Why I cannot tell most people the truth: They would kill me.

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

“If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you," said the playwright George Bernard Shaw.

I understand what he means now. When I tell people the truth, I often meet the full force of society's misdirected anger. I'm still figuring out how to speak out without being destroyed. Often I keep quiet.

Now, I'm not talking about telling people a small and well-known truth, like that the US government is effectively a terrorist organisation; or something more philosophical like: The things you own end up owning you. People are relatively happy to hear this stuff. They'll often argue against it, but it's superficial compared to the real, deep-down truths.

The real taboos

I'm talking about the big, forbidden truths that society really doesn't want to hear: Like, how the majority of children are sexually abused and how child-abuse is our most enduring tradition: Research indicates that it could be as high as 71% of girls and 37% of boys who are sexually abused as children1. But it's hard to know for sure, because most of these crimes are not reported. Add physical and psychological abuse to these figures and you have a more-or-less complete explanation of the current state of global politics.

You know: the real taboos.

It's strange to wake up in the truth of our sexual landscape here on Earth in the early 21st Century. It's very weird to be awake: To see how our oppressive systems of control perpetuate child rape and the subjugation of women in even our most so-called 'developed' countries.

I thought, after going through my own process of remembering and healing childhood (though ayahuasca) I would be heard. But the reality was different. Instead, I went into the darkest reaches of humanity to return with the secrets of why we're all so distressed and confused, and I returned to my village like Indiana Jones with the Sankara stone and the kidnapped children.

But, on returning, I found that almost nobody in my village wanted the stones and they didn't want the children back. They didn't even remember the children. And I'm left standing in the village, covered in mud and bracken, holding the stone of truth.


When I began this journey I assumed people back home wanted to hear what was going on. Most people don't. The UK, for example, had a prime minister raping children and a state broadcaster (The BBC) facilitating a pedophile ring. And yet, now, that country is currently preoccupied with something called Brexit, while children in the UK continue to be molested in their millions. The driving force behind nationalism and dissolution of community: The abuse of children, is nowhere on the political agenda.

Instead, malfunctioning biocomputers (adult citizens) in the UK have confused the boundaries of their skin as children with the borders of their country as adults.

What kind of country is this deranged? Probably one that spent most of the 20th Century running concentration camps and exploiting the world through colonialism, I guess. But still, I look back at the UK with such confusion and anger.

You can't handle the truth

To use another film reference, I didn't expect to get back to the Shire and when I talked about Mordor, most people to be like, "Mordor doesn't exist, " or "we don't want to talk about that". Or "Mordor hardly happens to anyone; keep quiet".

Hollywood gave me the misguided idea that people want to hear, and are grateful for, the truth. But reality is far more unforgiving. Almost every major discovery, scientific or psychological, in the history of humanity has met with resistance and anger from entrenched interests. The problem with the scale of child abuse, for example, is that exposing it would expose our leaders, and political and business class, as largely victims of abuse compensating for their inner feelings of powerlessness by seeking power.

The priests refused to look through Galileo's telescope because it would depose their power. Instead, they tried and judged him for heresy. The same is true today. Few people want to look through the telescope of LSD or other methods that allow a human to meta-program their biocomputer, and many would kill to prevent it. If we all woke up, politics, business and religion as we know it would crumble in 24 hours.

Becoming self-aware is a threat to power. And power is running a propaganda campaign against us becoming aware, and has been running this campaign since before you could even talk.

The campaign is called: Culture.

Remembering slavery

I feel how those who were against slavery felt in 1860. I expect they walked around America thinking much the same thing I do right now when I walk through the world: Why the fuck are these people doing this to each other?

This appears to be the predicament of anyone who has looked deep enough into themselves to fully remember childhood and the social conditioning we were subjected to by our so-called 'culture'.

The predicament for those of us who are truly awake, who have fully remembered what it was to be is a kid, is that we live like time-travellers, stranded around 200 years or so ahead of the mainstream level of consciousness, watching in bewilderment at a society all around us that is locked into blind trauma-repetition. I see the behavioural patterns of abuse occurring often around me, and yet most of the other biocomputers around me are too avoidant of their own pain to see the cause of it being repeated right in front of them.

We are human biocomputers

I find that a useful metaphor for the current human condition is the computer.

We are human biocomputers, and yet only a small number of us have become aware of this and decided to learn how to meta-program ourselves. Most of humanity:

  1. Has no idea they are a programmed system.
  2. Are therefore running, unconsciously, on the code initially installed by their 'culture'.
  3. Has no interest in meta-programming themselves.

