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RE: The End Is Nye!!

in #psychology5 years ago (edited)

Peterson argues that "men and women don't know how to work together because they never had to before" not that they can't. He also says the race and IQ thing not as "we should be racist to lower IQ people" but just to mention that it plays in to how people live and survive. higher IQ is well established with delaying grafitication and better long term planning. If you take a look at any low IQ country it is almost inevitably a bad country full of dictatorships and corruption, opposite that is high IQ countries(where white/black/brown/asian/etc doesn't matter). There are very well off countries where the dominant skin color is non-white and they also have above average IQs and do very well.

You totally take everything out of context that Peterson says, as someone who has listened to Peterson's stuff for quite litterally over 400 to 500 hours to get a good understanding, I can tell your understanding of him is way less hours listened to. You don't have the context or the history or the facts, and you shouldn't comment on such matters.

At my work place it is dominated by women and I can't say anything back to them, I also have friends who are in the same position. I seriously can get fired if I don't agree with them.

@truthforce writing


You totally take everything out of context that Peterson says...

Sorry my friend, but I didn't: Vice did. Yes, I've seen the uncut version too, that doesn't change anything though. Ask yourself: has Peterson even once said that men dress provocatively? He said the opposite if I remember, something like: men wear uniforms or suits or something, conveniently forgetting how that attracts (some) women. The interviewer didn't ask: "why do you shave and use aftershave before going to the workplace?" And even with that, I was actually on Peterson's side in that particular interview because I agree completely with how vapid some of the rules are that came into being after all the harassment scandals of late, like don't look at someone for more than 5 seconds, or put a limit on the duration of a hug...

Your (and Peterson's) arguments on the whole race-realist narrative... well, I'm not even going to answer that: If you can't see the fallacy in that line of reasoning yourself by now, I can't help you.

And to be clear: you're talking to someone who has sit through hundreds of hours of his stuff as well; I make it a point not to talk about things or persons I don't have a reasonable amount of information on. I've seen many of his lectures, ranting against a non-existent enemy called Cultural Marxism, his discussions with the atheists (the one with Dillahunty was very nice if I remember well), all his interviews with the other members of the "intellectual dark web", I could go on.

People aren't always what they say they are. When asked, for example at the very end of the Vice interview (which was edited in a dishonest manner by Vice, I agree) if he's not worried that his speech attracts so much individuals from the alt-right, his answer is: nope, not worried at all. And when asked what to say to those alt-righters he says: tell them to grow up, clean your room, stand straight and the rest of his usual shtick.

He often does get the short end of the stick with journalists; his claim to fame is his completely irrational critique of Bill C16 in Canada. In his very first interview (that I know of) on the subject though, the infamous one with that British lady, he immediately fell victim to a very dishonest way of interviewing someone. I was glad he put that straight, but that does not absolve him from the actual beliefs he spreads. I'll admit that Peterson is not high on my list, and that I, like anyone else, can learn a lot from him; he's not dumb, the opposite actually, he's one of the smartest men I know, which makes it even harder to see him spread some of the dumb things he spreads.

As for your workplace... so you can't talk back to women? You're not allowed to disagree with them? But you are allowed to disagree with men on the same level? If that's true, I'm sorry for you and hope you're able to find another place to work sooner rather than later.

Sorry my friend, but I didn't: Vice did. Yes, I've seen the uncut version too, that doesn't change anything though. Ask yourself: has Peterson even once said that men dress provocatively? He said the opposite if I remember, something like: men wear uniforms or suits or something, conveniently forgetting how that attracts (some) women. The interviewer didn't ask: "why do you shave and use aftershave before going to the workplace?" And even with that, I was actually on Peterson's side in that particular interview because I agree completely with how vapid some of the rules are that came into being after all the harassment scandals of late, like don't look at someone for more than 5 seconds, or put a limit on the duration of a hug...

But that focuses on one interview and not his whole body of work(which is a cherry picking fallacy). I am talking about his entire body of work across everything, which gives more context and explanations. If someone were to disect just a few things I did and didn't connect it to my entire body of what I have written for context, then that is cherry picking to obfuscate context. Not every interview allows for an entire lecture length talk on one specific topic, and no interview should be treated as "this is his views" unless that specific interview was on a narrow topic that was tuck to for an extended length of time(which is the opposite of the 5 minute gotcha clips MSM does) I am also not interested in what the interviewer did or didn't ask, that isn't relevant to his entire body of work. I actually don't like Peterson any more and totally stopped listening to him, just to give you perspective of where I am coming from.

Your (and Peterson's) arguments on the whole race-realist narrative... well, I'm not even going to answer that: If you can't see the fallacy in that line of reasoning yourself by now, I can't help you.

