Healing from ritual abuse? Videos, books and online resources to help you

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)


Here is a short list of videos, books, and online resources that have helped me heal from ritual abuse.

Teal Swan

Teal is, like me, a survivor of ritual abuse and although I don't agree with all of her videos, she often has a strong and clear insight into many aspects of healing from sexual trauma. Here are just two of the videos that have helped me.

For more videos, you can visit Teal's YouTube channel here.

Allison Miller

Miller has written several excellent books on the topic of understanding and healing from ritual abuse. I started with Healing the Unimaginable. This author's work is excellent as Miller has direct first-hand clinical experience with ritual abuse survivors.


Mark Passio

In my opinion, Passio may be one of the most important occult researchers of our time. Although some may feel that his study is marred by his ultimate conclusion on the cause of global suffering, don't let this detract from the rest of his work. If you're curious about how ritual child abuse has gone on for so long, and how its perpetrators go largely undetected, this is a definitive explanation of the contemporary occult. You may not agree with everything Passio has to say, but this is a great starting point for your own research. The video here is a three-part lecture, but every minute is fascinating:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Harvey L. Schwartz

Schwartz has written two of the most comprehensive books on the internal structure of the survivor's psyche and presents a detailed exploration of how abuse is perpetrated and subsequently processed by the survivor. His books may be a little complex for the beginner, but if you intend to use a self-healing method to recover from ritual abuse, then essentially you will have to train yourself in psychology.

It is my experience that it is simply too time consuming and expensive to rely entirely on a therapist to do this for you. The way out, for me, was to become my own therapist. You might want a basic grounding in psychology before you attempt this, and plenty of other books will provide that.

With Schwartz, I recommend starting with Dialogues With Forgotten Voices: Relational Perspectives On Child Abuse Trauma And The Treatment Of Severe Dissociative Disorders. If you feel like delving deeper into the psychodynamic complexities of perpetrator dynamics then I advise moving onto The Alchemy of Wolves and Sheep: A Relational Approach to Internalized Perpetration in Complex Trauma Survivors
. Both these books are intense going for the beginner, but they provide an invaluable framework for understanding what happened to you, and many other children.


I believe that self-education is the key to escaping the complex PTSD and alter-systems that commonly develop after ritual abuse. There are too few experts in this field, and many therapists will be completely out of their depth on this topic — perhaps because traditional therapy is not really that effective. Which brings us to:

Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

Masson is probably this century's most important psychologist, although his work is widely unknown. The essential work to read here is The Assault on Truth: Freud's Suppression of the Seduction Theory which demonstrates through meticulous research that Sigmund Freud was pressured by European society into hiding his discovery that all his female patients were, in fact, survivors of sexual abuse.


Masson followed this book up with the excellent Against Therapy in which he echoes the beliefs of Alice Miller, who also discovered that traditional therapy was at best a fraud and, at worst, a means of social control to prevent abuse victims confronting the powerful institutions that abused them.

Alice Miller

Thankfully, Miller's books are increasingly well-known and she deserves, in my opinion, the accolade of the most significant psychologist (although she decries this label) of the previous century. Miller systematically demonstrates how most human conflict originates in child abuse. I recommend starting with For Your Own Good and then moving onto all of her many other wildly insightful books.

Alice Miller Photo-1.jpg

Online resources

Here are a few more resources that might help someone recovering from ritual abuse understand more about what happened to them and what other avenues exist for healing. Please note that I do not wholly endorse any of these documents and you must do your own research to determine what information is relevant and accurate:

Healing from Ritual Abuse

RITUAL ABUSE AND MIND CONTROL The Manipulation of Attachment Needs

Chainless Slaves

A psychotherapist interviewed about ritual abuse in Germany

There are many more resources available and I have only scratched the surface here. I may list more in a future post. I wish you good luck in healing through speaking out.


"Although some may feel that his study is marred by his ultimate conclusion on the cause of global suffering,"

I respect your feelings as they are valid experiences. However they are not evidence for a conclusion about the world.

One of the things that makes Mark Passio such a good researcher is the fact that he brings evidence and than a perspective. So the question I have is what evidence that his global suffering perspective is wrong do you have if any?

Thanks for reading @aconsciousness. I personally agree with Passio's research, but I am aware that some readers may find his ultimate conclusion (similar to David Icke's) difficult to reconcile with their conditioned worldview. I wouldn't want anyone to disregard the rest of Passio's work based on this common prejudice. I feel it is important research regardless of whether a person agrees with the totality of Passio's discourse.

I feel that Passio's work is brilliant; accurate, and I'm glad others are aware of it too.

To me he is just logical and reasonable. I get you not wanting to alienate any of your readers. I have to do so too. For me the problem is that the indoctrination creates an uphill battle. Much merely requires looking for yourself, but too many find that too hard.

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