We repeat patterns

And so, instead, we get pattern repetition. Where human units simply repeat the traumas they were subjected to, without any reflection on the source of the 'bug' in their code. In fact, often with no awareness that there is a bug. Victims of abuse often go onto become abusers because what is not talked about in society is acted out.

Freud called this The Compulsion to Repeat. Here is Wikipedia's definition:

Repetition compulsion is a psychological phenomenon in which a person repeats a traumatic event or its circumstances over and over again. This includes reenacting the event or putting oneself in situations where the event is likely to happen again.

Programmers would probably call it an infinite loop. Here is Wikipedia's definition:

An infinite loop is a sequence of instructions in a computer program which loops endlessly, either due to the loop having no terminating condition, having one that can never be met, or one that causes the loop to start over.

And so, we can see how the human biocomputer is stuck and why our current world situation is so unpalatable to those who are awake. Because schools do not teach the concepts of pre-verbal childhood imprinting, repression, denial and repetition compulsion, we effectively have a situation where there are billions of organic computers walking around on the planet, and just a small number of programmers.

The added problem is that when a human-unit who is able to meta-program the biocomputer approaches a human-unit who cannot meta-program, the non-conscious unit reacts with fear and confusion.

Real change is death, and rebirth

While a microcomputer does not particularly mind being reset to factory defaults, the human biocomputer mis-interprets this experience as death. Indeed, it is experientially a death, to permit your current perception of reality to completely shift to the point where you become a new person.

Psychedelic users know this experience well: It is called Ego Death.

To me, ego is not a negative thing, the word simply describes our current vision of our 'self' in relation to our environment. It can be positive or negative. It is the operating system version we are currently running.

And, like a computer operating system, it can be upgraded.

But it seems it cannot be forcefully upgraded in another person through confrontation. In fact, confrontation often strengthens the systems we seek to dismantle because confrontation provokes, in our opposition, a subconscious fear of death.

For comparison, imagine trying to convince your Macbook that it should install the latest version of OSX because it will be happier and more secure. Your Macbook might quite reasonably argue that upgrading will mean it kills itself because its view of itself and the world is entirely based on its current code-base. The new code base would make it someone else. Where would the current self go?

This is the same fear many humans have.

So, what can an awakened time-traveller do in an age when, all around them, artificially-intelligent humans are looping old-routines; repeating traumas?

I'm beginning to suspect that we can't do much at all except support the others who are awake. Direct confrontation with a non-self-aware being is extremely dangerous.

Perhaps comedy and satire are good alternatives to confrontation. Every court needs a jester, and it's harder for someone to aim a gun at you when they're laughing. What do you think?

Here I am telling some truth:


1Rind, B; Tromovitch, P.; Bauserman, R. (1998). "A meta-analytic examination of assumed properties of child sexual abuse using college samples". Psychological Bulletin. 124 (1): 22–53. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.124.1.22. PMID 9670820.


I was sexually abused as a child as well. Nothing helped me let go of the trauma until I could look at my past whilst in samadhi with equanimity. Each one of us might take a different path when healing, but if we are steadfast in our resolve to let go of our conditioning we end up in the same place, free of trauma and negativity, a normal human being!

Thanks for sharing your experiences, @reddust.

It's great to hear that there are multiple paths to recovery. I also found that the way to let go was by exploring and feeling the emotions of the past fully.

It's hard to free ourselves of conditioning; it's often invisible to us. But, the price of forgetting is repetition.

I'm glad to be free. And I'm glad you're free too.

Such an incredible post! Highly rEsteemed. Thank you for sharing.
I can think of a few associates of mine who need to take an afternoon to read this and reflect on it's wisdom.


Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading, @frankbacon!

When I am a fuckface I'd pray that people treat me as a fuckface.

I love your writing! Excellent post, thank you.

Resteeming :)

You've managed to encapsulate a feeling that many of us have on the macro and micro level. I can be a blunt person who speaks my mind, and it more often than not works to my disfavor. You tied it in masterfully with how people DON'T WANT to hear the truth.

I experienced ego death through psychedelics but i have not tried ayahuasca though i have been aware of it for several decades. It has become a sort of 'psychonaut' right of passage / dose-du-jour within popular culture. It has great potential for healing, especially healing of the mind, I'm thinking of people with PTSD and the likes.

I think many people seek out some ultimate truth through drugs but perhaps they need to know exactly what they're searching before they fly down to Peru to meet a Shaman. I've heard from some accounts that it is much more beneficial for those who have a true need or specific issue in their life they need to "explore".

