What would religion look like if we were the gods? Help me start a new religion!

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Imagine a religion that combined psychotherapy, cryptocurrencies and anarchism. I would like to build a new religion for our age. Perhaps you would like to help?

Religions are temporary bridging technologies that allow primitive cultures to advance towards more intelligent cultures. However, most of our current religions are from eras we have already advanced from. As a result, many of us view religion as absurd and archaic. Religion has lost its purpose because it no longer addresses us in the present.

In other words, in terms of religious sophistication, we're still using the typewriter in the age of the microcomputer. But, before we look at what a modern religion might consist of, here's some radical definitions.

What is a religion really?

Religions, in their effective form, use myth and storytelling to re-liga (from the Latin 're-connect') people to their environment, their bodies, and each other. However, problems arise when the 'high priests' of these temporary bridging technologies mistake them for permanent explanations of the universe and impose ideologies on a population well after their expiry date. Problems also arise when peoples' desire for connection is manipulated to profit the 'high priests'.

Almost all religions today represent temporary bridging technologies which have not been updated for centuries. As a consequence, many intelligent individuals now view religions as synonymous with dogma, abuse and corruption.

What is the problem with religion today?

Many major religions are hubs of child-abuse and self-enrichment, religion itself is a concept that repels and horrifies many rational thinkers. Our most popular religions have failed to elevate the societies they aim to help beyond a certain point: Hinduism, for example. has failed to dismantle the caste system; Buddhism had little effect in dispelling feudal hierarchy. Catholicism could not push society beyond selfish-materialism and itself became a bank; Christianity could not prevent war, nor could Islam. They, rather embarrassingly, became each other's shadow aspects.

It feels like it is time for us to wake up from the trance of old religions.

What would religion look like if we were the gods?

Although past religions have stalled in the face of the electronic age, all of these religious technologies did lead to our current state of being, the platform from which we can now ask: What would religion look like if we designed it consciously?

Religion itself is a word that simply means 'to reconnect' and so, when used intelligently, religion is a process of re-connection, and should not be an object of obsession or subservience. I would like to begin by proposing a series of suggestions that a new religion might establish as its doctrine. I have designed these rules specifically to accelerate the evolution of humanity to the next stage of awareness.

The new ten commandments

  1. Refuse to hold power over any other human.
  2. Refuse to allow power to be held over you.
  3. Do not harm or allow to be harmed, physically or sexually, any child. They are you in the future.
  4. Do not hold money in any currency system or bank that has centralised control.
  5. Anyone who wishes to hold power, authority, or political office, shall be disqualified from holding such positions. Instead, they will be helped to face their desire for power, which comes from feeling powerlessness, and heal from it.
  6. No person or organization shall have authority over another person's exploration of their own brain and central nervous system.
  7. Every month, those in a position of significant influence in society must take 120 micrograms of LSD in a calm, safe, supported setting and reflect on their actions in the previous month. This is to ensure that those who serve society remain in close contact with their inner-selves and the planet.
  8. Quiet, sheltered, candlelit spaces must be made available every mile in all urban centres, to permit calm reflection and inner silence.
  9. Anyone who claims to be a priest or guru of this religion should be helped to face their subconscious feelings of powerlessness (see rule 5.)
  10. You must dismantle this religion and all its iconography and authority in ten years and create a new one.

These are just my first ideas. Let me know if you have suggestions.

Our religion will also need iconography (public relations material), some emotive music, and perhaps some kind of wearable symbols to indicate community. These will all become unnecessary later, but they are vital bridging technologies to assist people in transitioning between expired religions and the new.

Interested to hear your thoughts.

  1. Refuse to hold power over any other human.
  2. Refuse to allow power to be held over you.

This isn't possible, though it's a great aspiration. A mature understanding of power take as given that power exists between people, and instead of refusing it then deals with the problem of power.

I like your idea about reflecting on one's desire for power, and the claim of authority. This is more to the point. Still, given that power does exist as a balance between actions, influences, speech and force, it's really complex. I'd like to see this expanded.

I really like the idea of mandatory dismantling. You will however probably get a "fork" in the religion, with adherents who do not want to see it go (perhaps it is quite significantly to their advantage) continuing regardless, perhaps because of a new "revelation"? These things are known to happen.

