The Principle of Correspondence, The Law of Attraction, and Breaking Cycles of Negativity

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

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The Principle of Correspondence and The Law of Attraction

I’ve been thinking about my experiences with the Law of Attraction over the last few days since I discussed it with my friends, @sunravelme and @clayboyn during our last episode of The Darkside.

The basic idea behind the Law of Attraction is that thoughts combined with visualization, intent, and strong emotion can create powerful energies that attract similar energies to you.

The Law of Attraction is deeply related to the 7 Hermetic Principles, specifically the Principle of Correspondence, which is where the saying “As above, so below” comes from.

The Principle of Correspondence states that what is going on externally around you is a direct reflection of what is going on within you internally.

If you aren't familiar with these ideas then they may sound a bit strange, but I think most people can relate to them in some way by just thinking about their own life experiences.
When you are feeling positive with good energy, things tend to run smoothly and it seems that more positive things happen.
When you are feeling negative with dark energy, things tend to go wrong and it seems like bad circumstances keep popping up in your life.

During The Darkside show I was trying to remember the first time I ever heard of the Law of Attraction and I realized that it was about 17 years ago.
What I realized during the show was that even though I understand the concept of The Law of Attraction, I still get it wrong………even after having this knowledge and understanding for 17 years!

The Darkside of The Law of Attraction - The Vicious Cycle of Negative Energy

How do I still get it wrong after all these years?
Well, if I had to describe the general state of my mind I would say it would be a frazzled, neurotic funhouse of chaos.
There’s a lot of worry, anxiety, and fear going on in there on a daily basis.
So, what type of energy does that create in my external circumstances?
A bit of chaos and situations that cause….more anxiety and worry.

It’s like a vicious cycle that’s hard to break.
The more I am creating negative circumstances through my own negative thought patterns, the more I continue to think negative thought patterns due to the negative circumstances and so on.

Breaking Cycles of Negativity

"Vicious cycle" is a term people throw around a lot, but that’s really how it is.
It’s like sinking in a swirling vortex that seems impossible to climb out of.
Eventually, the swirling slows down, usually after a good night’s sleep, at which point I can reflect upon a few ideas that have helped me in the past to break out of the cycle of negativity.

Sometimes you just need that metaphorical slap in the face to break you out of those situations.

When I was younger my mom used to tell me to “snap out of it” and constantly say “mind over matter”.
It used to drive me nuts, but she was right.
She didn’t specifically know anything about the Principle of Correspondence or the Law of Attraction, but she understood it on a subconscious and instinctual level as most of us do.
Sometimes you have to just flip that switch and “act” the way you want to feel.
And eventually it will naturally happen.

“Fake it till you make it”

Other techniques for breaking cycles of negativity are:

  • yoga or any exercise
  • cleaning
  • creative outlets (music, drawing, writing)
  • spending time with a cat, dog, or other pet
  • watching a comedy
  • spiritual rituals

If anyone has any other techniques that they use I would love to hear them!

As Above, So BelowAs Within, So WithoutAs the Universe, So the Soul instagram.png


Absolutely spot on! It's all about the power of the mind. When you are feeling so positive, everything positive seem to gravitate towards you but when it is the opposite, the negative vibes get attracted and like your mum used to say; "Snap out of it". Our words and attitude shapes our world. We attract what we allow. The mind must be constantly renewed daily. Reading the Bible helps a lot too.

Very true, thank you for your comment!

Anytime. Thanks.

our current reality is a mirror of what is going on inside us and i am firm believer of this

cuddling hard gif

(=^ ◡ ^=)

For me, the very best tool to 'snap out of it' is deepening the understanding of this principal. The more it sinks in that my reality is my creation, the reflection of my inner space, the stronger becomes my motivation to keep that inner space healthy and happy and powerful. In yoga they have a path called Jnana - self realization through understanding. It is such a powerful path. Thank you for your beautiful post!

Thank you for sharing the idea of Jnana with me! I need to constantly remind myself that my reality is my own creation.

Happiness is the road \o/

Hey, very nice post!
I believe that lots of negativity in us stems from resisting the current circumstances too much, instead on focusing on doing what makes us feel good. Whatever you focus on grows :)

Very nic post .I like it

Verry good post


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