Why am I ashamed of having depression?

in #psychology7 years ago

If I remember correctly being ashamed is part of depression. A major part for we feel inadequate, useless, worthless, etc.

The important aspect to beating depression is finding the internal dialogues floating and hiding in our heads creating these inappropriate feelings and beliefs. We do it to ourselves.

Depression is a hiding mechanism designed to protect us. Unfortunately it’s not always the best. So digging out the poor thought processes is difficult. One must be quick to dig under each thought to find the originating cause. We are each different.

For example I would feel bad about myself for not being able to cope with my noisy children. Digging deeper I could see I was having an internal dialogue of my failure to keep my wife in the relationship leaving me with two young children both in diapers. 

1 - you are ashamed because depression makes you feel weak and vulnerable - when this happens, we often feel ashamed to display our weaknesses, i would guess its because we are scared (with some good reason) that some people will just take advantage of our vulnerability

2 - you are ashamed because society has you believe that weakness is to be laughed at, and that if you happen to be weak, you are less than others (based on number 1)

3 - you are ashamed because you dont want to become a burden on to anybody who feels worried about you, perhaps beause depression lowers yourself esteem which in turn makes you feel unworthy of any affection and time from other people (its not true, if someone cares, open up, let them care for you, its such a blissful experience)

4 - you are ashamed because its your way of hidding from your problems; when we feel shame, we tend to hide and ignore the reason for our shame; you dont want to deal with the reality/root of your depression (i understand, its very hard and it takes effort and fearlessness to face it) - ask for help, 2 heads are bettter than one, a therapist who makes you feel comfortable and safe, could help you tackle the root issue

5 - you are ashamed because you are afraid of change; you want things to be as they used to be, you dont wanna admit you have depression which made things different, you dont want to present yourself to others as different because you have grown attachment to the old you, which every one knew (and you are scared they might leave this new you)

 please talk to someone, seriously, find it in you to let someone know to help you get over this; you are not ashamed, depression is just trying to keep you its prisioner and makes you believe its shameful to fight it.

So yes being ashamed is nothing to be ashamed about. Just keep going with the therapy.

Also consider the possibility of s meditation practice.

 Dont give in .

 Stay strong .

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