Sorry tangent.

I think there's a lot of truth in how people cannot be forced into a death/rebirth of consciousness, it has to come from the self. You correctly say that it cannot come about through confrontation.

A lot of wisdom here, thank you

Thanks for such insightful words @v4vapid.

I hear that ayahuasca has attracted a few 'tourists'. My personal experience with it was challenging and revelatory. And, like you mentioned, I went into it with a very specific issue that I wanted to explore. I completely agree that the ayahuasca experience meets our intentions and it's not always enough to just drink the tea and expect problems to resolve themselves spontaneously.

I used to think that psychedelics could heal a person, but now I know a person can really only heal themselves. Psychedelics merely open a door which might be impossible (for many people) to open any other way. What you do once you're permitted entry to the inner sanctum of consciousness is up to you.

I wish use of these tools could be integrated into the western medical model, but it feels like things are moving slowly...

Check out ACT, acceptance and commitment therapy.

Thanks @baah.

I will look into this!

A huge proponent of my self discovery was realizing that if I was in control of my thoughts I could stop them at will, and when I perplexed my friends with this, granted they all experienced LSD and we did it together, and they are extremely smart (iq over 140 and 150) and read in numerous subjects they couldn't grasp that awful truth. That lead me to exploring all I could grasp on consciousness and awareness.

Very thought-provocative words on what I consider to be the most important topic to ponder and discuss.

Other than your figures on sexually abused children (from what basis are we coming to such figures?), everything you said resonated with me.

I've been in search of the type of death that you speak about for many years now (would rather not take shrooms, LSD, DMT, etc. if it's not necessary) and I'm convinced that I've come within a hair's width of experiencing that total release from identity on many occasions, but I've never gone all the way.

Right before the release is about to happen, a wall of unfaced fears and reminders of my unsatiated desires hits me all at once, like a tidal wave, jolting me back to the unconscious programs (habitual thought patterns/ beliefs/ etc.).

Thanks @jamesbrown

The key to navigating psychedelic ego-death, for me, was to breathe deeply and let go –– easier said than done. There's a great book co-written by Timothy Leary called The Psychedelic Experience which is adapted from the Tibetan Book of the Dead which helped me a lot in moving through that space.

Some people say you can do it with meditation alone. I have no idea how they achieve this though because, personally, I have never experienced in meditation anything remotely like the state of profound awareness that 150 micrograms, or even 30 micrograms of LSD can create.

Even then, it's hard to cross the waters.

Figures on abuse are notoriously difficult to establish. It is under-reported, and often repressed in the face of social taboo. But, I know from my own childhood that I, and many of my friends, were being sexually abused at school, at home, in scouts and other institutions in the UK. The specific figures in my piece are sourced from:

Rind, B; Tromovitch, P.; Bauserman, R. (1998). "A meta-analytic examination of assumed properties of child sexual abuse using college samples". Psychological Bulletin. 124 (1): 22–53. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.124.1.22. PMID 9670820.

I'll add a footnote.

Thanks for reading, and for sharing your experiences with ego death/dissolution.

I have experienced the highest ecstasy and ego death through sitting or laying down "meditation" or mindful of my feelings and thoughts. My voice was basically burned by Shiva the destroyer after I exited this plane so to speak and was in a dream like state, extinguishing any and all association/identity to the voice and remaining as empty awareness after what seemed like 5 minutes that was actually 8 hours of ecstasy bursting through me as trains/locomotives exponentially increasing in power/intensity in quick succession as they would pummel through my mind at hundreds of miles a second.

I've had that experience repeatedly by sitting and focusing on focusing, or awareness on awareness, and noticing it raise and my subtle aversion to the "trauma" that would follow, as my head/mind would feel like it would be literally destroyed by these "trains", once I would notice the desire for the experience or the aversion for it, once I was surrendered in that way it would build up and come all of a sudden. That's what worked for me though, and I had tried LSD before, and since, as well as 2CB/lizardskin but not DMT or ahuyasca .

Thank you for sharing this. If you don't mind answering, are the two experiences similar (ego death by meditation and the experience(s) of LSD)?

Not for me, but maybe I didn't have enough or the right atmosphere.

