Self-esteem, attaining it is easier than running in sand...

in #psychology7 years ago

Sometimes I feel like I'm running in sand; At work I mean. It all starts off quite well, good intentions and all of that, and then inexorably it all seems to slow down, getting more difficult to move forward. Like running in soft sand.

It's a dangerous time and one to be identified quickly and dealt with decisively to maintain productivity, satisfaction and the feeling of accomplishment. I understand that for some people those three things may not seem possible at work; The people that hate their job I mean, however whether at work or privately everyone should seek them. I believe they are important elements to the feeling or creation of self-esteem.

Self-esteem is an interesting thing don't you think? It can enable or empower a person to greatness and the lack of it can leave a person feeling like they are in level 7 of Dante's Inferno; Not a pleasant place to be and seemingly impossible to extricate oneself from. We are bombarded with with images, concepts and icons by the media these days and one only has to take a look at the cover of the glossy magazines to see how they manipulate people's thoughts. One week the celebrity on the cover is too thin and next week too fat or the person portrays an "unrealistic body-image" and they always have advertising carefully placed throughout to solve the problem at hand, no matter what they tell you it is. Keeping you unstable, feeling worthless and in need of repair is good for business; You buy the next magazine to find newest solution, or a carefully placed product to help you find your self-esteem. You know, Make up, jewellery, diet powders, fake tans, a new phone, new shoes, new hair cut...Whatever it is that will miraculously cure your broken self-esteem. "Buy a new car like the bikini-clad beach-frollickers on the commercial, your life will then be wonderful like theirs!"

Self-esteem, great when you have it, not so good when it's used against you. I'm no different than any other person in that over the years I've had high self-esteem, occasionally low and just about everything in between. In the main I feel pretty comfortable with who I am generally but have had moments when I've had to address some feelings of lower self-esteem and I have found a little trick to help me do just that fortunately. It works really well with persistence.

"The best way to improve your self esteem is to improve someone else's"

Yep, that's it. A pretty simple concept. Taking bikini selfies or selfies of your biceps (or other parts of your body) to post on the interwebs won't do it. That's an empty and futile action. One simply needs to engage with other's, smile and say things like, I couldn't have done this without your help, or I appreciate you and what you have done...Or simply, I appreciate you. It's amazing how by showing a little bit of gratitude to those around you they feel better and I guarantee it will make you feel better knowing you did so.

An example:

The next time you're in the supermarket going through the checkout and you come across the operator who has been beeping things through their scanner all day long and look miserable, engage with them. I don't mean tell them all about you though, I mean ask them how they are. Get them talking about themselves. I assure you when you're just about through checkout and follow up with, "thank you for helping me today, I appreciate it and it was nice talking with you. Have a nice day," you'll get a smile. Maybe they'll stand a little taller, feel a little better that they didn't get abused by everybody that day. And you know what? You'll walk away feeling better too, and if not then what have you lost? That's right, nothing. It works everywhere too: The bank, train station, gym, at work, the cafe...At home with your loved ones.

So, give it a go. The worst that can happen is that you make some people's days better and they start talking about you behind your back...FAVOURABLY. The best case scenario is that you also start to feel better, bit by bit, little by little until you day, week, indeed, whole life is filled with positivity and you're self-esteem-loaded. To carry self-esteem is the lightest burden, carry it not, and you'll be weighed down.

Ok, now it's back to work and running through the sand.

[- Design and create your ideal life, don’t live it by default - @galenkp -]

The image is my why. The "why" I work so hard, strive for happiness, health and enlightenment. It's my wife. She's sitting on the beach just outside of Ballina, Northern Rivers, New South Wales. You haven't been there? Well, get it done!


As the old adage says, "Respect begets respect". Really, @galenkp, it is motivating to say that, "self-esteem will be present in people, when they have given it to others" .
Those people who are respected by the other people around them will have a high sense of esteem for themselves, but they will have to keep several other people in a state of esteem, to maintain their own esteemed status in any situation of life. People with low self-esteem will not perform as much as they should, they will loose the vital energy for achievement and success, and probably nudge themselves into negative thoughts.
I am writer, @gboyegaogunmola. I am writing article on the "psychological aspect of man". I truly appreciate your post. I believe that, self esteem is vital for anyone who wants to be successful in life. People who have no respect for the others, will never be respected in the world of today.
I think, the people who have not respected the others, will also loose the other people's hearts. Such people will never feel as they should, when they have anything to do with these people in the society.

Nicely put @gboyegaogunmola I wish you the best of success with your article.

"The best way to improve your self esteem is to improve someone else's"

Love that statement. So true. I felt that. I echo the same thought.
Thank you for attaching words to my thoughts.

Thanks for your reply @psypher. It is a concept I was introduced to a long time ago and it has worked very well for me and those I have mentored and coached. I appreciate you reading my post.

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