Don't be a Confirmation biased person

in #psychology5 years ago (edited)

The road to success in every aspect of life, takes many concerns and efforts. Whether in a relation or or in a business, you have to know the mental tricks your mind may play against you and unconsciously.

Being a confirmation biased person is one of them which especially affects your leadership and management skills and reduces your chances of success in your profession.


If generating wealth is one of your concerns, this personality would be a killer. I have seen this very disastrous in 3 professions:

1. Business managers

A manager who seeks for confirmations from others, probably from employees, will never make through the complications of finding new solutions for problems.

A problem solving killer in your office! So if you find out someone has strong bias for getting confirmed by others, simply reconsider him/her for mid/high ranked management positions.

2. Stock traders

A trader with such behaviour will always look for investments which seem so great but ignores the negative signals and indicators, whether technical or fundamental.

It is common in human nature like a syndrome and it will lead them to justify their wrong decisions.

3. Startup founders

Startups are about being agile and innovative.

Confirmation bias will make you very slow in understanding mistakes so it will kill your organization's agility.

Also someone with such personality will stick to the present solution and model and will abandon any creativity and possible innovation to do things in a new way.

Investors do a very important research on your personality when they are considering your startup to invest or not, in a pitch or business meeting.

Image source
I have posted this blog on my Publish account.


I had never heard the term until I read it here, however, it is what many of us know as: "we see what we want to see and we hear what we want to hear"

And this kind of behavior can definitely prevent us from looking at situations objectively. It can also, of course, influence the decisions we make and lead us to make poor choices.

From what I have read, "We all suffer from this confirmation bias, on one level or another. Even if we believe that we are open-minded and observe the facts as impartially as possible before reaching conclusions, it is very likely that even so, some kind of bias will shape our final opinion. It is very difficult to combat this natural tendency.


Could it be the reason for wars?

Thanks for sharing

thanks my friend 🙏🏼

Greetings dear friend @honarparvar.

I believe that overcoming this state of partial confirmation of the truth is a process that can take years.
It is part of our personal growth and consequently, we will always be learning until our mind allows it.

A first step in this regard would be to remain humble in terms of our level of knowledge. Many times when we believe we have full control of any situation, we do not pay attention to details. This can become a big mistake.

"I only know that I know nothing."


The personal growth is the most right term you brought up here. and like many other times, I seriously enjoy learning from your comments, I appreciate that.

Dear @honarparvar

Interestic topic buddy. Indeed on the road to success we can face many different obstacles.

I must admit, that it's my very first time I'm hearing description "confirmation biased person" and I was initially quite confused. It seem that this is feature more of a boss, than a leader.

This picutre you've posted made me laugh so badly. It does remind me of all the times when I end up fighting with my wife hahaha :) And it does remind me of Chinese justice system. Same shit I guess :)

Important: try not to use numbers 1) 2) 3) within your post. just look at it right now. It's all replaced with 1. 1. 1.

I thought that perhaps I could share with you my latest publication and ask about your own opinion on discussed subject:


I would appreciate it greately.


hi Peter
thank you for comment and advice on numbering format, corrected it.
about leader vs boss, you are right. bosses are more likely to trap in this bias but still leaders should be cautious. this can decrease someone from being leader to just being a senior chief.

thanks for sharing your article with me. I was so busy that I couldn't read a lot on steemit...

Hope you're busy in a "good" way @honarparvar :)

well, you know, messy head with lots of unfinished businesses... I don't see it as a good thing, but I'm 40 and got used to it somehow!!
have you ever thought about your ideal retirement age? :D seriously!
mine is 45 :)
passive income and enough fulfillment in your personal career to defeat midlife crisis :))

I'm not planning to retire till the day I die @honarparvar :)

long live 👍🏼

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