Through Psychology - The Importance of Playing (II)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #psychology7 years ago

Maria Rita Mendes Leal is a Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst, Childhood Educator, Social Sciences Investigator and more. She was born in Rome in 1921, lived in London and in Sao Paulo, Brazil, then came to Portugal where she has been having a major influence on private and public psychology institutes.

Amongst her many accomplishments, Rita Leal was responsible for paying attention to HOW CHILDREN PLAY.

​In her book Finding the Other, Finding the Self, Leal presents us with a series of investigations on Child Playing.

Maria Rita Mendes Leal

Personality as a System of Relationships

Consistency or incongruence in the system of ongoing exchanges is the basic dimension for personality organization. The innate search for a responding other which is seen in humans from the beginning of life can be understood as an impulse to find species meaning through the co-active confirmation of own experience in a validating relationship.

Personality is viewed as an instance gaining structure in a relationship in as far as the same may be tested and controlled. Personality disorganization, parenthetically, results from an impediment or disturbance of the conditions for effecting the continuous analysis or testing of control over messages found to be either contingent or not.

Based on his early observations that very young babies take the initiative in establishing relationships with things and people and follow these up according to own rhythms and controls, J. S. Watson proposed that the human infant learns to produce rewards dependent on his behaviour: because of his expectation that spontaneous responses emitted by him have consequences.

Rhythms Embodying the Search Pattern

In his experiments, babies were rewarded by a rotating mobile for spontaneous head-turning, so Watson thought they learned to do this because they would scan memory for response output and stimuli input: find and repeat that response which immediately precedes the reward stimulus (the revolving movement of the mobile before him).

He named this scanning behaviour "contingency analysis", referring to the fact that very young babies systematically select for repetition the spontaneous acts that furnish them with the experience of an immediately following interesting stimulus, which has been more consistent and at a certain time interval (on the average, 2-5 seconds and no more that 9 seconds), as if the stimulus were under his, the baby's, control.

In his "dialogue" with the responding mobile, the infant emits his response (head, legs or arms moving), then stops and looks; and moves again; and stops and moves; and ends up with an expansion of gurgling, smiling excitement.

Given the young baby's limited resources for higher brain function, it is understandable that Watson speaks of a functional awareness or of a form of immediate perception of contingencies. He is describing a process of resonance to immediate experience, leading as we know to a "GAME" of now-you-now-me-now-you.

Standing out is the phenomenon that the alerting expectation of the attentive baby is embodied in the two to five or up to nine seconds pauses.

It is notable that in the natural situation the only rewarding stimulus that is prompt enough to appear to the baby to be contingent on his spontaneous response occurs in the condition in which an attentive adult happens to be in face to face contact with the young infant - maybe when attending his physical needs.

Emotionally committed, the adult will spontaneously imitate whatever gesture or impelled movement he witnesses. He will also pause and observe what comes next before continuing. The posture is that of a waiting, accepting, confirming exchange of responses - to all appearances ready for that mutually constituting exchange of responses which the baby will carry on if given the chance to set the pace.

Trevarthen (1977) illustrated with a series of films the immensely pleasurable dialogue - the playing - which then emerges. In older babies this intercourse evolves into mutually imitative, almost ritualized sequences...

Reference: Leal, M. R. M. (2005). Finding the Other Finding the Self. Ed: IPAF, Sao Paulo (Brazil).

You can read more here! All the contents are my own thoughts or interpretations I made from scientific articles! Feel free to share this contents as long as you quote my name!


Muito bom, Helga. Sempre intuí isso, ainda que sem qualquer base científica. Bom trabalho!
Posso pedir-lhe um enorme favor, pedindo desde já desculpa pelo abuso? Estou a concorrer ao BeerSaturday esta semana, que é a 30a edição, e realmente gostaria de ter uma hipótese de ganhar com o meu post da Superbock ;)... Só um dos critérios para vencer é quem tiver mais votos no seu comentário neste post: Se puder ir lá dar-me mais um voto seria maravilhoso. Muitíssimo obrigada! Beijinhos!

Feito! :) Nada de desculpas, não é abuso nenhum! (Apesar de nós cá por casa torcermos mais pela cerveja concorrente! :D) Boa sorte!

Obrigada, minha querida! Será que é por ser do SLB ;)? Beijinhos!

Belo post! Estou trazendo alguns conceitos da nossa área aqui tbm. Vou te acompanhando! Sucesso!

Obrigada! Tenho que passar os conteúdos para português! A comunidade está cada vez maior, será interessante partilhar o conhecimento em psicologia também em português :) Também já dei uma vista de olhos ao seu blog! :)

I teach improv classes and there are a fair amount of exercises that involve mimicry. I've noticed that these games spark an immediate sense of joy and energy within groups. It's like it brings us back to when we were children. This article made me think of that.

Thanks for sharing @helgapn. I'd love to hear your thoughts about my recent post: These Three Words Will Instantly Change How You Perceive Your Life

It's interesting how simple things can make people happy right? :) Playing and learning through it is the most important one! Going to check your post :)

Excelente post @helgapn! tenho muito interesse nestes assuntos. Obrigada pela partilha. Abraço.

De nada! :) Obrigada eu pela leitura @ginga!

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