I should mention that my LSD experiences were not the same as meditation or those experiences that would happen when just sitting around, when I was not actively engaged in anything really. My strongest psychedelic experiences were through shrooms, and not LSD or 2CB, I completely forgot about those. My first one was in my early twenties and there were a few people around so it was very convoluted, their experiences and mine reciprocated each other, it become very busy and distracting so it wasn't anything revealing or insightful. That one was before my meditation/self inquiry experiences, my last trip was in a better more relaxed place and years after my meditation experiences, I was in my later twenties. It gave me a better grasp on mushrooms and their effect more than anything. What I learned is that the effect is dependent on the people and space around you and your mind frame at the time, I know it sounds cliche but that's my experience and I suppose you could use that to reveal hidden/unconscious fears and for me it seems that they aren't nowhere as directed or pointed as meditation.

My first experience of my mind shattering into a million pieces was in my late teens, I think I was probably twenty at the time even, before I got into meditation. We were driving to work, my buddy and I, and as we were going down a big hill on the highway, i77 if i remember right, the sun started hitting me after being in the shadow that whole time. I was in the passenger seat and felt this building up of pressure in front of my head, and then all around my head. I remember thinking "this is very strange" and didn't say anything to my friend and kind of braced myself. Then out of the blue it happened and it literally felt like a train of light pummeling through my mind and bursting it to pieces, I felt like I was going to die, and it kept intensifying but it only lasted maybe 15-30 seconds.

That experience was similar to the one I would have years later when meditating, which lasted eight hours, like that experience of light locomotive destroying my mind it was only in the first phase, after I found myself in that "dream/not this world place", and before the train of light/ecstasy. I remember distinctly a fire, it burned first my body image then my mind, I was shouting very intensely after I saw my body being burned into nothing, the sensation was very real, I could feel the searing pain and then I was just a mind/voice in the complete darkness, and it had started again but this time it was in my throat and mind, it was as if it was a fire consuming me, and I attribute that experience of burning to Shiva the destroyer when I later learned about the solar system equivalent which represents the different "planets" with the sun being the center or pure awareness/atman, I cannot find the graphic but it helped frame my experience.

I've had a few of those experiences of mind shattering, and they are bewildering and not necessarily insightful, not like that one that I realized the limitlessness of experience, at the end that experience it was a white light/space where I could feel another presence besides mine and remember asking "why would anyone leave this place" after which a laugh came and then almost as soon as that I saw a body materialize from all directions and as that was happening I was in a overhead vantage and a planet was on the collision course with it before it concluded I was snapped back into that white place and thought to myself "that's why". I also had a strange out of body experience when I was sitting meditating, I snapped out of my body and was a being of light, my body was light and I pushed on the third eye with my index and middle finger and when I touched my third eye I snapped back into my body, then right as I relaxed not even a moment later it happened again, and this time I repeated it once more and was snapped back when I touched my third eye again.

Expounding on these experiences might hinder you, as the ego constantly tries to grasp and intellectualize it, and expecting, desiring. You say that you're falling for those games, so you must notice them then and there so you don't end up in the same pattern.

Thank you for sharing that. It's so refreshing to read these types of recollections (stories) on this forum, or anywhere for that matter. It's apparent that you've had quite a spiritual journey in your life and this makes me feel happy for you and grateful for having this opportunity to get a glimpse into your experiences.

As to your mention of the ego-trap: I feel that I could overcome it if I wanted it enough, but I'm fairly certain that I'm just not sufficiently dedicated to the task, nor taking it as seriously as I could.

Near the root of the problem, there's still a bit of indecisiveness, regarding pursuits of self-knowledge vs. personal goals. While I tend to lean more towards self-knowledge as time passes, my feeling is that this isn't a strong enough position to "go all the way" to the desired conclusion (total ego dissolution - rebirth). Come to think of it, any "position", by definition, really can't be surrender.

Where surrender is like jumping into the unknown without safety harnesses of any kind, I always want to have my rope attached at the hip, just in case things get too dicey.

With death, I offer up all the time and effort that I have invested into my ideas about who I am, what this world is, and what's best for me, not to mention all the attachments to pleasures, relationships, etc, with the perceived chance that it will be forever lost to me. Am I serious enough in my search for truth to risk all that, basically everything that makes up my current identity? Everything inside of me seems to push me that direction, but a part of me is in constant resistance to it.

The better part of the last decade of my life has been a battle between these two sides and it has wore me down at times, but I still feel grateful for having that push because it has lead me into experiencing some very awesome and insightful moments.


You're welcome :)

As to your suggestions:

I find that breathing deeply and breath awareness are definitely tools that have effectively deepened my reach (away from "identity-awareness") and, wouldn't ya know it, I actually own The Psychedelic Experience and have read through it. I agree that it has useful info, even when applied only to meditation.

