The Last Opinion You’ll Ever Have

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Did you know? Your Opinion Doesn’t Matter!

Your Opinion Doesn’t Matter!_with_text.png

Neither does mine. Or anybody else’s for that matter.

Why is that?

Because everybody has an opinion. Some of which we agree with. But:

Most of which we don't! So...

By the end of this little thought play - will you still have an OPINION?

Why should anybody listen to you.png

Quite simply:

Because you are secure, validated and respected. Sounds great. But how does someone become so noble? After all, I'm just one of 7 billion opinions on this planet...


Do not have an OPINON! Throw it in the trash can, where it belongs! Instead:

Stand on a Position.

How does my Position Differ from your  Opinion.png

What's a Position then?

A Position is grounded upon a Point of View. A point of view is based upon facts and data, while most opinions are based on emotions and/or hear-say. Opinions change. That's why there are so many of them. More than people even! 😂 Positions don't change. Unless you can convince me with facts and data, I am not going to change my steadfast position.

Honestly, Who Do You Value More? 💰

A person who is swayed by moods, emotions and the need for approval? Or do you respect someone who stands up for what they think is right, even when others disagree?

Which then, do you think can be easily defended? ⚔

A position with substance?

Or an opinion, self-righteously conjured up and out of the moment?

Which can stand the test of time better?

It's our Position. But Why?

Because we have researched the subject. It's based on what we know - not what we feel. We have had conversations about it to seek advice from others without prejudice. We formed a conclusion that we can authoritatively defend.

Out of our based knowledge, we are able... No!... we cannot but stand firm. And what comes out of authoritative knowledge?

You guessed it:

Security, Validation, Respect.

Who is Right —-Who is Wrong ?.png

What If You're Right and I am Wrong?

A classic. That's easy...

Let's compare our data & facts and validate. No room for feeble emotions. Prove me wrong - not with emotional arguments or invented facts. Regardless of your ideology, worldview or religion, we can reason together. - I allow it. Do you have information that I was not aware of before? Data that I missed, that led me to a wrong conclusion? And you? Can you do the same?

That's a 360 win!


If not, we may end up in a Stalemate... image source

What if there is a Stalemate?

Do you allow it, too?
The reasoning, I mean...

...the openess to change your view point because new data have come to light that challenge the conclusion you may have reached before?

It is one thing to lay out one's point of view and argue for it. It is another to hit a wall. If a disagreement becomes a yellin' and screamin' argument, what do then?

video by LewTwo

Walk away - with a smile. 😄 Don't be resentful! Don't quarrel! Why try to reason with emotions or bad intent or childish petulance?

Self-control is needed. Do you have it? Do you have the strength to walk away smiling, graciously, knowing that the smarter person will not argue with opinionated foolishness?

One more important thing before closing:


Living Up To One’s Position.png

O' Woe to those who preach one thing and live the opposite. Hypocrates! Pretenders! Liars! All credibility - immediately lost. Their argument, even if it may be right - destroyed in an instant. How so?

One example is Christianity. I am a Bible believing Christian. So, my positions are based on God's views. Steadfast.

Sadly, many Christians forsake their God for the need of approval by people, some with opinions and some with different view points. What happens then...?

Not only do so many Christians discredit themselves, but also their belief system and that, which they claim to love: Namely God. Many do not come to Christ because of the behaviour of Christians.

Mahatma Gandhi was not a Christian yet he adored Christ! Why...?

― Mahatma Gandhi


“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

Mahatma Gandhi in many ways acted more like Christ than those who profess to be Christian.

There are many more examples. The actors are parents, bosses, politicians. Even Friends. I definately don't have an opinion on anyone's behaviour or view. I stand on a Position.

What about you?

Do you wish your views to be accepted? Do you want to be respected? Do you want to be taken seriously?

What's your opinion?
Or are you going to take the time and think about your positions in life, positions you are going to live and defend?

Let Steemit know in the Comments below! ✏

Thanks for reading. 😎

ch @globocop

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THAT is a great article, imo. Well done! :)

Reteeming this to 11,000+ followers.

(My first comment disappeared and resteem didn't go through the first time. Something bad happening with Steemit. Anyone have a clue what?)

Thanks @jonaltres Your support is amazing!

Re the disappearing posts, I have submitted an article about it.

Happy Monday! 😎

ch @globocop

PS:// I had to grin at your 'imo' given the subject of the article.

Lol. You caught that! We could start using "imp" (in my position), but people will think we're calling them an imp (a little devil). :)

imp that's a great idea 🤣


Emotionally intelligent individuals put the equality sign between position and opinion. In fact, an adequate opinion could not be formed without facts and evidence, one can claim. A "position" is what you show others, but opinion is what you have inside. Again smart people have position = opinion. Self-control is must-have for a firm position, that nobody could dispose.

