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RE: Amtrak Derailment and How to Help Ease PTSD Before it Sets in

in #psychology7 years ago

I can speak about this topic first hand being a shooting victim and survivor with PTSD. In certain cases, especially in my case, PTSD can act as a catalyst for the expression of past traumas as well as the initial incident. It can be hard especially in the beginning when you are just realizing what your triggers are and how powerful flashbacks can be. You can survive a traumatic incident without developing PTSD (I think most likely your son's case) the person driving the car I was in didn't develop the disorder, nor the other two passengers. It is really hard to say what can help immediately after a truly devastating trauma, as I have a hard time remembering what all happened after mine. It's cool to hear about video games and I'll be interested in hearing what developments can be made further in this area.


Sign up on the University of Washington medical page for updates on the studies, they are continuing.

PTSD is unique to each person, that is true. Have you tried EMDR? I was introduced after my attempted murder and it worked extremely well for me.

What is EDMR? I will have to look it up and also sign up on the Udub website thank you so much for sharing!

Its a specialized technique for trauma and ptsd, yes- look it up. There should be a licensed practitioner near you.

You are very welcome. Thank you for sharing as well :) Please talk with me anytime, I'm on Discord and Steemitchat- same name.

Be well my friend <3

It's nice to meet someone local. For sure, SO happy to make a new friend.

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