In general your commandments here are somewhere between religious ethics and township governance, so I have to conclude that you not only want to establish a religion but a theocracy!

Thanks, @personz for such clear insights! :)

I have addressed some of your thoughts in the new instalment of this series, here: https://steemit.com/psychology/@matrjoschka/build-your-own-futuristic-religion-day-two

Thanks! 😆

Haha great thought-experiment. I like it a lot as well as your 10 commandments - expect for the LSD stuff, not a big fan of any drugs, but oh well.
Keep shifting paradigms!

Thanks @xwerk


I don't advocate drug use generally either, but I feel it's important for those in positions of high social responsibility to take some kind of regular 'litmus test' to keep them connected to nature and community in such a way that cannot be faked. Traditionally, psychedelics were used by tribal societies in such a way: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayahuasca

Great post. This is very interesting as I've been following the evolution of the Kek religion born out of pepe the frog on 4chan/pol/.


Wondered your thoughts on this.

Thanks, @fortified

Interesting link! I hadn't heard of this, but I have seen the frog around the place. This explains so much!

I'll look more deeply into it, but Cult of Kek seems to meet the criteria of a next-generation religion since it identifies the meme as a significant force in human consciousness. I also see no reason why a religion can't be funny and satirical. In fact, I think we need more humor and satire in our next-generation religious icons –– especially if they are to more closely represent their creator: Us.

Jesus was no stranger to satire: As a carpenter who ended up nailed to wooden planks.

No problem. Kek is a very interesting social concept if you strip away the negative connotations given to it by the DNC.

It's like the concept of religion eating itself.

Good post! Resteemed

Not a good idea especially if you write something on paper that needs to be done to other people.

That's the problem; writing things down and thinking that it has validity, or justifies doing things to other people.

I'm sorry but I can see the tyranny in this "document" would it become the new ten commandments.

Thanks for the feedback @wordsword

I see your point.

Do you feel that all intervention is tyranny? I'm guessing you're referring to commandments 5 and 7, since those are the only ones in which anything is 'done' to another person. But in both cases, what is done (I hope) is that a citizen is temporarily taken out of circulation, and given kindness and compassion, so that they stop breaking rule 1.

And rule 1 is the rule that prevents things being done to other people...

Was there a particular 'commandment' you felt was risky; or all of them?

No I do not feel all intervention is tyranny. But once it's made into law, commands, dogma's I believe it is, and if it's only the obedience to them that counts, it's gonna go bad.
I.m.o. it's always the conscience that stand above the law, commands etc. and that goes for every individual.

There are a lot of questions involved.
First how is power defined? It's a very broad concept. One will say that someone that calls them a name holds power over them, another will say that someone who beats them holds power over them.
(the last one I actually agree with if the violence was initiated by the aggressor)
And then the question becomes who decides what the law/commands is gonna be? Who has the power to decide?
Maybe to clarify. Who gave you the power to make up these then commands? What would give me the power to write down commands?
It's always the conscience of the individual that decides what is just.

These are questions that you don't need to answer of course :) maybe for yourself.
And I can't forbid you to make a new religion with new commands of course, you do as you please, but don't expect me to live by those commands. I live by my conscience It's my conscience that decides first and for most if your commands are worth following and in what for situations they apply, which places my conscience first again and automatically, above your command ;)

P.S. I see your good intentions though :)

Great post! Really interesting thought experiment, and I must say I like the direction you're going with this. Followed!

Thanks @lukestokes


If religion means to re-connect, then I must ask: Is the absence of religion the cause of disconnection? I believe the answer to that question is a good point to start re-connecting.

Super interesting point. Thanks, @timothyb.

I wonder if... and perhaps this is what you're getting at here... I wonder if it's not the case that absence of religion is the cause of disconnection but, instead:

Disconnection is the cause of religion.

In other words, prescriptive religion with rules and regulations only arises when we have stopped doing something essential in relation to the physical world. When an innate feeling for what is right is lost and must be replaced with formalised rules.

What the thing is that we have stopped doing, I personally suspect, is inducing states of consciousness that allow us to connect with some essential source. We've lost contact and the intuitive must now be prescribed.

Just my first thoughts...

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