I don't believe in racism, its stupid and for retards. There is no fallacy in knowing facts about certain races or religions or countries or cities or whatever. Jordan's stance on it is that people don't talk about "controversial issues like that because "people get upset", but cultural and IQ barriers exist and cause friction between groups. This isn't taught in school, far from it, we are taught we are all the same and everyone can grow up to be an astronaut and a President, which is a total lie. We aren't all the same, we are mostly the same in many ways as humans.

And to be clear: you're talking to someone who has sit through hundreds of hours of his stuff as well; I make it a point not to talk about things or persons I don't have a reasonable amount of information on. I've seen many of his lectures, ranting against a non-existent enemy called Cultural Marxism, his discussions with the atheists (the one with Dillahunty was very nice if I remember well), all his interviews with the other members of the "intellectual dark web", I could go on.

I should clarify with an example, two different students can sit through a class and one receives an A+ and one receives a D. I should have said, you need to sit through hundreds of hours of his lectures and talks and have also deeply understand what he is saying. You have a major disconnect on what Cultural Marxism is and how it greatly affects things. The Frankfurt school is what you need to do a deep dive on as a primer. The entirety of USA schools and many Western schools have been infected with the Frankfurt schools plans and designs, it remains to this day to churn out uninformed masses who vote for big government, as we continuously see all western countries turn into huge government(that is not by mistake).

People aren't always what they say they are. When asked, for example at the very end of the Vice interview (which was edited in a dishonest manner by Vice, I agree) if he's not worried that his speech attracts so much individuals from the alt-right, his answer is: nope, not worried at all. And when asked what to say to those alt-righters he says: tell them to grow up, clean your room, stand straight and the rest of his usual shtick.

People become radical because they can't think of or conceive of a different way, its the same reason people join cults too. Desparate and craving attention and acceptance, humans are social creatures who want to belong. Humans are very irrational as well and are easily tricked by people with charisma and smooth talking into believing anything, charisma and smooth talking is one of the main things that people see in "leaders". Whether or not those leaders are competent is another story, and whether or not they want to lead them to doom and gloom or make things worse or good for them is another story. Peterson's message isn't to lead to doom or gloom, its to get better, volunteer, clean stuff, work on improving yourself. "clean your room, stand straight" is short hand for explaining the entire thing, which would be a long lecture in that of itself.

He often does get the short end of the stick with journalists; his claim to fame is his completely irrational critique of Bill C16 in Canada. In his very first interview (that I know of) on the subject though, the infamous one with that British lady, he immediately fell victim to a very dishonest way of interviewing someone. I was glad he put that straight, but that does not absolve him from the actual beliefs he spreads. I'll admit that Peterson is not high on my list, and that I, like anyone else, can learn a lot from him; he's not dumb, the opposite actually, he's one of the smartest men I know, which makes it even harder to see him spread some of the dumb things he spreads.

His critique of Bill C16 is not irrational just because you claim it to be so. His critique is extremely rational and it would do exactly what he said it would do, it would infact force you to address people by their pronouns, at threat of the government getting involved. People are getting arrested for using the wrong pronouns in the UK and other countries, this quite literally is a real thing and just because you deem it "irrational" or dismiss it with a handwave(another fallacy) doesn't make it so. It is quite rational as he is a rational person who often does not use almost any emotion when speaking, this is a tell to me that you let slip in proving you didn't really listen to hundreds of hours of Peterson. Peterson is almost robotic in every lecture or speech, irrational is not a synonym of this person. Don't lie to me, please. You vaguely say he spreads dumb things, which I am not sure what you are referring to. Type more clearly and define what your issue is with something he says.

As for your workplace... so you can't talk back to women? You're not allowed to disagree with them? But you are allowed to disagree with men on the same level? If that's true, I'm sorry for you and hope you're able to find another place to work sooner rather than later.

I can't disagree with the women in my work place. If I do I risk getting in trouble and them starting a clique about me like they do to others that they frequently do out in the open. They are nasty and its like 20 different women who all participate in it. Its childish and immature nonsense that they do. I can disagree with men at my level or lower or higher and I have never run into any issues in the corporate world I work in. It wouldn't matter what job I go to, its been the same every job I had with that.

Wow... Thanks for putting so much work in responding @truthforce. Even though I'm going to disagree with almost everything you say, I really appreciate the effort and sincerity you display here; thank you :-)

Bill C16 is an amendment to a long existing Canadian Human Rights Act, and pronouns are mentioned nowhere in it. I don't know on what planet you live, but on mine a simple google search shows me that there have been 0 arrests in Canada for using the wrong pronoun since the bill was passed. All it did was add gender preference and gender expression to a long list of protected groups like sex, race, religion, age and sexual orientation. It means you're not allowed to discriminate against those groups or incite hate or violence against them. Are people getting arrested for discrimination of various groups? Sure. Are many of these cases shady and sometimes difficult to gauge? Most certainly. Will there always be crackpots who will abuse this to their advantage? Of course. Does that mean you can ever be arrested for just using the wrong pronoun? If you listen too much to Peterson you might believe that, yes. Does that make it true though? Using another country as an example for excusing Peterson's gross exaggeration and fear-mongering when talking about it, well, you know what follows. And even then; when you look into these cases you'll see 9 out of 10 times that it's not the misgendering itself, but doing it deliberately, repeatedly and / or publicly, which brings us into the realm of discrimination and hate-speech for which most western civilized countries have had legislation a long long time. Peterson is irrational. Don't lie to me.

