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RE: Saturday Musings: I Suck at Customer Service!

in #psychology7 years ago

"Play the game", and don't have any responsibility or accountability for what the game stands for. Dishonesty. Disintegrity. So many people operate that way. It's OK to exploit that system, the government, etc., it's the game.

Why work to get rid of the screwball games or the problems when we can exploit them and feed them more while profiting ourselves at the expense of long term improvement. Just play the game... plenty of that on Steemit. Even the Steemit whitepaper "Bible" paints it as a positive. "Code is law" and "whitepaper Bible" syndrome affect a lot of minds here. Really figuring out what is best overall long-term comes after short-term "what's best for me personally" instead. Money rules, rather than coming after more important drives and motivational principles or axioms.


"Time horizon" has long been one of my hobby horses... one of the reasons I am generally disgusted by politics as it currently exists: Almost nobody thinks of solutions that play out outside their term in office. It's all about "What will make ME look good while I am top of the heap, and to hell with the long term ramifications!"

"Where's your 20-year and 50-year plan?"

"Why would I have that? I'll be dead by then..."

Steemit is a strange "society," in its own way. The scariest people here are what I have come to think of as "Blockchain Apologists." They (sincerely) believe that Steemit is pretty much exempt from all the quirks and follies of human nature and psychology "because we're on the blockchain." Sure, that's a nice ideology but it doesn't exempt us from human foibles like greed and pettiness.

Of course, I have my personal biases... anyone who steps up and starts claiming expertise in "game theory" should be required to spend a minimum of four years each studying industrial psychology and philosophy.

Yeah, an ideology that doesn't conform with the reality it claims to represent LOL. Knowledge of self (psychology) is lacking in so many. Free will power of consciousness is what can create the greatest change outside the deterministic natural causal forces in the universe. People create code, and people can change code. Code is not law. Moral codes and moral laws are the real law. I agree with you on everyone needing to learn psychology and philosophy. That's what should be in all primary and secondary education. Real valuable knowledge for life and living. Then people can learn WHAT they want with the proper cognitive tools to do it. That's a real learning education vs. outcome based education we have now.

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