How to create with no brain support, or my new drawing habits

in #psychology7 years ago

Hi, guys!:)

Yesterday I promised that I'll write a post about a small confusion I experiences with my work during last days. Luckily it's fixing itself at the moment, but earlier I even started feeling something close to fear that it will stay like this forever.

Image credit

Not what I'm talking about, but I just loved the pic

Earlier when I was writing posts about my treatment one of steemians asked me: "Doesn't it affect your creativity?" Of course, since my treatment duration was only for two weeks at that moment I answered "No, it's fine", and only afterwards I realized that I was not that right as I thought.

I was so happy that pills gave me great night sleep and gave possibility to get rid of depression that I forgot that most of my successful art I was creating during my long hypo-mania states. And at that moments everything seemed so easy and natural to me, that I never thought it could be different.

When I was able to return to full time work as an illustrator after my eyes surgery recovery period I started noticing that in fact long-termed productive work really became more difficult to me. I'm not used to that, I was super-productive earlier, and was really surprised that I have less creative (and other) forces then before.

It took me a couple of weeks to realize + still I'm getting used to it. Only yesterday I managed to relax and create first artwork that I would call less or more successful, and now I understand that I need to train myself, train my brain to seek forces in another source. Earlier it was hypo-mania state of my bipolar disorder, but now I need to replace it.

But what's good about it? Of course, I miss my hypo-mania states. But now I can be productive every day, cause I don't have to stop working while I have depression episodes, and of course it's an advantage. Japanese people say that "fast it's slow, but regularly",  and I think I'll take this as my new moto. 

I wish you all a great weekend!:)

I wish you all the best and will be happy if you'll support me with vote:)

Love, Inber


I feel your words deep in my mind dear @inber I feel identified maybe not like you but in some way I think a lot about that " I understand that I need to train myself, train my brain to seek forces in another source. Earlier it was hypo-mania state of my bipolar disorder, but now I need to replace it." , I wish you the best always !! :)

Thank you my dear friend!:)

An very useful information @inber.

Wow, really?!?

absolutely yes. sometimes there is a change in us when we swambuh from sick, there are people who swmakin weak, some are normal and there is also a super aktive. it depends on the resistance that we have, plus our desire to live. It makes us healthy and trrud works.

I have my desire to live for only 36 days, I'll see how it'll go along.

which determines the life of a human being is God, we can not do anything without God's permission. Approach yourself to God for long life, eliminated illness and distress. That's the best way

You know that not all people believe in God, right?

I hope you are part of people who believe in GOD.!!

I believe meditation could help you find a better state for creativity and what you are avoiding to live by categorising yourself with such a state :) It's easy, give it a try and then time :)

Sorry, but it's the only response I can give here. Why everyone is 100% sure that I never tried?...

I am glad you tried, but dont disregard my last comment, give it time as well :)

I gave it everything I could, it's not my way. And in fact I'm just tired that people continue to offer meditation as the only answer to everything. Or yoga. Or healthy food. People are very different, and what works for one can not work for other. I can say even more here, when I was at the peak of my attempts I couldn't create at all, cause it's not the way how I feel the world. I feel and see it differently, and meditation is something that is 90% does not converge with the way I live and the way I want to live.
I can't explain it here clearly to a person I meet for the first time on-line, but in general it's just not my cup of tea.

And you shouldn't explain your life choices. Just do what makes you feel alive I guess, even that mean having depression episodes. I must say I never experienced depression so maybe that's the reason I tried to solve you rather than accept you as different than me :) hugs and do not ever meditate :p

Depression doesn't allow even to get out of bed sometimes, not talking about meditation, but I tried to do it in more "stable states". I'm a kind of person who is very active in regular life, when everything is OK and even sitting quiet for 15 minutes in a problem for me. Plus I had a really bad teacher in meditation, unfortunately:( Luckily I realized it before any harm was done. Well, it's a long story

Well a long story is a good story if you are willing to share it I am willing to listen. Write a post about it sometimes :)

I am very intrigued by the fiestiness of your replies to commenters, I will offer you no advice!

And I care not if you think I read your post or not. Pills suck the creativity out of me, personally.

No idea what makes you think that I was seeking for an advice.

What makes you think I thought that since I offered none?

You're seeking for someone to have a verbal skirmish with? It won't be me, sorry. One who just don't care would go pass by my post with no comment. And btw it's the best thing to do if you have nothing to say. And one little refinement - English is not my native and I'm no idea what means "fiestiness" in you first comment, cause Google says it's a mistake, and my knowledge is not enough.
Anyway, I answer everyone in the way I do, in MY blog. I don't come to your blog and look how do you answer.

I will stop replying - although I never once complained or belittled.

Fiestiness could mean combativeness, but in my mind has less violence associated with the word.

I wish you the best friend! If course it's yet another new road to travel but I think the more we learn about ourselves, our behaviors and tendencies, the more free we become to really create without relying on the things that may be hurting us.

Writing about it is the first step, so you're already well on your way!

I hope so:)

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