Seeing bits of future in your dreams - Precognitive Dreaming

in #psychology8 years ago

Has this ever happened to you?: You're in the middle of something and then you think : "Oh, I've seen this somewhere!"

That is called "Déjà vu" and it's not what I'm going to talk about today...

What're you going to talk about then ?

I wanna talk about waking up in the morning and thinking: "Wow, what a weird dream."
Five second dreams of talking to your friends and looking at a wall, saying random things.

Dreams can be weird, so what ?

I agree, but please stop interrupting, I'm not finished yet... A while after you have the dream, you completely forget about it and go about with your life, then after a long time (years even) you come across a situation that seems familiar and it hits you : "Oh, it's that dream I had years ago !" And you know what will happen during the next few seconds, you know exactly what your friends will say etc.

This phenomenon is called Precognitive Dreaming.

What are precognitive dreams not ?

Dreaming about being sick, when you're feeling unwell, dreaming about being pregnant etc. Things your body knows a little sooner than you and your subconscious shows in your dreams.

Precognitive dreams are about things completely unrelated to anything you're doing right now - things you have no information about etc.

A duo of famous examples :

Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln had a dream about walking inside the White house and seeing a coffin guarded by soldiers and surrounded by mourners. He asked one of the people who died and the person answered : "The President of the United States of America." Lincoln told about this dream to his wife and a few closest people, but didn't give it too much mind. A couple of days later he was assassinated...

Mark Twain

Mark Twain had a dream in which he saw a metal coffin with a red flower on it. Some days later, his brother was buried in it...

What does science have to say ?

Scientists say that it's very possible to dream about future, not because people are psychics, but because of how probability works. Most people have 5 dreams a night, 365.4 nights a year - that's 1827 dreams a year. One of them is bound to tell the future !

Us humans also like to say we're special, so we'll often connect things that have no connection or mistake common sense with psychic abilities.

Thank you for reading. Please share, upvote and reply - I'd love to hear from you ! Check out my other posts and don't forget to Follow @lorddominik007


I once had a dream where I lived out the entire next day at work, including some unusual, unexpected things that happened. Then I went to work and lived it all again. It was bizarre, and I'm mostly glad it hasn't happened since. Although I suppose if I dreamed like that on vacation, I'd be good with it. :-)

Wow, that's cool ! I never heard of anyone dreaming of more than a couple seconds. Thanks for sharing :)

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