If This Is Your Favorite Color, You Have Good Intuition, Perception and A High Level Mind

in #psychology7 years ago

If This Is Your Favorite Color, You Have Good Intuition, Perception and A High Level Mind

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The color indigo is the color of intuition and perception and is useful in opening the third eye. It advances profound focus amid times of reflection and contemplation, helping you accomplish further levels of awareness. It is a color which identifies with the "New Age" - the capacity to utilize the Higher Mind to see past the ordinary faculties with incredible forces of perception. It depends on intuition instead of premonition. Indigo is a profound midnight blue. It is a mix of dark blue and violet and holds the traits of both these colors.

Administration to humankind is one of the qualities of the color indigo. Effective and stately, indigo passes on integrity and profound earnestness. The color significance of indigo reflects awesome commitment, wisdom and equity alongside reasonableness and unprejudiced nature. It is a guard of individuals' rights to the end. Structure makes character and significance for indigo. Actually an indigo individual can't work without structure - it rattles them right. Association is critical to them and they can be very rigid with regards to order in their lives.

Indigo loves ceremonies and customs, religion and the institutional framework, complying with things that have worked in the past while getting ready for what's to come. Indigo empowers right mind or inventive movement and assists with spatial abilities. It is a sensational color identifying with the universe of the theater, which, amid times of stress turns into the busybody, making a mountain out of a molehill!

The negative color importance of indigo identifies with obsession and addiction. Its addiction incorporates everything from a requirement for perceived capabilities to a requirement for unlawful medications, from the obsessive worker to the religious devotee. Indigo can be biased, bigoted and preferential.

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Personality attached to color Indigo

While you may not show all the character qualities of the identity color indigo as recorded here, if indigo is your most loved color you will get yourself some place in the depiction. You may likewise discover you display a portion of the negative attributes, especially when you are pushed.

  • You are straightforward, sympathetic and understanding. Integrity is critical to you.

  • You require structure in your life - association is essential to you and you can be very unbendable with regards to order in your life.

  • You adore ceremonies and conventions. You look to the past when making arrangements for what's to come.

  • You are upright and dependable - a great individual to have around in an emergency.

  • You may have an extraordinary need to obtain capabilities.

  • You are ravenous for the importance of life.

  • You may here and there be grumpy and thoughtful.

  • You work past the ordinary faculties of taste, sight, hearing and so forth.

  • You cherish peace - equity is critical to you.

  • You cherish making show in your life.

  • You might be up in the mists one moment and down in the dumps the following - you experience difficulty living in the now as your psyche is dependably on what's to come.

  • You have an addictive identity and might be a compulsive worker or dependent on different things.

  • You may not trust effortlessly.

  • You might be a hotshot - as a dramatist, performing and flaunting works out easily for you.

  • You are natural and keen, depending on intuition instead of hunch.

  • Service to mankind is one of your qualities and basic to your prosperity.

  • You are unprejudiced and reasonable.

  • You can be an incredible dramatist, making a mountain out of a molehill, when you are pushed.

  • You can be biased, narrow minded and preferential when living from a negative viewpoint.

  • You can end up plainly over the top and fanatical now and again.

  • Addiction or something to that affect is additionally an issue for you - this might be addiction to work, exerise, nourishment or different substances.

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Positive and Negative Traits of Indigo

Positive keywords incorporate integrity and truthfulness, structure and controls, profoundly mindful, optimism, acquiescence, exceptionally natural, down to earth visionary, loyal, dedication to reality and benevolence.

Negative keywords incorporate being over the top, judgmental, unrealistic, narrow minded and discourteous, discouraged, frightful, bombastic, a traditionalist, addictive, narrow-minded and staying away from struggle.

Indigo represents:

  • Intuition: utilize it to help with getting to instinctive capacities - it is the initial step to higher otherworldly information

  • Integrity: and profound truthfulness are characteristics of indigo

  • Structure and Order: a great color to use in rebuilding parts of your life or business

  • Wisdom: an internal knowingness and mindfulness - profound wisdom as opposed to the wisdom of the judgment

Known effects of the color

  • Introspection: advances profound focus amid times of reflection and contemplation - can prompt sentiments of being separated out.

  • Idealistic: a capacity to get ready for what's to come.

  • Addiction: can bolster an addictive identity into keeping up their addictions - don't utilize it on the off chance that you are attempting to beat an addiction - it is related with the religious enthusiast - the color of the compulsive worker who supposes they are essential - can likewise be identified with the individuals who are dependent on getting capabilities.

  • The Dramatist: identifies with the acting calling - can make individuals 'make a mountain out of a molehill'.

  • Conformity: an affection for custom - conformity to the things that have worked before, not only for accommodating.

The Book of Art
By: Teofilo A.S.


Definitely my fav colour but I'm not a fan of conformity or religion.

Possibly I'm an obsessive stoner though!

Even in its traits, it is impossible to possess them all, it could be a factor of it, some of it but definitely not all of it.

purple/indigo is definitely my favorite color,

i knew some of the info here but i love your posts..thanks for this

It means that youre a smart guy to have indigo as your favorite color :)

:D @juvyjabian hey, i am smart but no ego here man...thanks for compliment

Good to know that :)

Hehe I love purple and can find myself in some of these points! But conformity and drama are just not the things that would describe me.... but to be honest I have a lot of favorite colors though. Think it depends on my mood! Great read!

I can't help but think of the famous poem by Jenny Joseph called "warning". Some lines; when I'm an old woman I shall wear purple... and go out with my slippers in the rain.... and learn to spit lol. You can find it on you tube

Glad that you were able to share insights in my post, By the its not purple, its indigo. Purple were just posted few minutes ago :)

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