How to become more decisive and quick in decision-making

in #psychology6 years ago

But sometimes we refuse or pull it, which makes the situation worse. In short, three things are important: speed, determination and quality. If all this is, then your life can be called successful.

All the following advice is given by entrepreneurs who are familiar with the need to make decisions (especially in harsh conditions). Perhaps, some of them will help you both in professional and personal life.

Sometimes it's good - it's perfect
Think about the meaning of this phrase for a moment. If you do not find any sense in it, think about it a little more. Remember the situation from the past. Think about how you can apply this knowledge in the future.


When you are looking for excellence, you miss valuable time and opportunities. Sometimes you just need to stop and say to yourself: "This is good enough."

You launch a new product
Do something
Think about writing a book or an article
Make a presentation
Engaged in marketing
When you made a product for 6, 7 or 8 points out of 10, this is often enough.

If this frightens you, remember: all entrepreneurs with whom you are competing face the same time limit. If they make decisions slowly, and you quickly, then you win.

Avoid the status quo
When we refuse to decide, this is also a solution. When stuck, ask yourself: Will I support the status quo or move forward? All decisions are related to expenses. Usually what keeps you is either fear or lack of information. Obtain all the necessary data and do not be afraid to put it on yourself.

So you will find out that every small decision you make either moves you in the right direction or becomes an important lesson that you need to learn.

Do not hurry
Despite the title of the article, sometimes it is important not to rush to make decisions. Let's say you feel that you are just ripe for a solution, so do not let anyone rush you. Consider the difference: do not postpone it indefinitely, but take time for a little reflection.

Make a plan: why, how and what
why you are trying to achieve it and how you plan to achieve it. Your mission (why), values ​​and strategies (how) and indicators (what) serve as guidance and filters for your decision-making.

With the help of this formula, many questions are answered by themselves.

Realize the main reason for your hesitation
Ask yourself if the fear (unpreparedness and incapacity) has become the cause of hesitation or anxiety (not feel prepared and able). If this is fear, move in small steps. Learn from everyone and quickly repeat. Let the steps be small, but fast. This makes it possible to create true self-confidence.

Break the decisions into small pieces
Break up one big solution into several small ones so that you can test, evaluate and change if necessary. And also reduce the risk and can quickly adapt.

Appreciate that the worst and the best can happen. Make a decision and do not turn around.
Start with a simple assessment: what is the worst that can happen? And what is the ideal end result? Then make a decision and either drown or swim. At least, you made a decision. Being an entrepreneur means that you are a leader, and no one wants to see a leader as weak. Speed ​​is power.

Get rid of small solutions
Take away a few solutions from your life to focus on the most

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