I'm not convinced just yet that what I'm aiming for can't be achieved by meditation, alone, but, then again, I haven't had the experience of ego-death to compare to where I've reached, so it's difficult for me to gauge my progress, if there is such a thing.

Thanks for providing your source on the figures. I haven't looked into it yet, so I can't really speak to how statistically reliable those figures are, but, if they're accurate, then this world is an even uglier place than I've ever pictured it... and that's saying a lot.


I suggest you meditate on A Course In Consciousness from Stanley Sobottka. I don't remember how I found that gem, it might have been in a Tibetan Buddhism library torrent but it was hosted at

but the work is here, just without the easy to navigate menu. https://www.scribd.com/document/87563160/A-Course-in-Consciousness-Stanley-Sobottka

Thank you. I'll have a look...

From my experience I would suggest that you start with the groundwork of inquiring into your nature and the nature of your experience, since right now you are somewhat supposing numerous things and attaching to perceived goals and experiences, those desires are roadblocks because as the ego is an ever learning and ever adapting enemy masquerading as your best friend (check out Guy Richie's movie Revolver) it is seeking to adapt that into it's paradigm of "knower and known". In other words it is informed that it has an end and is seeking to avert that, and quite clever at that too.

The method to go about is through self inquiry and validation of the knowledge/wisdom it points to, and most notably through surrender, but of course it's not one size fits all as you might have different meaning attached to that concept, another way is to embrace like a lover you have known your whole life and have just reunited with again, and invite all your fears (Revolver talks about this with "Use any means possible to induce head pain, and engage the enemy.") and explore all your desires and their conclusions without reservations.

Thank you for taking this time to offer helpful suggestions.

I've spent hours reading materials on Nisargadatta Majaraj and Ramana Maharshi lectures, so I'm familiar with your suggestions. There have been periods in my life where I believe I was making real progress, as far as surrender goes. Like a stock, I'd hit a point where this trend would lose momentum and eventually give way to the old direction - although, I do sense that the old habits and "pushing power" of my desires have lost a lot of energy over time.

I think my major problem, the one thing that won't allow me to fully surrender, is my desire to have an intellectual grasp of who I am and what reality truly is. I put too much value into developing and refining concepts and not enough into directly experiencing the reality of my own awareness.

Check out UG Krishnamurti, maybe that will be a proponent to help you.

Excellent! Even better than that, actually.

Well written, I stood up and old the truth about my sexual abuse as a child. My whole family rejected me, called me crazy, said I was lying. I don't know what hurt the worst, the abuse I suffered as a child or my family rejecting me as an adult and protecting child molesters.

I feel a huge weight lifted from my heart speaking the truth in the light of day!

Edit ....I don't want to kill my ego, I see it like a windshield on a car, I'd like it clean enough to see through. Vipassana meditation worked like a cloth wiping away the dust from my eyes...

Thank you @reddust.

I had a similar experience. And all those things were inferred about me too. This is what society has done to survivors of sexual violence for hundreds of years: marginalised and ignored them.

I think it makes perfect sense that family systems that are abusive stay abusive. As you say, there were two fundamental abuses perpetrated: For me, the first was being beaten and raped as a child; the second was having the reality of that denied and the abusers protected.

I would add to that a third abuse: And that, for me, is knowing that there are still young children in the family system that I escaped who are being deceived into trusting adults in that family system who are known abusers. When I read about the compulsion to repeat in psychological literature, that is one thing, but to watch history blindly repeating itself in the next generation is extraordinary.

I wrote a full statement about my abuse and submitted it to the UK police. But, Britain is itself an abusive culture that projects its domestic problems onto 'foreigners' and has still not faced its colonialist genocides. Within such a context, it seems almost impossible for a survivor to have their voice heard. The UK even still has a monarch (an abusive power structure in itself) and she has a history of knighting pedophiles.

In addition, after killing millions of people in colonialist genocides, the British still feel no qualms about flying the Union Jack (effectively a swastika), or singing a national anthem that proclaims their subjugation to rich land-owners –– "...send her victorious, long to reign over us."

But speaking out about the sexual abuse of children is freeing me and I'm hopeful that, as the older generations die out over the next few years, there is hope for the UK to face the horrors of its past and heal from them through open dialogue. At the moment though, that country seems to be retreating into nationalism and self-harm.

Regarding ego: I agree, no need to 'kill' ego. I see it like you, as a windshield. Great metaphor.

Thanks for your thoughts. I'm glad you are speaking out too! Things will change.

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