aggression and its expression.

Awww this almost made me cry, poor doggie probably he was paranoid of isolation and lack of affection snif. I am glad you won him over probably he was expecting your visits.

Yeah i think it was a combination of neglect of the animal in general, low social interaction, lack of any stimulus (toys enjoyment) and the taunting of the children gave the German Shepherd a considerably negative view of not only hoomans but life in general.

The doggie was starved for connection, interaction, basic decency and love. being devoid of such fundamental principals can have a devistating impact on mankind as is outlined by maslow's hierarchy of needs, i also believe a similar concept can be applicable (although differing in some ways) when applied to the various life forms on the planet. if we are to keep animals as pets it is our responsibility and duty to care for their needs.

I have some good friends that puposedly rescue isolated, aggressive or mistreated fog and they retrain them for safe adoption. I have seen miracles.

Yeah itss amazing that there are people out there doing this kind of work with animals, i would love to be involved with these groups as an animal behaviorist or something along those lines.

I love these guys, i am always in tears watching these guys do their work first in sadness for the animal then in joy when i see the transformation after the rehabilitation.

Awe this could be a kid's movie, easily. I love stories of compassion and understanding. And i love german sheps! Highly intelligent doggies 💚 I love how you conducted an experiment like that. I was often doing things like that as a kid. Approaching things in a scientific way. "Experiment number 6: talk to random kids while walking home." Lolz

Thanks so much for sharing this story and showing that doggy some love 💖💖💖

@staceyjean , Yep there are definitely sentient beings beyond ourselves on the planet, unfortunately us hoomans tend to be a bit self centered and don't acknowledge these kinds of things :( when we take the time to look beyond our own perspective we see some amazing things in life :) mostly that we aren't as smart as we think we are ;)

^^^ --- spoiler alert --- we are not, lolz ^^^

The truth of the matter is we are all scientists, we may use variation in the methods, have differing results , have conflicting conclusions, etc. but fundamentally we all utilize a series of experiments to reach any conclusion in our lives then extrapolate that data to other areas of our lives, for example: any persons favorite food is based on repeated exposure to a particular food and comparison with the experience of other foods and reach a subjective opinion. While we are all scientists, some of us use more reliable methods to reach a more objective conclusion ;)

hugs, glad you liked reading bout my experience with this soft hearted puppy with a tough exterior :)

I was chased by a German shepherd when i was a child i got sooo scared even today i love dogs but im very scared of dogs that i dont know. It is quite crazy to see that you pushed the experiment this far but at the end you made a nice fury friend:)

hi @drawmeaship, thanks for reading and the comment :) yeah i have to admit its not a nice feeling to be chased by an animal which is showing aggression. us hoomans are pretty impressionable and for some phobias are easily formed, particularly in the early developmental stages of life, a traumatic experience can reinforce a fear association with any particular factor.

There are some desensitization processes you can go through if you wanted to reduce the fear response. learning about doggies behaviors and repeated exposure in safe environments, like pet store, strangers on walks with their puppies , etc.

yeah i evaluated my situation with the German Shepherd and made slow progress with him over time, together we nourished respect, understanding and trust. This was the key factor in the kind of progress we made... animals are people too ;) when we treat them as such, it can surprise us :)

I like it when you says that animals are poeple to. That is very true and we surely can have some amazing response from them once treated like so. Thank you for you tips:)

We are all sentient being trying to find our way through the life we have been given, but the greatest thing we can find is connection :)

@mfxae86 If that is a beautiful story, you had a lot of faith to do the experiments and to know the reaction of the German shepherd, I would tell you how important the story was and what I liked most was how they ended up as the best friends in the world. sometimes we get carried away by the comments of people without knowing anything and we end up not knowing anything worse what you did @mfxae86 was something of great will and love I congratulate you for sharing a great story @neymarth10

Thank you for your comment @neymarth10, it sounded far more dangerous than it was, i ued much caution when designing and conducting my experiments with the German Shepherd. I believe we proved to each other that we had no ill will within our actions and we then put faith in each other :)

@mfxae86 a unique experience I would say that you lived and the experiments very beautiful your story leaves me without words much will and love only God knows why you met that German shepherd sometimes ourselves We hate such things that even Life itself or time takes you to what you most hate TEfelicito for giving much joy to both @neymarth10 peace and love

lifes journey is filled with lessons so we can have a greater understanding of the universe outward , the soul inward , and most importantly one another, it is up to us if we choose to see them or not :) much love in your direction :)

to the order @mfxae86 to life we ​​must understand a cordial greeting from VEnezuela @neymarth10 that great German shepherd saved to give him a lot of love, harmony and happiness and the great friend of man.

