Guy is Back

in #psychology6 years ago


Guy is Back

Yes, you read that right, I am back, and I feel freaking amazing. If you look on my blog, you may think that I was never gone, but if you are following me for a while now you know how active I used to be and compared to that, it’s like I was gone for the last couple of weeks. Many of you don’t know this but back when I started, I used to spend more than ten hours a day just commenting, chatting and engaging with people in any way I could. I was barely even posting back then since I wasn’t making much, but one thing I was doing was making friends.


Photo by Tristan Gassert on Unsplash

In the beginning was pure fun because I had no responsibilities but as I grew on the platform the amount of work I had to put in every day got bigger and bigger. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a lot of fun, I love doing this, I feel energized right now from writing just that once the amount of constant work grows it’s harder to keep up with everything. I’m not going to bore you by talking about my activities, but besides the time eaten up by my studies, everything else was and still is invested into Steem.

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What happened?

Even if I have what I consider to be a strong mentality, having to keep up with so many hours of work every day will eventually result in some kind of burnout, and that is precisely what happened. I like doing my work, but my daily responsibilities got so many that at some point I was barely keeping up with everything and had to work more and more hours. This is not just because I am involved in many things but also because I am not managing my time as best as I could. Right now, I am kinda dominating my day, but I want to get to a point where I am entirely dominating it.


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

So, I am usually not lazy when I have to do things that I enjoy, but because I had to work more, I was, at some point, sleeping way less than I usually should. I normally should sleep a minimum of seven hours a night but for the last three weeks I was sleeping six and most of the times only five hours, and that resulted in me being tired as fuck throughout the day. I didn’t realize this until yesterday, but that state of tiredness put me in a mood where I didn’t want to work anymore but instead waste my time on other less energy consuming stuff like listening and watching podcasts.

I am a firm believer that the state you are most often in, becomes your default setting and since I was getting home tired and all I wanted to do was to sleep or watch political shit on YouTube, that slowly turned into a behavior. For me, it’s all about micro and macro momentum. What I mean by that is having micro momentum during the day, just building that momentum by dominating my day at all times and macro momentum by having multiple constant days where I dominate my day.

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The Solution

Now, I know what I have to do to get back on track, and that is building momentum by doing specific tasks every day. Also, I know that right after I get home, I have to start with the hardest or most energy consuming thing on my list instead of starting slow, and that is usually writing. Besides killing most of the things that are stealing my time, like YouTube, I am going to create a schedule for myself. I thought I don’t need one, but I realized that if I don’t know exactly what and when I want to do it, I will only end up wasting time.


Using Block Site to block YouTube

You see, because when you’re tired, you’re weak, you’re vulnerable, so of course, it’s harder to accomplish much since all you want to do is relax, but you have to kick yourself in the balls and keep on going. For example, I slept about six hours last night, it’s not much, but because I have built momentum during this whole day now, I feel fantastic and ready to kick some ass.

Maybe the most important thing is that I’m not going to put all the things mentioned above in practice starting tomorrow but today. If you postpone it, tomorrow will turn into another tomorrow and so on until you’re not doing it anymore, so the only time to start doing something is today.

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Photo by STIL on Unsplash

I already wrote this post and answered my comments, which I haven’t done in a while, and I’m also planning on writing at least two more posts. I have to mention that next week I might miss some days since I have a couple of events that are going to require my whole day. Also, for the next couple of weeks until I finish with exams at the end of June, I will still be a bit busier, but overall, I should be back. After June, I am all yours, but until then I will be in and out, making the most out of my time.

So ladies and gentlemen, excuse me for being gone for so long but I am finally back and ready to keep on fucking Steeming.

I’m back writing “high” on tea.




I'm glad you are back :D
And I know how hard is to keep up with everything, sooner or later it comes that moment when you feel exceeded.. life is full of ups and downs :)

Agreed and those downs are what makes the ups feel valuable. Time to kick ass again. :)

Nice to see your posting again. I've had a hard time the past couple of months posting. All the other responsibilities and projects take a lot out of you and you don't realize, but I think it's a great feeling to get a break and come back re-energized.

Feel that. I was still in and out for the last couple of weeks, but I had plenty of time to take a break, and now I feel a lot better and ready to kick ass.

The ability to manage your time - it's a great job that you need to do over yourself. I have this problem of small things that kill my time, stealing minutes, minutes, and eventually whole hours. Flipping the news feed on instagram, YouTube, chatting on the phone... Looks like I need a schedule, too.

Yeah, minutes turn into hours and hours into days, it's crazy. I think I'm going to make an in-depth post about my time management strategies sometimes soon. I found some tools and developed a system that helps me a lot and could give other people a hand too.

Good to have you back. I missed you, and i mean that. You are among my early favourites here, because you always talk about real life stuffs.

And you put much hardwork and pour your soul out on a post. I always feel almost every sentence, nodding my head from the intro to the conclusion.

I am sure we are getting all that back now.

Hey man, thank you for saying that, it is touching, I appreciate your constant engagement, I truly do. I would like to be able to reward people more but hopefully; I will be able to do it sometime in the future.

I'm trying to be as real as I can, speaking my truth. Not sure if I always manage to do that at full potential, but it feels good that somebody notices it. Thanks again. :)

You were gone? 🙃

Burnout's a bitch.

Kind of gone but burnout is a real bitch for sure, working at full potential again feels so good. :)

I am glad seeing guy's back with his wisdom :-D time to work again !

Time to work again for sure, 110% all the way to the finish line, if there is any finish line.

Welcome back! A break is sometimes needed. It happens to evryone to have some kind of burnout at a point in life.

Cheers, Alex. My break was rather long because it wasn't an actual break but just working at 50% potential, even less sometimes. It's worse than a break, but I learned a lot from this period. Feels good to be back.

I know that feeling my friend, really know it and understand you.

will eventually result in some kind of burnout

I feel you, I have experienced the same. What I do when that happens to me is to simply take 1 or 2 days off to recharge energy and focus. And that's it!

Glad to see you are going to be back doing great posts as usual!

I am kind of taking days off like I only work a little bit, and then I relax, but I should really go on a full break next time that happens. I was still posting but way less than before, now I'm fully energized, I can feel it in my bones. :D

If this activity is being away for you. Do I am already dead?

Yeah, your blog is pretty much ded, lol. You gotta get back. ;)

Good luck with exams! I am hoping your summer is much more relaxed, but it sounds like you are doing the things you need to do to take care of yourself!

Thanks a lot. The summer should be a lot of fun for sure but also, still a lot of work since I am planning to invest a lot more time into this and everything else that I'm doing. :)

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