Statue of little girl appears, facing down The Wall Street Bull. Does this mean revolution?

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

This bronze statue of a little girl challenging the famous Wall Street Bull just appeared in New York City.

No doubt it symbolises the unconscious, dawning, global realisation that the entire financial system is about to fall. Although, consciously, this statue was installed by a $2.5 trillion asset manager to argue for more women to become part of investment boards, it's transparent what the subconscious motivation is.

The kid inside this $2.5 trillion asset manager has had enough. Maybe many kids inside a lot of adults have had enough. We are witnessing the end of Wall Street and fiat currencies. Not as a systemic collapse, but as a psychodynamic phenomena: Our collective subconscious (in the Jungian sense) has given up on banking as it exists today. It's a human experiment that got us to this point, but is no longer necessary.

It's impossible to look at this new statue and not recall the early precedent of this symbolism: The movie Annie:

In Annie, we saw the global collective consciousness preparing itself for this later moment. In Annie, Daddy Warbucks (suggestive of a war-profiteer) is healed by Annie's love.

Of course, psychodynamically, Annie is Daddy Warbucks' own abandoned inner child. In reconciling with his child aspect, the war is over.

And so, the same process is at a more advanced point today.

When $2.5 trillion asset managers are commissioning bronze statues of little girls and embedding them in the asphalt in front of the Wall Street Bull, you can be sure something more is going on here. This is about more than even this asset manager knows. Everything is so connected today.

In a way, we all put that statue of the little girl there.

We're getting free!


THis morning on the NY Times front page. International Women's Day :-)

Giel in pink hat.jpg

Great story ! Thanks for shareing !👍😉👱

I enjoyed this and look forward to a financial sea change.

This picture is also the top post on Reddit today. I wonder which is the preferred reward, 52K karma or $28 worth of Steem

Interesting question. I see some value in simply being thanked symbolically with 'karma'. And, alternatively, I see value in having Steem, which can be used to buy food, supplies etc. What are your feelings on the comparison between these two currencies as a form of reward?

One is a purely informal benefit, psychological. The other gives you a genuine, if small, piece of ownership in the platform, which can be exchanged for currency, goods and services. To me it is obvious which is preferable!

My thoughts too :)
Perhaps Steem is karma. But tangible karma.

So awesome! Thanks for sharing.

I wish this statue would stay there.

They are gonna take it off in april.

Yes yes, fiat collapse is happening as wall street is at record highs and the dollar is going strong...
When do you suppose this collapse will happen?
After nuclear war?
Aliens invade?

Seems to me its a symbol for womens day... but then again, i dont share the fear you do

Around the middle of this year.
It won't be a fearful experience to be afraid of; it'll be a positive one. And hopefully relatively gentle.
Essentially a change in monetary ideologies that will usher in a new generation of currency that is more tamper-proof than fiat.

also could imply facing the fears of what the changes might pose

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