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RE: 1st Person Accounts- Suicide Research- Interview 5

in #psychology7 years ago

This is really interesting research to see how people are affected by it differently. A lot of my panic attacks are triggered because I fear I'll lose control of my mind and kill myself. I was trialing a bunch of antidepressant, anti anxiety and anti psychotics and one of the meds prozac gave me a horrible reaction, when i was trying to get to sleep my mind was rushing the worst it ever has in my life about all the negative thoughts and a thought came to me that the only way to escape this torture of my mind rushing was to kill myself. It was like I was having a survival reaction, a fight or flight reaction from my mind but to kill my self like itd save me. It scared me because I want to live so I had to go to my sister so she could not let me kill myself and so i could through the manic episode. Suicides scary :/


yes, these feelings you talk about I can relate. I dont want to die, but there is a part of me that bullies the rest of me. This all seems at times too much. never ending suffering. and fear of demise, beit by our hand or someone elses... sending hugs to you.

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