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RE: Psychology Addict # 66 | Paedophilia.

in #psychology5 years ago


I've been away for a while ( check my posts for updates - it's all very peachy).

I hope you're well, (and the long suffering Mr D. of course).

Well, this IS a subject. Kudos for the courage to write about it.

I know I'm not too contrarian as a rule, but if you would permit me to see this from a slightly different angle....

Firstly, your post was excellent, and informative. (and here's the 'but'...)

..For a healthy society to exist, morality and rules apply.
This obviously includes pedophilia as one of those societal boundaries that must never be crossed.

It's about predators, and power (sexual attraction being the vehicle).

I cannot help but think, after reading your post, the whole subject that you've brought up is a discussion that has to be had - but one from the moral/ethical standpoint.

Understanding pedophilia is not necessarily the perspective that's most valuable to society as a whole. ( you're seeing it from the psychological perspective and possible treatments?)

Trying to understand it, (and 'treat', if that's even possible- which I highly doubt), almost 'validates' the perpetrator of the worst crime in the entire world (In my opinion).

Predation on the most indefensible in society, does not need to be understood. It needs to be seen by society as the ultimate taboo , the ultimate crime - and dealt with accordingly.

While i feel sympathy for any child that's been abused, (and I know quite a lot of individuals who have), it does not give any licence - nor deserves any leniency to becoming a predator.

If 'impulse control' is the issue, (thinking and acting are not the same thing) it only highlights the need to see it from a socially OSTRACIZED, and punished perspective, not of an 'understanding' one.
(Thinking about smashing someone over the head with a bottle are not the same as doing it, and freedom of thought hasn't been legislated against...)

The lack of control over ones violent impulses have been forever looked down upon, and this area is no different in my opinion.
Understanding is not the answer, unless treatment is the goal.
With the exception of lobotomies and such ( arguably more radical and barbaric than any prison or shunning from society ), I personally do not think that 'treatment' is valid.

Predators are gonna hunt.
With pedophilia the object of the predation is the very worst imaginable, and in my opinion, should be seen as such.

I'm sure you see my view as simplistic and very 'black and white', but sometimes the simple view works - in this case it makes for a healthier whole organism. Society.

Just my two pennies worth.
( first full reply on steemit - for 2 or 3 months!)

Take care, you.


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