The biology of love: Your genetic file seems to have some say in the rules of your attractiveness!

in #psychology6 years ago

"Chemist between two people" ..It turns out that when it comes to choosing a partner, there are many factors that influence our choices. We are drawn to certain people not only for cultural reasons such as intelligence and values

or because of the material situation,But there are also biological reasons, says Dr. Helen Fischer, Anthropologist at Rutgers University and author of the book "Why him Why her ".

In 1994, the Swiss animal scientist Klaus Videkind analyzed a specific part of the DNA of a group of students. This analysis examines specifically the genes of the MHC ", MHC is a large genetic area located on the sixth chromosome and is found in most vertebrates and plays an important role in the immune system and also in reproductive success, the students were then divided into 49 females and 44 males. The male was asked to wear normal cotton shirts for the night while avoiding anything (alcohol, irritants such as colon, etc., which may change their natural smells), two days later, the shirts were placed in perforated cardboard boxes, females were asked to order the boxes according to their criteria according to three criteria: severity, kindness and attractiveness, the results of Vidkind showed that females preferred shirts worn by males who had the genes of the women's compatibility complex different from themselves, this raises the possibility of our choice of unconsciously for our partners who place our children with some of the typical genetic traits, the experience was really controversial, But it has changed scientific thinking about complex histocompatibility (MHC-Major) genes.

There is a very important aspect of the chemist responsible for our sense of attractiveness, phyromons, which are chemical signals that are released by certain glands in the body and are often mixed with the smell of sweating used to attract or repel the potential partner, while there is some controversy in determining what phyromons actually do in the body, however, there is no disagreement about the fact of its existence. Recently, it has been known that the varmons act to identify the genetic identity of the person and lead to the emergence of sex drive by traveling from the nose to a specific area of

the brain called the hypothalamus, which in turn triggers sexual hormones and increases feelings And sexual excitements, all at the subconscious level " This may explain that the hug or even Qibla is a way to approach the person to smell good smell because of the weak sense of smell in humans compared to animals, the standard inhalation that the mammals share during courtship is evidence that the odor is the chemical equivalent of the peacock feather or the mandarin song - which attracts the partners. " After verifying the message, the arousal stage is formed by increasing the estrogen secretion of females and the hormone testosterone in males, Of the three stages to form love!

These chemical signals are often misinterpreted by females who take oral contraceptives. These pills cause misinterpretation of the odor messages they receive and also distort the channels of the olfactory communication, distorting the signals they send and making them appear less appealing to men. That women usually take birth control pills to enhance their attractiveness to the partner.

 Many women when they decide to have children and stop taking birth control pills are changing their idea of

reproduction, because the recognition mechanism of the partner's sexual compatibility has returned to her work, and then she returns to her idea of

reproduction with the same person (the pill affects the taste of women In Men, American Scientific Magazine.

After the stage of arousal that occurs at the subconscious level, the second stage begins, the phase of attachment and obsession with the potential partner, the "love", and occurs when the brain begins to secrete three hormones, norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin.

Norepinephrine is responsible for increasing energy in the body. Dopamine is responsible for feeling happy, happy and safe and serotonin is responsible for regulating mood and sexual desire, also called happiness hormone.

The third stage starts with the stage of the link "if things go well" when the secretion of the brain to the hormones of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin decreases, gravity decreases and humony, oxytocin and fasopressin are released, creating the desire to connect and strengthen the partner's position and the need to embrace and to share and share the deepest secrets and planning for the future.

In the end, attraction is a miracle for most of us. There seems to be no perfect companion for us, but there is an ideal partner that depends on the MHC games!


Clara Moskowitz, "Women Smell Better than Men", Live Science,, April 6, 2009

Shelley Farrar Stoakes, "Functions of MHC in the Immune System",, Aug 23, 2018

Lisa Zamosky, "The Science Behind Romance", Webmd,, January 15, 2009

Kimberly M. Aquilina, "Sexual attraction is all in your genes, baby", Metro USA,, Published: June 05, 2017

Kromer, J., et al. "Influence of HLA on human partnership and sexual satisfaction." Scientific reports 6 (2016): 32550.

Melinda Wenner, "Birth Control Pills Affect Women's Taste in Men", Scientific American,, December 1, 2008

University of Rhode Island, University of Rhode Island, Heather M. Chapman, Love: A Biological, Psychological and Philosophical Study (p. 11).

Why him Why her book, 2009, Anthropologic, by Dr. Helen Fisher.


Interesting. It's very attractive to know about of this information and how have repercussions on the interpersonals relationship (In this case, the genetic has been a factor excepctional before and after at the preparing of this investigation). Who would know than several elements (as the chromosomes as the smells) they would have a big important at time at that we going to choose partner?. I liked this article

Thank you for your attention I love your comment too..

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