How you can be thin?

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

I think most of people have significant weight issue not even because what they eat but how wrongly use food.
So many people do not eat because they are hungry, they eat because they are upset, distressed, happy, celebrating etc...
Food play very important role in human hood, and it is time to put the food in the right place. Be the part of the solution but not a part of the problem. And this very much apply to the eating habits which can be healthy and positive or unhealthy and negative.
Unfortunately human are creatures of conditioning and it is important to understand the pattern which can be responsible for unwanted weight gain.
I just finished reading second time one of the golden nuggets books in terms of understanding the reasons behind mostly human problems behind eating.
I would personally recommend reading and implementing the golden nuggets in your daily life.
Why I found this book so fascinating?
As is digging to the root of the problem and giving you a fix of this problem. From now onward I know that my emotional eating was related to the trauma which I did experience as a child so I was able to fix this and I do find so much better knowing that food does not have control over my life in the way it used to before.
Food is for eating and nourishment but not for dealing with emotional disturbance, relationship problems, etc. However why food is such a common replacement therapy for so many adults?
As a child our parents used the food gratification system which worked more than less like this. When child did something good, achieved something or got hurt most of children were rewarded with food so the brain was very early set up with the pattern - coded to believe food makes everything better and is kind of cure for all evil. Children very quickly learn this particular pattern as they become conditioned with the reward system. Children lives seems to be less complex lives from the nature and instant gratification work very well. For example you fall over from the bike and granny bought you an ice cream, this ice cream created distraction and made you happy again. This is coping mechanism is good as you are small, because if you do not see the trap here and if you do not evaluate this, it will look lie this. As an adult you had an confrontation with your boss - not pleasant one so on the way home you are buying yourself some comforting sweet food - an ice cream as this is your way of coping with failure or challenging situations in your life. The issue here is so simple ice - cream does not solve any problem. Instant gratification in food does not work well in adolescence as eating because you are upset does not make the problem to vanish, the problem is there and you trying to solve it by eating more. As I mentioned I said you can be part of the solution or part of the problem, by eating more and most of the time uncontrollably you are not part of the solution for sure.
This whole coping mechanism need to move up on the evolutionary ladder, can not stay stuck when you were a child.
Why? As an adult you can't find real and lasting comfort, distraction, love or friendship in food. People who believe opposite unfortunately are those people who are having the most unhealthy relationship with food and this can manifest in obesity, bulimic or anorectic activity. Human behavior is heavily influenced by patterns and conditioned through the lifespan. So when you are able to establish pattern as a result of wiring the neurons in your brain you can start to rewiring and create new connection in your brain, however be warn, it takes at least 21 days to establish the new pattern and persistence and repetition is the key for formation of new behavior. I love so much the exercises in the book which allow to break unhealthy pattern and establish the new healthy one. It is not a rocket science in terms of being healthy weight, however take time to establish a healthy relationship with food, create positive and thin vision of yourself and support yourself through the process.
I am going to share some few more reflection based on this amazing boob as I found the book very helpful for myself in terms of creating lasting healthy eating habits.
Lots of love
from Margo :)


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