Or maybe he's not irrational, in which case he's a brand, a mini-one-man-industry, with something to sell, and he's selling it to a young, vulnerable, cis, white, male and economically disenfranchised audience. And he's selling them poison comrade. Me saying that he's just irrational, that's he's merely incapable of seeing Cultural Marxism for the mirage that it is, a mirage originally invented by the Nazis for that matter, is me being charitable. Please don't lecture me on the Frankfurt Schule; I know that it is real, but I also know that they, Habermas, Adorno and others, were even greater adversaries of the nihilism Peterson proclaims to detest.

I'm very interested to learn in which country you live. I'm curious to see the legislation that prevents you from disagreeing with the women in your workplace; must be some totalitarian regime you live under. If you can show me that legislation, I promise I'll let it go. But until then I thinks it's a reasonable question, especially seeing that you apparently feel someone must know Peterson's "entire body of work" to be able, or allowed to form an opinion on that very public figure. If there's no such legislation, but you still genuinely feel you can not disagree with women in the workplace, I'd like to know if this goes for all disagreements or just certain specific disagreements. The way you describe it though, I doubt you'll be able to produce any legislation of the sort; you make it sound as if you're suffering from some sort of social pressure, maybe systemic even, since you claim it doesn't matter what job you take or where... Hmmm... Where have I heard people complaining about this kind of suppression before..? I hope you can see the irony here, and how you're illustrating the way certain males have come to see themselves as a suppressed minority, which is silly of course.

Would you like me to give you an exhaustive list of people who's "entire body of work" I'm not familiar with, yet dare to criticize? Yes, I've seen many hours of Peterson't lectures and interviews. But when he agrees to call one of his public speeches "Identity politics and the Marxist lie of white privilege," I know pretty much where he's coming from, and where his hardcore alt-right white nationalist following comes from (I'm not saying that's the entirety of his following). He provides them with yet another narrative that shows them they've been right all along, he provides them with a method behind their madness, as do Molyneux, Crowder, Harris, Akkad, and I could go on, unfortunately. And we will politely disagree on all these things, or most of them. Peterson and robotic? Do you know some other Jordan B. Peterson I'm not familiar with? I see him get quite emotional, crying even, on many occasions. He has a great sense of humor as well and the thing he constantly does with his hands and fingers when he really gets to the heart of what he perceives to be the truth of some topic, I think it's endearing. I do like Peterson the man on occasion and not everything he says is nonsense but that's not important here.

What's important is that Peterson is a mouthpiece for a certain group of white males by reacting to a political climate in which these white men never had a voice of their own, were never treated as a "protected" group like women, immigrants, LGBTQ people and so on, roughly the groups protected by that infamous C16 facade, Peterson's ultimate claim to online fame. Seeing yet another group being added to this special list was too much for them, and all that is perfectly understandable because most of them were screwed by politics and the economy just as hard as anyone else. And who came to THEIR rescue, they wondered... Certainly not Obama or, God help us, yet another Clinton. No, it's Peterson, Crowder and Trump. By the way; Trump IS living, walking, trying to talk sense proof that anyone can grow up to be president. They are the ones denying the existence of a Patriarchy, white and / or male privilege and so on. They are the ones to say: "the law applies equally to anyone" when confronted with highly skewed racial distribution of prison-populations. If you believe that, if you keep denying, like Peterson does, that these systemically induced differences in outcome exist, then what IS the difference? Well, then it must be that people of color are just more likely to be criminals. That's Jordan's entire body of work, right there. He, like all his "intellectual dark web" peers, never say it, it's just implied in their rhetoric. That's what you and Peterson deem to be "interesting topics of discussion and investigation" that people on the left shy away from, and what attracts their alt-right followers and fanboys. And you should know that if you're even passingly familiar with his "body of work." There is no spoon. There's only you. There is no white privilege. There's only you. And if you don't make it, you, and only you are responsible for straightening your back and clean your room. That's his body of work, and he's even too blind to see how that persistent message, which is nothing new by the way, contributes to the nihilistic tendencies he so vehemently despises.

I'll leave it here for now, so you have the last word here. But there will be future posts by me about this and other public intellectuals. Even if I haven't read any of their books ;-)

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