Interesting view. My argument is that an opinion is based on emotions and moods. Emotional intelligence is projected externally - not internally - in my view, i.e. the capacity and capability with which I can empathize and respond to other people's feelings and needs should have no bearing on my position.

Thanks for your comment!

ch @globocop

Thank you for your reply. I would agree that emotional intelligence is the way you interact with people, so that you can manipulate opinions, until their positions completely aligned with yours. Nevertheless, your inner confidence should be firm enough to influence other people's attitudes through emotionally intelligent behavior. So, as you have mentioned in the post, you can not be right or wrong with opinion, you just need clear understanding of responsibility of making other people to produce opinions that would align their positions to yours.

Interesting again.
I am not necessarily aim to change somebody else's position, or opinion. The stalemate situation happens more often than the 360 Win.

But how I respond to someone with an opinion and also to someone insisting on a position - that's emotional intelligence. No quarrel - but smile. Strength.

ch @globocop

Thank you, I like discussing the topic with you. I am not going to quarrrel, just continue further. As you mentioned the responding option, it is really good application for EI to tackle with toxic people, for example. The next level is expressing your opinion with purpose to make it popular among others. To my view, without action your opinion or position has no value, as nobody is aware. Sometimes, it is very hard for people to insist on their very smart point.

That's just the point - and a good one:

A steadfast, particularly non-mainstream *Position is rarely perceived as popular, even though it may be. Look at Trump Ralleys and the Welcome he received in Poland vs. how the MSM portrait it and make believe the opposite of what is happening.

That's why Opinion Polls are garbage. Used during election campaigns, they are a manipulation tool - as is any person who loudly voices their opinion.

The Constitution of the United States doesn't need opinions - it needs people who stand firm on it's values, defending her Position.

Standing firm on one's Position can be a very lonely place.

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” -G. Orwell

ch @globocop

I have got your point. You developed your definition further. You could not be confident in your position without the strong belief. Of course, the truth is ultimate right thing, opinion can not be neither right or wrong. Opinions are ways, that individuals utilise to alter the truth in their favor. The matter is that you cannot change the truth and it is common that you do not know the truth. But you can show that your opinion is truth-alike by formulating your position, which is promise of opinion (kind of your truth perception) pursuing in your everyday life.


If you still want to do a review of The Lottery Council, it's done.

@richq11 Sure do - Have yet to read the last one - yesterday was busy with writing this post. Did you not upvote it coz you like to hold on to orgasmic opinions? 🤣

I thought I did... sorry, fixed!

Muchas Gracias! Appreciate!

There's something weird going on... I'm sure I upvoted this already. There's about 15-20 people I always upvote. You're one.

My friend in Nigeria wrote a post yesterday about posts disappearing. My other Nigerian friend writes interviews with people on Steemit... he did one with me. I upvoted and resteemed the post after commenting... I got a message on Chat asking for a RS! I know I already did it. So...

You know, I wrote a reply to a comment yesterday - submitted it - and it vanished. I am sure I submitted it. I had to rewrite it. It's concerning. These posts never made it into the blockchain. What browser was your friend using. What browser/OS are you on?

Will you bring this up in Discord ? Best on SteemSpeak:

PS:// Appreciate your upvotes !!!

Thank you! That's surprising somehow, given your channel intro. 😂

So, you are very, very old? 😉

I work on board ships so I'm travelling a lot and on steem I'm poor hence the hobo. Not that old though :P

Thanks for reading @maiyaki!

Much appreciate.

Standing for something is very important. The one thing that I have noticed about standing for a position is that people tend to get emotionally connected which in turn gets them bias towards that position. That pretty much turns their position into an opinion. I am much the same way. I like doing research to validate and reconfirm my position, but there is always something that goes against my position. This means I become bias towards that position because I lean towards those points that validate my position.

Of course, like you stated, it is easier to defend that position when you have evidence for that position.
Great post thank you.

Thanks for your comment @revelationquotes!
It is then where self-control comes into play. I think it's all in Proverbs perfectly laid out. Love that book!

ch @globocop

I use to say "Only my opinion matters". If I agree with you, then it becomes my opinion too. But if I don't agree with you, don't even try to change my mind. I will only do what I feel is right. Sometimes I am wrong yes,but I have no regrets.

Oh -- in which case I tend to remember the saying: We have 2 ears and one mouth - and shall use it in that proportion. 😎

Dont give suggestion and opinion show them
Action speaks louder than words

That is a very good point. Live up to your Position.

Excellent article, upvote from me.
Regardind the video: that was one of the most pathetic thing that i ever seen

Thank you @Steembg, appreciate your feedback.
emotions...emotions... 😎

You're welcome, just keep it that way

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