Envy, and Narcissism. ...and leftist ideology .

in #psychology4 years ago

In this part of 'understanding narcissism', I’m focusing on envy.

There are nine accepted traits that are present in the narcissist.
One of them is envy.


This is one of the most powerful traits that influences every part of their lives.

And, as in my last post, I’ll be looking at how it expresses itself, and how – or why- I see the connections between narcissistic personality behaviors, and leftism.

Envy destroys.

Envy in the narcissist destroys everything in it's path.
It has to.

To understand why, you need to really understand the narcissists perspective of the world. Really feel 'how they tick'.

Everyone is a 'bit player' in their life drama.

(postmodernism ideology and narcissism are closely connected - there is nothing except the self, in both the extreme narcissist, and postmodern philosophy - and no external reality).


(even though it may not look like it on a superficial level.)

Envy in the narcissist is an inner rage.
A rage that there is something existing outside of their reality.
This offends the fragile ego, and so, must be destroyed...

The greater the envy, (the greater the external threat to their delusional reality) - the greater the rage.

The 'good object' ('object' being anything outside the narcissists own mind, and 'good' being relative to the narcissist own guilt and shame - of how 'bad' they feel).

Envy makes the narcissist feel weak. (an external source having control over them)
Then, the feeling of weakness that they have, makes them feel even more envious.
It feeds in on it self.
A perpetual cycle.
A hamster wheel.
You could call it The Narcissistic Predicament.

The causes behind how envy develops in the first place, are for another post.

The point being for understanding envy in the narcissists - is that it arrest the development of the individual.
(socialist philosophy is a childish one, a screaming of 'the ID' 'I want, I want,' I want', without any moral backdrop, and so, can intellectualize the legitimacy of theft for example. The ID has no moral framework).


'Envy' really is the hallmark of narcissism.

It is the prime source of what is known as 'narcissistic rage'.

Narcissists would prefer to destroy themselves (martyr complex) to deny themselves,to torture themselves, rather than endure someone else's own happiness and success.

This is the deep level of pain that an external 'good' will illicit within the full blown narcissist.
_(leftist ideology expresses this quality of envy perfectly. Better to ALL be equally poor, than having some people - the external object as they see it - be happy and successful, wealthy, etc..).
'socialism is the ideology of envy'

How does this rage at the external world, manifest?

The narcissist will fail his exams at school, in order to frustrate the teacher - or to punish his parents.
They adores and envies his teacher and his parents.
They are the external 'good', to his internal 'bad'.

The narcissist can stop therapy (if they ever go), in order not to give the therapist a reason to feel happy, at having a successful relationship with narcissists.

By using self-destructive behaviors, the narcissists can deny the worth of others to themselves.

...They can deny - to themselves - that any external stimulus is truly authentic.

They resent the people that they perceive as being happy, (and having no control over them).

A narcissistic person could easily engage in self destructive behaviors such as getting blind drunk, and waking up in a sleazy hotel with someone they don't know...just in order to hurt, reject, and humiliate their spouse.
Even if the spouse never knows.
This has nothing to do with involving the spouse, it's the emptying of rage.
The spouse is an external object - one that they perceive as 'good' - relative to their own 'bad'.

'You made me do it, because ....',
'It's your fault I did it , because....'

....thus further devaluing the spouse.
It was their fault.


They were doing things in _reaction to you, and so, are innocent of any blame...

Self-destructive actions are a narcissist's way of transferring guilt and shame and blame. It's a a blame shifting strategy.

(leftism always has to blame someone else for their problems, have you noticed? ...class, race, gender... what it is,
is totally irrelevant - it's the need to shift blame).

Envy cannot be over exaggerated in the importance of it being a major motivating force in the narcissist's life.

Envy is a 'rage reaction' to not controlling - to not having - owning , something 'good' - an object.

Narcissists protect themselves against corrosive envy sensations by pretending that they do control.
That they do possess the good object.
The attractive partner becomes the trophy, to be exhibited at ever opportunity - as a reflection of the own 'goodness'.
(similarly, leftist ideology pretends to care about society, so as to make themselves look 'good' , while at the same
time destroying a good society - it's one them makes them envious and thus 'bad' by comparison).

The narcissists delusional grandiosity allows them to see as
'the good' out there, (spouse for example) as an object that's not separate from them - it' becomes a part of them.
Thus they feel in control of it.
It belongs to them.

There's a perpetual confusion (low level cognitive dissonance) going on in the mind of the narcissist. Between the internal and external objects.
The external 'object' - once internalized by the narcissist - and who then shows their own agency, will cause the narcissist to react violently (metaphorically or literally).
The now 'internalized object' has reminded them that they are, in fact, independent and external.
...A case of 'The wife needing to be controlled'...
(I use 'wife' as nearly all research has shown extreme narcissism is significantly higher in males, than in females).

If the wife has her own mind and expresses different priorities and wishes, and not in accordance with the internal landscape that the narcissist has constructed for her, the narcissist will suffer 'narcissistic injury'.


The envy felt at the wife for expressing autonomy - now has to be denied internally, to the narcissist.
(leftist dogma insists capitalism is 'evil', while at the same utilizing all the benefit capitalism had brought into their lives - even down to the computer they use, to extol the very 'evils'. Capitalism is the autonomous wife. Leftist ideology is the envious husband/shithead...)

The existence of any 'good' outside of themselves - HAS to be denied.

The narcissist defends himself against the all-consuming envy
by claiming to be the good object in the world.
This is an object (themselves) that cannot be had by - cannot be owned by - cannot be possessed - by anyone except the narcissist.
(the leftist insistence that employment is slavery, and voluntary contracts for labor in exchange for a wage are 'exploitation' comes to mind...)

In the mind of the narcissist...

'I' am the only good object in the world'.
This delusional perspective then means that there is no need to envy.
They can assuage their own motions of envy with this delusion - because there's no need to envy themselves.

To avoid real self-destruction, the narcissist has to reduce others to 'non-entities'.
(the dehumanization from the left. The individual disappears and the collective becomes valid).

The narcissist doesn't want to feel owned or possessed by anyone

...because if they did, the narcissist would then have to admit that there's 'someone else out there'.
That 'someone out there', has something to offer, and it's not their property that can be controlled...

If the narcissists perceive that the 'someone out there' is superior in some way ('good' to the narcissists 'bad') this creates raging envy.
To avoid this emotional mess, the narcissist completely avoids all meaningful content contact with them.
Have you noticed that those with the left ideologies are always the ones that 'stop talking', or 'block you'?
This is an external manifestation of their internal envy.
They either 'disappear' other people from their world, by ignoring their existence, or they try to destroy
them. A standard narcissistic solution
(Gulags and internment camps of the leftist regimes, come to mind...The more you understand the narcissistic pathology, the more and more you see it aligns with leftist actions and ideologies).

The suppression of envy is at the core of the narcissist being.

If the narcissist ever fails to convince himself that they are NOT the only good object in the universe - exposure to his own
murderous envy becomes a very real prospect.

If there are others out there who, from their perspective - are 'better than them' they will lash out to them ferociously, hatefully, and will try to eliminate them from their world , especially if they try to get emotionally intimate.
The narcissist it threatened.
The grandiose belief that no one but the narcissist themselves can possess the 'good' object, is internally questioned .

To them, if you're trying to possess and own the narcissist -
...that's war .
...that's competition.
...that's envy.
and it makes it easier to understand why narcissists react as raving maniacs and mad men - to anything - however minute - however abstract.

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This envy and how they behave - and is their protective barrier, their firewall.

....Between themselves and their dark, shameful, guilt ridden, own inner self.

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