Mr German shepherd was certainly a happier puppy with some interaction and affection.

What a revealing experiment! Just sad what the German Shepherd had to go through, its sure these unpleasant experiences that made him toughen up and want to protect himself/his territory from others. He just had a hard time trusting and he only wanted to scare people off, not to harm them...

Many times those in most need of love, are ones who seem to deserve it the least.

Agree with you on that!! It may seem like they are not deserving of it but they sure need it, and giving them that love brings out the best in them. And sure, love and compassion goes a long way irrespective of the things that appears to divide us all.

About the place you grew up at, I think using bikes made it more adventurous, don't you think?

@audreybits thank you so much for reeading and commenting on my article :)

Yes, seeing the living conditions and the lifestyle that the German Shepherd had to endure put lots of things into perspective. there is a reason that he was so upset all the time, and once it was established and worked on the results were amazing, all he needed was to be understood and shown some love and affection.

yeah the bikes were a big part of being able to be social in the community and being able to get around in the area led to many adventures down bush tracks, building forts, playing army in the bushland, finding places to swim, catching wildlife (and releasing after having a good look at the amazing creatures), and so much more.... it was a fun ADVENTURE TIME!!!!!!!!!

Animals do have feelings too and that's something we need to understand, it is sad that we often overlook that. Your experiments shows that just like human hearts can be touched with the act of love, even that of animals too can be and they do deserve that much of love from us. We do need to treat them with a little bit more respect and love...

Wow!! What an amazing time you had growing up, I can only imagine how great that was. I am sure you would love to recreate those fun memories again. Or do you still go on such adventures? (No we are never too old for it lol!)...

yes they are sentient beings who are far more human than we give them credit for, they feel emotion, can empathize via emotion, express themselves through body language , vocal expression and much more. Mankind has been conditioned to see all other life as "lesser" than our own, but if we take the time to look beyond our own perspective we can see that there is so much more beyond the surface value we have been than we have told.

No more adventures for me at the moment, have had a physical injury tp the spine which prevents much of the physical and social activities i used to partake in :( but what can we do but continue as best we can.

These guys do amazing work with animals which have been neglected and abandoned etc.

I love your thoughts about them, its really amazing... Seeing beyond our own perspectives is definitely a great way to understand the feelings of others (animals inclusive). Its crazy how we sometimes get immersed in our own world and become oblivious to the feelings of others...

Oh, sorry to hear that. Well, I am glad to know that you are still doing your best despite all that!

And the video, its really impressive what these guys do, its amazing to see people take steps towards giving these animals a new and better life.

if only our society was capable of showing such empathy compassion and understanding for one and other :) lets hope we make the shift in the future to a better connection with each other and the life of other beings and nature :)

Dogs get lonely and it’s and are creatures of habit much more than hoomans.😉 You presented yourself enough times as docile to build its habit of similar reaction. The reverse would also happen say someone being mean to a dog will turn it from docile to aggressive. You made a new friend, you should have taken him to school and let him bite all your enemy’s. Lol

thanks for checking out my post @coldicehotwater, well after we made friends he became a much more friendly dog in general, he would play with other people too after he realized that not everyone wanted to be mean to him. i believe he was actually a happy puppy after coming around to the fact that some hoomans are nice and will play and give pats :)

Thanks for sharing your experiment. I think it would work on the giant Newfoundland who keeps trying to jump the fence when we go past him. And maybe to some angry people we meet in life as well.

This the best post I've read today!

thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my article @organduo, i think that showing empathy, compassion and understanding to any sentient being will result in an improvement in the relationship. Even the acknowledgment that they are not merely an object or possession who is owned by someone is breaking through the dimensions us hoomans have built around animals.

Yes the psychological construct is applicable to hoomans as well.... but it can be far more difficult to do as we are more complex beings socially, essentially "we lie" A LOT. so it can be hard to get to the core of the issues when it come to the conflicts between mankind, be it enemies, friends, family , lovers....

Thanks for getting back to me! Do you think that dogs also lie like humans?

hey @organduo , i think they may be able to be trained to do a lot of things, but i do believe that they would not be able to lie, i don't think they have a need for it in their existence, most of their communication is done via body language, check it

You're right, this video makes it obvious they would be lousy CIA agents...😁

Yeah but they still work with the federales to catch people with drugs on em, lolz

naw, poor puppies, lolz. but if we delve into the matter some more there is usually a reason that animals act out in various ways, we could probably find the core issues of these actions with some investigation. then we could apply some interventions :)

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