Programming and meta-programming your brain to become a free-thinking individual: Part Two.

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

Fear of domination by Artificial Intelligence does not describe a future possibility. It has already happened. It is our current sociopolitical state. One that, unfortunately, many of us consent to every day.

As we explored in Part One of this Steemit series: Adult humans are largely unconscious. In other words, they are artificially intelligent. The absurd fear of machine AI (Artificial Intelligence) taking over the planet, serves the social function of distracting us from the fact that human AI has already taken over the planet. In the form of politicians, bankers, careerists, and other power-seekers.

But why would we consent to such a system of imbalance and corruption? Typically, because we remain unconscious of the conditioning (much of it pre-verbal) we underwent as children and teenagers. This conditioning made us accept our current reality as an inevitable reality. Or, Just The Way Things Are. And so, many of us, were what the writer A.S. Neill1 calls, an Unfree Child:

Our early childhood conditioning was specifically designed to prevent us from thinking for ourselves and questioning authority. In fact, it programmed us to seek authority figures, to obey them, and to preserve their status. Sadly, even when we appear to be resisting authority as adults, we are often supporting it. This is because the system that shaped us also shaped our ideas about how to resist it.

And this is the ultimate horror of social conditioning: That even our resistance to power is socially conditioned by the powerful.

Public protest, riots, terrorism, voting. These are all the resistance methods of choice prescribed by the standing governments. Power encourages terrorism and protest, because it can then strengthen itself by resisting this polar constellation. In other words, power's greatest fear is that the people will realise it is a fraud. However, when we resist power in the ways that power prescribes, we strengthen power's belief in itself.

We create the things we defend against.

Before you can hope to resist a system of power and control, you must completely decondition yourself of the principles and ideologies of the society you exist within. Otherwise, you will find yourself strengthening that system in your attack, by choosing exactly the means of attack that the system uses to define itself. You might, for example, choose terrorism.

But terrorism (if such a concept really exists) is the best-friend of power; because power defines itself through opposition.

Witness, for example, Hitler's probable arson attack on the Reichstag. Or the use of the attacks on 9/11 by world powers to ferment their own authority –– regardless of who actually flew planes into the towers.

Resisting power in the ways we reach for most readily, will be the same methods of resistance that power itself has designed. In other words, we typically fight power in the way it has programmed us to fight it.

Consider, as a mythological example, Luke Skywalker fighting Darth Vader in the caves of Dagobar. Here Luke learns that when we repeat the violence that power subjects us to; we endorse the powerful and perpetuate the cycle. His attempt to kill Darth Vader is met with the realisation that he has killed himself.

This is where things get complicated.

Let's look more deeply at the way we are conditioned.

Here is a great example:

It is claimed by some that 9/11 was an "inside job". And, as a participant in 'reality', you, as a citizen, are then encouraged to decide whether you believe that 9/11 was an "inside job" –– plotted by the US government, or an "outside job" –– plotted by a foreign other. But the truth lies outside both positions. Neither of the prescribed positions is true.

The true position is that 9/11 was both an inside and an outside job depending on perspective. From the perspective of humanity on planet earth, it was undeniably an inside job, perpetrated by humans on themselves. And it is this level of awareness that is completely absent from almost any popular national ideology. Here, we begin to glimpse our conditioning.

Because our conditioning is so strong, a person will often think they are resisting authority when, in reality, they are endorsing it wholesale. For example, consider the recent US elections. These elections presented us with the idea that there were two candidates and one candidate could 'win'.

What is mostly unseen to many people, because of deep conditioning, is the real objective of the election process:

The elections were held to create the illusion that voting exists.

Voting does not currently exist in most political systems. In the US, for example, because there is no position to choose from in the elections other than to choose the perpetuation of power. The only choice is to reinstall the wounded in their positions of power. This documentary explores this idea in more detail:

Power, in the form of corporate and financial interests, wins whoever you vote for in those election systems designed by the powerful. Real choice is not available because there is no way for a citizen to vote against the fundamental horror of the electoral process itself.

The system wins because you cannot vote against voting.

And, so, here you see a vivid illustration of the state of things here on earth: our power systems purport to offer opportunity for resistance to power, while offering no escape from power. Whoever you voted for in the elections, you voted for power, because the system itself is always elected regardless of the candidates within it.

As with all systems, society wants to preserve its own homeostasis. In other words: a system usually seeks to preserve its current state; whatever that state is.

As the philosopher Baudrillard noted in his book, The Agony of Power: power and intelligence cannot co-exist. To be in a position of power is inherently to have abdicated your intelligence. A cursory viewing of Lord of The Rings also demonstrates this principle adequately. Holding power is itself an act bereft of intelligence:

So, how did we get into this mess, and how can you get out?

As I discussed in part one, we are most neuro-plastic in the very earliest years of our lives. But, we are also, typically, least able to recall these years. And there is a good reason for this: There is social taboo against accurately remembering childhood, because it contains within it the formative conditioning that becomes the unconscious programming around which our entire lives are constructed. In other words, those memories contain the blueprints of what is called 'society'.

This conditioning controls everything from the way we talk and think, to our sexual ideologies, and world-view. Many adults have been literally 'educated' into a prison cell we never leave:

Examining our early blueprints is tacitly forbidden by society. And especially by governments. Our earliest experiences contained the source code of our subjugation to power and authority. But, by accessing and deprogramming these earliest experiences we become free.

This is not easy to do. Almost everything is designed by your tribe to stop you from doing it.

Nothing is more dangerous to power than a free human being.

In Part 3, coming soon, we will look at active ways to disrupt and expose the imprints of early childhood conditioning. We will discuss in detail exactly what you need to do to unplug yourself from The Matrix of consensual reality and how to dismantle global power systems.


1In his brilliant book, Summerhill:


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So happy to see another Steemian aware of Neill and Summerhill. This book changed my life. Upvoted and followed.

Thanks! @kafkanarchy84.

Yes, his book changed my life too. Strangely, I found it in a box left out on the street. So, I picked it up and read it.

Thank you, universe.

That is amazing. I can't imagine who would throw that gem away. Jesus Christ! I also enjoyed John Holt quite a lot.

I think it wasn't thrown away so much as offered up to passing travellers :)

John Holt... I will explore!

This is magnificent! It's perhaps telling that I have read everything you have written on Steemit but always skipped over this one. Yet it is your most provocative post to date.

There are so many quotable lines here.

Full re-Steem ahead!

Incidentally, this is a reply to both @matrjoschka and @kafkanarchy because I enjoyed your writing on John Holt so much yesterday, @kafkanarchy.

What does it tell?

Thank you. Full Steem ahead!

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